Why didn't he just destroy the combine if hes so powerful

Why didn't he just destroy the combine if hes so powerful

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He just got his suit off the dry cleaners

Gods can only intervene so much in human affairs.

>Gordon Freeman
>G man

Because he has rules i guess?

Dude, he's the one who brought in the crystal in Half Life 1 which set off the events to lead Combine to notice Earth and invade it. He's responsible for literally everything.

>observer effect
>he cant directly be involved or the outcome will change.


He's also trying to save New Eden at the same time. Guy's got a lot of shit on his plate.

because he has a stake in what they're doing

I dont think opposing force is canon

he is the combine

he's probably just bored

Because where is the fun in that?
Just because you have all power does not mean you will automatically make everything perfect
Why not watch and see how it plays out, as long it doesn't pose a threat to reality there is nothing wrong with watching

Where did Gman is powerful came from? I always thought he was slightly above vortigaunt level.

Puppet Masters are never strong. They just pull at the right strings.

That's the precise reason why Gearbox is so shit and Opposing Force is only put on a pedestal by people who forget stupid shit like the G-Man re-activating the bomb and ANOTHER military unit getting sent to clean up the incident that the HECU were already sent to clean up.

>HECU gets rekt
>implying they wouldn't send in another unit to clean house
Not sure what you are bitching about. OpFor was genuinely good.

He has limited interaction with our universe.

He's not that powerful, the fucking vort's are stronger than him.

Also don't forget:
>Black ops are only supposed to clean up HECU that got left behind for some reason
>Black mesa feels much smaller
>Single warhead destroying an entire facility that's mostly dug into rocks deep underground
>Said warhead is the size of a briefcase
W78 for scale.
OF was good, but some of the plot was a bit silly.

the 2nd military force was in HL1 though

maybe he just fell while... walking... by the bomb. or he's picking up a contact lens -- maybe it fell out of his eye while talking to a friend???


The black ops were there to wipe out everything though, and I'm not sure why you're nitpicking a suitcase nuke in a game full of aliens, teleport tech, gauss cannons etc

Did they ever reveal who the GMan was or what his intentions are in the leaked script?

Is he a God or something?

Because in a game with aliums, teleportation tech and guns that break down the atoms in your body, having a single nuke detonated in a parking garage destroy a giant underground bunker like black mesa is the "rocks fall everybody dies" of storytelling.

He's not such a bad guy really. Nice suit.


I get it now, it's because it's Gordon Man! Gordon Man is form the future where Gordon FREE Man is no longer a free man so it's just Gordon Man. OMG You open my eyes user. Brb writing letter to Gaben and Randy Pitchfork.

OMG thx user Half Life 3 will happen I know

Even if you had every Valve employee past and present in fornt of you tied in chairs and you had a fucking crowbar and a lie detector nobody could tell you what G Man is because no one has ever known who he is. It's just a deus ex machina that would never be explained either way.

>HECU gets BTFO and pull-out
>waah why the ebil govt sent more professinal people

Because G-Man worked for someone, he isn't a lone-wolf. If he were the ressonance cascade would never even happen.


Also VERY related video.


>gman barely has to do anything to get black mesa to cause the resonance cascade
>if he physically intervenes in HL2 the combine will be alerted and take precautions against him

>I have agreed to certain, limitations.
It's like you didn't even play Episode 2.

Considering that g-man is old Gordon-freeMAN from future, who said he didn't?

>Resonance Cascade was Gordon's first day at work

>the right man in the wrong place can make all the difference

Haven't played OF. Do they really say its Gordon's first day? How the fuck would that make sense?

But that's wrong.

Kinda does, would explain why his 'job' was just pushing a potentially hazardous mystery Crystal into a Laser beam while all the important people watched from the safety of an observation room when they had perfectly good machines and such which would have done the job just as easilly

he'd obviously had other jobs before then, but it was his first day at black mesa. that's why his work amounted to being the guy who has to walk over and push the buttons

To be fair, I think it was actually decay and not OPFOR.

True but everyone knows your name well before and there seems to be some amount of mutual respect with the other scientists.
Also we don't know how much other stuff could've been involved in the process, imagining that the cascade hadn't happened.

Also, Hl2 proves that Gordon worked at black mesa for much longer than a day, indicating that the Gearbox expansions aren't totally canon.

>people forgetting this

He's not powerful, he gets rekt by the Vorts in Episode 1, and the Vorts got rekt by the Combine.

>outmatched by a bunch of vortigaunts
>so powerful

That's like saying a car mechanic can take one on if it were speeding right at him.

Direct confrontation isn't G-Man's forte. He manipulates events behind the scenes and intervenes with assets when necessary/his administrators desire for it.

>first day at black mesa
No it fucking wasn't, what are you talking about? Did you even play the games?

hey do you have an even shittier resolution for that image ? It's not quite illegible enough

tfw no more G-Man speeches

Isn't what you do in hl1 pretty much just culling the vorts? Maybe this was his plan, to stop a powerful opponent.

