What's her name Sup Forums?
What's her name Sup Forums?
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Kirby Epic Yarn
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Sonic Adventure
Last Dream
Champions of Norrath.
My end-game character could swing so fast that some of the hits wouldnt register.
>rng: THE GAME
What does your pic have to do with what you posted, faggot?
Anyway, conkers bad fur day remake, multiplayer was fun
Red pill me.
>Get into game late
>Community has been dead for years
Because I want comment on the picture.
Fuck off Sup Forumstard
I've never seen anyone talk about Orcs Must Die on this board
Thats cuz its dumb, ur dumb
Ok, but touhou is a shit A S.H.I.T
kek, hit a nerve
You'll outgrow meme-speak someday
Still the best top-down dungeon crawler I ever played.
I wish there was something similar for PC.
wew lad
Deadly Creatures for the Wii. You play as a scorpion and a tarantula and take part in a story involving humans looking for gold. It's told from they're perspective and you crawl around fighting other bugs and creatures. It was a really cool beat em up that no one remembers.
That's like your opinion dude.
I only want comments since I am assembling a genuine comment collection for the artist behind the pictures.
I see you
miyamoto's best game.
I thought i was the only one that liked this
It's a shame there are no discussion threads but I consider it to be an amazing game
This shit was great.
>Glitching the upgraded M16 W/ Grenade launcher on zombies so you can get three guns
I don't even browse Sup Forums. I took the black pill.
Widget for the SNES.
I rented it from Blockbuster probably a dozen times because I could never beat it.
My fellow african. I miss these style of games in general. Hunter the Reckoning, Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, Champions, D&D Heroes, etc.
Why did they stop. ;_;
First weeb game I ever played
cool concept. too bad it was shit in every conceivable way possible
Alternatively, Zombie Panic Source.
>I took the black pill
red pill me on the black pill
i didn't take the game so seriously because JON BLOW is a pretentious shit, but the game actually is very very deep and you can't talk with anyone about the message of the game because that pretentious stigma.
Oh man, i played this a lot a long time ago.
>the plane of torment challenge
Tell the artist he is a worthless shill and should commit sodoku for pandering to you autists that shit up a peaceful taiwanese throat singing forum.
If I could bring it back I would, one of the most unique and interesting strategy games out there. Winning took the perfect blend of speed, precision, planning and a bit of luck. Fuck's sake, you win the game by PHYSICALLY KIDNAPPING the enemy priest and SACRIFICING HIM TO THE GODS
One of the first games to be mass pirated too, and how did the game devs react? They said fuck it, put the game download up on their website for free and diligently maintained the servers for years and years afterwards. Absolute bro-tier. You could still see them online occasionally even 10+ years after the game was mostly dead.
I had a lot of fun with this. So did my little sister and I got her the sequel as a present.
Everything sucks. You can't fix six billion people. Your vote doesn't mean shit.
This unironically. It may be a kid's game, but goddamn it's easily my favorite MMO
Take a seat.
What does your sister smell like
Fuck yeah, those and the Baldur's Gate ones were my favorites.
Blood & Magic
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
Can I un-take the black pill please and thank you
Nah. You can try, though.
Looks fun.
Never seen it mentioned, ever. And it was a good game, too.
>>rng: THE GAME
Git gud
Fuck I love this game, had a friend who bought a multitap and 4 of us spent all weekend playing the shit out of it..
Dat music.
Is the artist the same person who did Legend of Mana art?
Magic Carpet, specifically the second one.
Tons of spells, low altitude flight mechanics, looked great for the time and full of TECHNOLOGY like setting woods on fire and fully destructible terrain.
In 1994!
Sadly it's overlooked due to the mass of other better known Bullfrog games.
I can only imagine how nuts the multiplayer was.
This was fun but it got really repetitive.I wish they would have scrapped the towers, minefields and pointless locations and just added more camps to destroy.
As a kid Paper Mario 2 was my favorite game at the time, but everyone I showed it to hated it and thought it was boring. I expected as much from my siblings, but every single friend I had was completely uninterested in it.
Thankfully, I have since gotten better friends that don't have shit taste.
Outcast... and it's getting re-released. It got an 1.1 update for the classic version yonks ago and now a full remaster with Outcast Second Contact. The gamescom build was quite poor though
Aw, how nice!
I dont know why, but i loved this shit as a kid
I think so.
>Mfw I realize I was blackpilled since age 8
forgot the link
Instead we got that shit game everyone was excited about and forgot in a week
>beat the game as the dude with a dope spear
>unlock a few characters, decide to play as the mercenary
>after playing for an hour or so, go to save the game
>overwrite the save that I had for the dude with the spear
>quit game to go masturbate or something
>start up the game later that night
>all data/levels/unlocked equipment for the spear dude is completely wiped
>mfw I found out you have to keep a separate save file for each individual character
I dropped the game for like 3 years after that, but I did eventually beat it and it was worth it
Why this game is so short...
You're just a debbie downer and I shag your mum on Thursdays
>Dropped his cool friends for autistic gaylords
Found the furfag.
It is a huge shame too. The game had its flaws, but I really liked the setting of Magical Starsign and would love if there was more discussion about it. There were tons of plot points that were left open.
Yes. There was also a predecessor to Magical Starsign on GBA with the same artstyle, but it never came out in the west.
Best game ever.
Jade Cocoon on Ps1. It had that awesome Ghibli artstyle and a really cool breeding system for monsters but it never gets mentioned on Sup Forums.
Clearly my favourite game from that time.
Zen through Nihilism
Neither determinism or predeterminism matter
We just are
what the FUCK did you just call me
I got through the first dungeon took a break and never went back
It said a bunch of words that didn't make sense and it didn't look to be explaining them any time soon so just came off as up it's own ass and the gameplay wasn't good enough to save it
>only you
i think you misread op
im sure a few other people gave a shit about pic related but i'm the only person i know who liked it.
Hotel Dusk/Last Window
I love how fucking Spopovich is on the cover. What a weird choice.
It was a good game till the desert of rng retardation, kidd, git better taste.
I am the only one who unironically loved this shit. The weird controls, the fucked up camera, the Animu story, loved it all.
don't tell me what to benis