16Hz tickrate

>16Hz tickrate
>P2P connectivity

why would anyone think this game possibly could be competitive?

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Does anyone think it's competitive?

Surprisingly enough though, I've never had any sort of connection problem with the game, it's always been really smooth.

It was designed for children.

For the same reason people try to treat SSB as a competitive game

>why would anyone think this game possibly could be competitive?

Literally no one thinks this.

Nintendo. They stream splatoon tournaments at Tokaigi and stuff not to mention the whole e-sport showcase they did with the first Switch trailer.

>why would anyone think this game possibly could be competitive?

But nobody does that?

>16Hz tickrate
The first and last fair point you'll ever make.

>P2P connectivity
Fix your Internet.

Objectively more competitively viable than Overwatch.

Splatoon has a competitive scene (and a damn good one at that), you utter retards.

SSB is made by a guy that openly loathes it's competitive scene and intentionally hinders it. The Splatoon team does everything to make sure Splatoon is competitively up to par (with the 16HZ being the only shortcoming so far). Overwatch is more like SSB.

There's literally tournaments, pro teams and an entire scene you absolute dunce.

Why is this a problem again? Top level gameplay is exciting and rather balanced. Little to no RNG you'd expect from a game that looks like this.

Factually wrong.

But I like squirting my fluid all over everything and everyone.

>P2P connectivity

After summer vacation ended in my area my connection has been running pretty damn smooth and have barely any disconnects. Little shits with dial-up connection aren't screwing things up for people

I shit on everyone though so it works for me

Blizzard tries and wants to make OW competitive. Problem is the team behind OW is obscenely incompetent at their job.

Wouldn't any competition be done locally anyway? The internet connection shouldn't matter for competitive play. Playing with random people online is obviously not competitive on this or any other game.

>>P2P connectivity

Worked for For Honor, at least for the first few months in its life.

>Objectively more competitively viable than Overwatch.

Yeah, nah. Splatoon has barely any interesting mechanics. Overwatch at least has variation. Both games are shit though.

>good "Competitive scene"
>365 viewers on Twitch

>Splatoon has barely any interesting mechanics
Overwatch literally doesn't. Splatoon has it's Ink Mechanics which allows

>fast movement
>the ability to travel on walls and other things you wouldn't normally be able to
It offers an extreme amount of movement options.

>Overwatch at least has variation
HAHAHA, you've never watched Overwatch. It's known for being slow and unbalanced.

>Both games are shit though.
No, just Overwatch.

>365 viewers on Twitch
Wow, it's nothing.

Overwatch fucking sucks, and it's barely different from most shooters, Splatoon is unique at least

>Overwatch at least has variation
that doesn't make a game competitive tho?

Meanwhile, the Splatoon 2 team is fairly competent and understands what a competitive game needs.

As someone who plays both Splatoon and Overwatch I have to say Splatoon actually has a higher skill ceiling than OW. A lot of things in OW are completely safe, low risk and are almost braindead easy to use.
For example, Tracer's abilities are very similar to the Dualie class in S2, Tracer can Blink around in a fight with no downsides and if she's ever in a bad spot, she can Recall, get out of the confrontation AND get her HP back. The dualies have a roll that's similar to Blink, however they have actual endlag at the end of the 2nd roll, meaning if you use it like an idiot you're going to get yourself killed. Or how Rollers NEED to be close range to be effective and get bent when caught by a long range weapon, but Genji can use his epic reflect thing until he's in close range.
Not to mention Splatoon actually has a proper ammo system where you need to mind your tank constantly. OW's ammo system is so simple that it's hardly worth thinking about.

Lastly, OW's ults are busted as shit in any shooter and can be thrown out at any time, used blindly, or as panic buttons for people in bad situations. None of that works in Splatoon 2, panic buttons have been removed and if someone rushes in and tried to use their special, they'll get killed.

I really enjoy both games but as far as shooters go, Splatoon > OW

p2p in a shooter is pretty shitty no matter how you spin it.

idk what that stuff means :O)

Because the combat mechanics are deeper than simply "hit the other guy". Thanks to the gyro controls and paint mechanics, this has to be the most lit shooter on consoles right now.

Overwatch is a ripoff of TF2 with MOBA cancer shoved in, don't forget to factor in the tiny maps and it's terrible.

Splatoon has more variety in its game types too

>Or how Rollers NEED to be close range to be effective


they can kill from some distance, but their are not effective.

Overwatch isn't a shooter

i reached my breaking point 4 days ago. i deleted my save file. never again.

I'm fucking pissed they took out showing deaths.



>Plenty of movement options
>No camping
>An actual objective
>Superior gyro aiming
>Weapons and abilities with repercussions

I don't know, man. Aside from the admittedly bad tickrate, Splatoon 2 is both fun to play and watch competitively. And as someone who has played both OW and Splatoon, yes, Splatoon 2 is a better shooter and without a doubt has a higher skill ceiling. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

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