Post games with good steam community's

post games with good steam community's


You are a retard.

>MFW this was the kind of shit I thought was epic when I was a teenager a decade ago

i know

>think acting like a retard in groups is funny because acting like a retard is funny
>think acting like a retard is just being a retard, full stop.
>acting like a retard in groups is FUCKING HILARIOUS because so much of the world is designed around the general population playing by the rules of companies, and when people act out they have no idea how to respond without digging themselves deeper into the pit of absurdity and nonsense

life is good, and then it's shit, and then it's fun

>ban someone for posting "WE"
>not expecting a flood afterwords
life is full of mysteries

It was funny on Sup Forums in 2007

You liked it before it was cool, great.

Five bucks says he's from Funnyjunk or some shit.


>someone invokes the reddit bogeyman
>"h-heh.. must be some 9gagger... us 4channers would never obsess over reddit or anything"

piss off

>acting like a retard in groups is FUCKING HILARIOUS because so much of the world is designed around the general population playing by the rules of companies, and when people act out they have no idea how to respond without digging themselves deeper into the pit of absurdity and nonsense
Nigger that's what I thought when I was thirteen

Not even memeing

thanks for sharing, we're all very proud

Who wants to think like a thirteen year old at twenty five?

all of us envy the thinking skills of 13 year old you, for certain. The rest of us were not blessed with the genetic miracle that allowed you to sit and ponder the greater ramifications of life under corporate rule.
Please stop making me feel bad by stooping low enough to engage in discourse with me, I'm sure there's a cancer you could be curing somewhere

wow epic raiding Sup Forumsros xD those ubicuck btfo

You sound like a humorless faggot.

Yes, congratulations on having the edgy delusions of a thirteen year old even though you're a grown ass man. Continue sharing your enlightenment, please.

I keep getting older and Sup Forums stays the same age

>ben garrison

>repost from yesterday
fuck you kid


Can someone explain this mess? What did I miss?

i dont want to play with memer frog posting shitters






ahahahahAHAHAHAhahaha *catches breath* blahahahahaaaahahahaha fwahaha

there are a certain group of mindless drones from knowyourmeme, funnyjunk, Sup Forums, and a subreddit called "kotakuinaction" who thinks it's acceptable to steal Sup Forums memes and culture and use them for their unironic agenda posts

You seem very knowledgeable, user. Hmmmm...

Yeah when I was 13


>Sup Forumsddit
>Good community

this is the kind of shit you'll be making posts about thinking it was cool a decade ago, if this cesspool is still around in a decade

Not the guy you're replying to, but you're calling him out for having the mentality of a 13 year old when you're the one acting edgy as fuck lmao senpai

Natural Selection 2.

It reminds me of the HL1/2 modding era. Its really quite something special, everybody knows each other and most people use mic.

that word doesn't mean what you think it means


they really struggled with those zeds

>shit ass maymays from here expire after a certain time and/or when normalfags start using it
>one of the main reasons why Sup Forums started to rejecte troll face and rage comics
>pepe and wojack become so big that it pops up everywhere on the internet. major celebrities and even the president use it
>people still post it on a regular basis
This place is normalfaggot central and any creativity was thrown down the fucking toilet
Some of you shitheads bitch about reddit, but you sure do love to beat off the same dead horse the same way reddit does.