2 months later

How can XIV even survive? And don't say Twitch viewership doesn't equate to the health of a game because there sure as hell is a very good correlation. 99% of the time it's pretty accurate.

People can play without streaming.

>Twitch views only matter when it supports my favorite game

Stay class Sup Forums

>pulling numbers out of your ass
>everyone who plays said game also watches twitch
>people like watching the game more then the streamer
That popular wow streamer could be playing XIV right now with still the same viewers because they like the streamer and don't care what he plays.

The Argus patch dropped today so those numbers are just as skewed as when you fags were posting Stormblood day 1 numbers

>FFXIV just announced by SE to have the most subscribers it's even had in its history
>they had to add two new servers to the EU data center in order to handle the influx of all the new players

Sup Forums is fucking retarded

I'm getting tired of this twitch view count measure of a game's success meme

i regret reaching max level in ffxiv, jesus fuck it's boring

Sodapoppin was streaming with 30k+ viewers.

WoWfags confirmed for cancer. Quit playing this brain dead game.

When has XIV ever had good numbers on twitch?

>any other mmo thread
>filled with xivfags telling them to go back to /vg/ or shilling their awful game
>xiv threads
>spammed with waifus
why do the mods do nothing about this, do they also play XIV? Fucking disgusting

FUNFACT: XIV was never popular and never will be.

I play XIV and I can tell you right now it's a frustratingly boring game to watch. On that note, WoW just released 7.3 and you're silly to ever use the Twitch audience as any sort of metric to a game's success.

Just got a sub to ff14. It's so fucking comfy man.

>10% of the time its 99% accurate

Really making my waterwheel turn friend.

If FFXIV didn't have catgirls or the trans-lizards, the game wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as it is.

It's fucking boring to play. I seriously pity anyone getting into the game now because of the incredibly story grind they have to go through, and the story isn't great besides a few moments in HW. Even when they finally get through it all and are max-level, they then have the grind to gear up just to do what? There's nothing to do at end-game besides the same, boring, uninspired instances. At least with WoW they try to make it interesting.

It really says something about the quality of MMO's when FFXIV is supposedly the second biggest.

>we went from Ysayle/Estinien/Alphinaud to Lyse/Rotating Character/Alisaie
What a fucking step down. At least Alisaie was great. Give me the Wonder Twins and Best Granddaughter and I'll be set. Alphy has such great chemistry with both his sister and Krile that it'd be outstanding.

>If FFXIV didn't have catgirls or the trans-lizards, the game wouldn't be anywhere near as popular as it is.
Most raiders and crafters I know don't give a fuck about races, and change races as soon as they get a reason, or just play anything but those races you mention.

The number one reason why FFXIV is getting so much attention is because it has a nice balance between various things to do with having a slight focus on casual play, ie. you can do good at anything without having stupid grind or losing your life and sanity like WoW

Alisaie was good enough for me, specially after coils, Lyse is trash and it was actually entertaining watching her in the story without actually doing nothing.

Raiders are a minority in MMO's. Very few people actually take raiding seriously.

Twitch viewership aside, I honestly don't see what raiders in FFXIV see in their raids that's fun. The raids have become just a boss model with mechanics. No locales, no tangential connection to the main story, nothing.

It's the equivalent of entering the final dungeon in a single player game and encountering every boss at the entrance . . .

I dunno user, to me the Raids are more like the optional superbosses of the games, especially since there IS a Final Dungeon for each stroyline/expac that has the prerequisite trash clearing and minibosses inside, even if they're just boring hallways as MMOs demand. There's also the 24 man raids if you're specifically looking for fancy locales.

I'm not a gay mmo player but maybe the people are busy playing FF instead of watching it. And maybe the WoW players are too lazy to move their fingers so they watch other people play and then try to order them to build how they would build that character and get mad when the streamer doesn't listen and starts to ddos them. Maybe WoW is for nigger cattle. Maybe you should die a fucking slow and painful death. Maybe I should come to your house and put my vagina inside of your dick. Maybe you should quit mansplaning

>put my vagina inside of your dick