>that bigass computer
Feels like I'm watching a GMod video

It could be that it he wasn't trapped or unable to use his power, more like he was affected by knowing the vortigaunts knew about him and had some basic idea on who or how he works

Holy shit I've yet to play Opposing Force but that intro speech was insanely spooky, sounds like the intro to an SCP entry

>Have physical copies of all the Half-Life games
>No disc drive in my computer
>Steam ones activated on an old account
>Don't want to give nu-Valve my money
>Don't want to go through the effort of pirating all of the games individually

It's too bad this sucks because the guy who made the video has Adrian Shephard/Opposing Force start way too late in the video. Shephard flies in on day 1, gets shot out of the sky and wakes up on day 2 revived by a scientist. We know this because you can overhear some grunts in Blue Shift talking about how Shephard's team didn't make it. Blue Shift takes place during day 1.

In the video Shephard arrives on day 2, gets shot out of the sky and wakes up on the same day.

Would be really good if not for that major error.

>It's been TEN YEARS
>"Gabe Newell at E3 2012" actually happened
>All official news of Ep3 is "We're working on it no details : ^ )"

Half life three is actually never ever coming out. Just so you know that.

What if....
The Combine are only evil to prevent a greater evil from destroying the Universe?

>Implying Valve would turn down money

It's easier to take over the multiverse if someone already owns it. You don't have to do any heavy lifting, just take out the guy in charge

>Reminder that spending $100 in the steam-app qualifies for non-mechanical reproduction simulation.

>Implying Valve would turn down sitting on their asses doing nothing as Steam and their lootbox dispensers print money for them

So, something similar to the endboss from Half Life

g-man is greg and the combine is at war with the aperture science perpetual testing initiative
the combine is also aperture

No. The xen forces and the combine are similar in that they're both made of multiple species (xen through slavery, combine through synth assimilation). By killing the nihilanth, you actually freed them and assumedly restored their universe-altering powers.

it wasn't, Barry used to be friends with him

is this a Madoka reference

>opposing force
>You play the good guys

I've always hated op for.

I actually thought blue shift was more interesting in how it fleshed out black mesa desu.

>literally brings the crystal from HL1 in to start the whole thing

Well I'm sure Black Mesa doesn't hire often. He probably is the employee hired that month

because he is and employee


>>he cant directly be involved
>unfreezes freeman 20 years after black mesa specifically to incite the rebellion against combine forces
>doesn't unfreeze him as the combines attack so they can establish themselves and bring out their leaders so freeman can kill them

Because he doesn't want to destroy the Combine, that doesn't coincide with his interests. He only does shit that will benefit him and his masters. He and his agency could be objectively more "evil" than the Combine and we as players would never even know.

Googled the image.


Imagine you were some General Chucklefuck viewing this, basically a tl;dr version of the incident made possible because of cameras posted all across the facility, as well as on the suits of the protags. You just stare at the casualties count as the minutes go by, and glance at the cameras of some security guy and an egghead casually taking down soldiers and monsters.
Then the Combine come in and the war rolls out.

>when G-Man talks about how he saved Alyx despite her being a child and how he ignores naysayers he can't just "quell", a highly distorted image of Dr Breen appears on the screen behind him

We TTGL nao

He can't appear everywhere at any time. He set in motion the 7 hour war and prepped himself to be the Savior of humanity to he could steal Alex's prime cunny at the end of episode 3 once he had already reached a state of immortality. It was all for the pusy

>This PA system is now under military command
>Start hearing quiet radio chatter instead of constant updates on the facility going to shit

Actually sent a chill down my spine

Best theory so far

Could Mozart still be alive?

Could the nazis have been the bad guys all along?

this isn't id

>Gordon Freeman
>Gord n Free men
>Guard and free men

Could the gods have sent our boy to save the mankind?

I laughed

They were in Crack Life

But the thing is Shepard is shot down by a Xen Fighter, those only appear near the end of Gordons story which coincides with the millitary starting to losing it's grasp on the situation / Xen forces fighting back forceing the millitary into ordering a full scale retreat shortly after. Shepard arrives at blackmesa with the situation completely fubar'd possibly as reinforcements to a QRF which Freeman has been blasting his way through.

Personnally, despite the reference in blueshift, i've always felt Shapperds 'logical' arrival is shortly before Gordon reaches the cliff face at Surface Tension (not just because it's the fist place you see / recognise in OP4) with player control only being assumed around "forget about freeman". My reasoning being, I'd like to think millitary powers would not allow their helicopters to fly in hostile airspace unprotected if at all, which leads me to think they were not aware the Xen forces had fast movers till it was too late, and as such only began deploying their own jets after the fact. Sheppard, at least to me, arrives on site when the battle has certainly tuned or is turning in favor of the Xen forces, which IMO only starts happening after on a rail.

>they killed Half Life to make Artifucked

Is G-Man an alien?

That's pretty dumb, user

Don't be stupid user.

>artifact on day of release
>get half life 3 instead
>artifact was just a ploy to make people mad

Genius business strategy.

>get people mad enough to spread it everywhere
>game has become viral overnight
>corntroversy made the game a success
>lowered expectaions will make people go easier on HL3