What makes Rikku the best Final Fantasy girl?

What makes Rikku the best Final Fantasy girl?

Actually, Lightning is the best.

the thong

Al-bhed get out, yah?

Racism isn't ok when the person in question is as cute as Rikku.

She presses all the right buttons

>Tight body
>Wears a thong bikini as everyday wear
>Cares about her loved ones
>Wants to get married and breed like a rabbit
>Perky personality
>Green eyes
>Good with machines and tools
>Infectious grin

Probably the fact that she's underage and wears a thong.

green eyes, nice hair, great clothes, she is a cutie, nice body


She's not underage in Spira. With the imminent threat of Sin, 15-17 year olds are encouraged to get married and start having kids


I like fang

Card-carrying member of the Order of Making My Dick Diamonds with Exposed Midriffs that is Final Fantasy's purest gift to the world.

thanks nomura

The fact that she's blonde and cute.

tifa would look better with shorts.

She's also exotic looking.

Is FFX steam version worth the bucks? I already own PS2 international but I feel like replaying it to completion again.

She has a hot cousin she can invite over for threesomes

They look so satisfyingly punchable.



>he doesn't like lightly punching cute tummies
what are you, gay?

They are there to be licked and sliding your palms over them.

An incomplete list, though. Missing Quistis, Lani, X-2 Yuna, Fran, Aranea, the female cast of Type 0, and any XI or XIV characters if any qualify.

I bet you wouldn't even spank a nice ass, pussy.

Stop discussing waifus for a second and respond to my videogame related question you bunch of faggots

Prettier graphics, nothing more. Ask yourself if you want it.

Try the general next door -->

>I want to play game
>should I buy game
Your question is fucking retarded.

Is FF10 and X-2 any good? I have that and got a PS4 on layaway.

What about performance?

Already asked, got one (1) answer and they continued circlejerking.

Did you even read my entire post faggot?


>>What about performance?
Why don't you look this shit up yourself, retard?
Think alone for once.

X2 has easily the best combat gameplay.

Oh excuuuse me I don't know why I thought the vidya board was for discussing vidya. You absolute fucking retard. If you want to discuss porn and waifus you have a lot of other boards for that. Don't make me report this shitty thread.

>unholy mix of turn based and action based abomination
Go fuck yourself.

Performance isn't sonething you discuss, you look at the tests and what you get there are facts.

>being a tastelet

Or, you ask other people who own the damn game about their opinion and experience.
Because that's what a site like this is for, you fucking autist.

Spoonfeeding was never a thing on this website, you must confuse it with Reddit again.

Spoonfeeding is giving the source for something or giving the solution to a chore.
Asking for an opinion is not asking for source.
How old are you?

Gameplay wise she might just be the most overpowered character in final fantasy, even stronger than Orlandu
>Her overdrive lets her do almost every fucking buff in the game
>With Comrade overdrive setting she gets a buff every 1-2 turns against the end game bosses
>Can entrust to Tidus/Wakka so they can spam their multihit overdrives
>Amazing in ffrk
>god tier in ffbe

>Spoonfeeding is giving the source for something
>Hey guys, how is the performance?
Neck thyself.

I'm done with your bait. Fuck off.

She's extremely used goods judging by her outfit. Probably has slept with thousands of men.

So several men each day?

>what you wear defines your promiscuity

Allahu Akbar my friend

That makes no sense, a Muslim would be offended by Rikku.

But Al-bhed are literal muslims.

They aren't. They are the ant muslims of spira, they actually give a shit about technology advancement and don't stick to a holy book that tells them it's wrong.

I was referring to how muslims more than anyone judge a woman's supposed promiscuity based on what she wears.

Dude, Yevon is literally christians' God.

FFX was ahead of it's time in making excuses for and protecting muslims. Think about it, Al Behd are innocent oppressed sand people who feel the need to cover their faces. They took the whole religious and political nature out of them, and instead made Yevon (re: conservative christians) the bad guys keeping the noble savages down. And it all came out before 9/11 even happened.

>Sup Forums mode off

I want to marry Rikku

And stay off.

>feel the need to cover their faces
Pretty sure they wore those masks because they lived in the desert and it kept sand out of their faces. Not everyone wore them even.

>noble savages
They had far more advanced technology than the Yevon worshipers.

That's what I think too. Leather skirts does nothing for me and they will never let you see her panties anyway so might as well wear tight ass shorts.

They all wore goggles to hide their swirly eyes, the only way to tell if someone is Al Bhed, from intolerant bigoted evangel-...Yevonites, as well as to keep the sand out.