ITT: Still mad
ITT: Still mad
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Now that that's out of the way, I, too, am still mad.
Don't worry, I'm sure Metal Gear Survive will scratch that horror itch.
Kick me while I'm down, why don't ya.
Did someone say MAD?
>new game gets announced for long running series
>at least a year until release
>"I can't wait for this game to come out. Never played any other games in this series but I always wanted to get into "
So then with over a year to go, why not just play the games in that series that have been out?
I don't understand how they could fuck up this bad.
Death Standing looks more interesting anyway desu, I think it worked out for the best.
Me too OP...Me too.
This hurts a little bit
Monster Hunter World?
Is Junji Ito still working with Kojimbles on his new game or did he drop out after this got canceled?
I don't think that there will ever be a time when i am not mad about this.
I wasn't really mad at the shitty endings, I was mad about the fucking nonsense. The game is supposed to be about an advanced synthetic trying to purge advanced races and then some fucking ghost kid shows up and gives tells you a bunch of nonsense, not to mention that the Protheans turn out ot be passive aggressive cunt bug people.
And P5 and Diablo 3 and starcraft 2 and etrian odyssey and fire emblem and final fantasy and so on and so forth
what the fuck is peoples problems?
What the hell is this?
Why is Big Boss wearing Joel's face?
>contextual dialogue that makes no changes in a linear game
What did they mean by this?
Because Joel is from a zombie game
Metal gear survive is a zombie game
Jesus Christ how often does this chick beat his ass? Drake is a bitch.
it was gonna be the best psychological horror game to be ever made
I've been watching some guy giving an in depth story playthrough of the good games in the series and man I freaking miss these games. It has a better lore/story than at least 90% of other games easily. More importantly though this stuff is all tightly written with no major plotholes or flaws in the writing. SH 1-3 are masterpieces and while 4 isn't as good as the other games I still enjoy it for what it was and it had a ton of great moments as well. It even has one of the best monster designs in the entire series.
The power of Android, ladies and gentleman. This is why iOS developer account is 99$ per year instead of the 20$ for life of Google. You do this and Apple sends a dead squad to kill your parents and pets.
Looks like the rusty cage hasn't been broke
gonna break this rusty cage.....
>shooting action gear game
Dont you fucking do this to me you bastards.
O shit guys
>release date: 2015
I find this more funny than rage inducing t b h
Fuck this kills me. I wanted this. Heavy metal album cover demon slaying in first person. Fucking hack devs decided to make a meme zombie game instead.
The funniest thing abot ME3 and its nonsensical plot is that the reapers claim organics and artificial intelligence can never live in peace, when you can LITERALLY broker a peace between the geth and quarians, who have been waging war against each other for over 300 hundred years.
>not jacking it to femdom beatings and black women taking their shoes off
That game was never supposed to existe. It's called Death Strading now.
SH meets MGS.
Nothing will ever bring me back to respecting them again. Even if they made the game exactly as it was meant to be, with the same creators and all and formally apologized, the salt will still linger.
the most ludicrous thing about ME series, but mostly magnified in ME3 was that it pretended that the milky way galaxy was this tiny fucking place where organics were a scourge, meanwhile having most of the ''wisest'' species still have their sentimental attachement to their homeworlds (while they collectively have the ability to terraform worlds to their respective needs) which also impairs them from taking action to save themselves because they're so preoccupied with defending their rocks
basically every species in ME3 went ''muh Earth'' - or the equivalent for their homeworld, instead of following the more vast and cosmic perspective of the prior games. That really clued me in how much Bioware had lost its writing talent
only the first 10 minutes/several cycles were good. builds up tension and the appearances are freaky.
but after they ran out of ways to continue building tension it just gets boring. the fetus isnt scary, the red corridors where you run fast with eyes on the walls arent scary and the puzzles to beat it are dumb. all thats left after the first few cycles is the same jump scare if she gets you.
those first bits are so good everyone is quick to forget the rest of the demo is shit and such a thing would not be possible to recreate in a full game (ie not just looping the same hallway over and over)
He's been through how many fist fights? How does he get overpowered by a girl?
Well do you believe the ruse now?
>generic space-western
Looked incredibly boring and staged.
PREY 1 was better.
Fuck off, Pete.
There wasn't this kind of love and loyalty for earth, nor the other species' homeworlds in the previous games. Earth is described as a toxic and overcrowded metropolis in me1 and tuchanka is fucked beyond repair. I dont recall the asari or turian homeworlds being mentioned while quarians are nomads. The most ridiculous thing about this is that Shepard is not necessarily from earth, meaning if you're either a spacer or colonist you have literally no connection to earth other than the fact that you are human.
To be fair, she is a professional martial artist.
>Miyamoto-san, this is the direction our Paper Mario game is headed. What do you think?
I hurt myself today...