How long does it take for a new gaming streamer to make a decent income?
It seems like the next big thing with more and more devs catering to streamers to help promote their games.
How long does it take for a new gaming streamer to make a decent income?
It seems like the next big thing with more and more devs catering to streamers to help promote their games.
You have to be entertaining or extremely skilled at games to get any attention.
Is this 2014 or are you seriously retarded enough to believe the market isn't saturated beyond recovery?
I wouldn't want to because all the top earning streamers spend 99% of the stream reading donation messages or thanking subscribers
>that Guilty Crown poster
So everything that makes me whore.
even if you have everything it takes to be a successful streamer (personality, skill) i feel like it'll take time and a considerable amount of luck to be big
If you're not a female, don't even bother. You're too late.
but if you have to be entertaining and skilled how come people like summit and lirik are so popular
>Amazon making their games with Twitch streaming in mind
>Twitch giving more options for streamers to make money and getting more advertisers
>Youtube facing problems with advertisers pulling out and demonetization
The market can only get bigger in the near future and it might be another one of those things that people regret not hopping on before it was too late.
So how fucked was his paypal after all those people claimed fraud and got a refund.
Its a little odd actually, being female can get you into the ~100 viewer ballpark, but very very few females make it to top streamer level. (3k+ independent of game.)
Just going by historical data you should've started at least a couple years ago, been entertaining, got a few really good hosts from top streamers which you milked for all they were worth, and put yourself on the map with some hot new flavors of the month like Overwatch and PUBG to break into that 1,000–2,000 average viewer range which, depending on your subscriber subscribers, might be the point where you'd be making more money than bagging groceries full time (about 400 subscribers plus some modest bits/donations)*. BUT that's ignoring the growth of Twitch, complete saturation of the directory, and less games people aren't completely burnt out on or are already getting their fix from go-to streamers, so you're gonna have a hard ass time getting started now. You might have to be predatory to make your mark now. Is there a streamer who has been streaming a game for a couple years that you're interested in streaming but is starting to get flaky on it and trying to segue into "variety streaming?" Try to buddy up with their community, get a host here and there, and snipe the viewers who want to watch that game. Be better than them and supplant them, they're probably going to lose those viewers once they move on from that game completely anyway.
*This can vary wildly depending on how charismatic you are and how consistent your schedule is. If you're constantly taking days off, delaying streams, getting frustrated and playing playing something no one is there to watch, or otherwise throwing fits over stuff, loyal viewers might tune in but it's a harder sell to get that monthly subscription. I've seen streamers destroy their job level revenue from streaming by refusing to treat it like a job. You get out what you put in. No one pays for spotty service.
At the end of the day though, there's no guarantee when you put all your eggs into the streaming basket. Thousands of streamers are stuck in double digit viewer hell and might never get out.
Not twitch related but I mostly make youtube videos but people usually ask me to stream, how many subs and shit do I need before adding a donation option? I don't want to turn people off.
Yeah but what female streamers lose in amount of people watching them. they gain in donations, I'd wager.
>Youtube facing problems with advertisers pulling out and demonetization
what's so wrong with youtube these days?
Pewdiepie saying nazi shit which caused the beginning of the end of youtube ad revenue. Btw, isn't pewdiepie your guy, Sup Forums? After all, he did get his start here on this shitty autistic website.
You can add a donation option through streamlabs immediately. It's a third party service so Twitch doesn't even take a cut from it.
You can get a twitch sub button an one emote for your subs through the Affiliate program at 50 followers, 3 average viewers, 7 unique broadcasts and at least 500 minutes of broadcasylt in the past month. Being an affiliate lets people sub to you and donate in bits but Twitch jews take 50% from subscription income.
I mostly stream on youtube tho but that streamlab thing doesn't seem annoying to people.
Translation: 80% of viewers watch 20% of streamers and of the top 20% streamers, 80% of the money goes to 20% of those guys. That's how pretty much everything in life works so it shouldn't be surprising.
Here are a couple of #protips for streaming :
Don't immediately go with the MUH monies aspect or do the obnoxious LIKE FOLLOW SUBSBRIBE :DDD bs or beg for donations. Stream the games you like, invest in a good microphone, connect with a good graphical artist who can make attractive panrls for your stream.
Build up the audience bit by bit. Hang out in other streams similar to your size and once you make friends with people, you can host them / raid their streams and they will do the same to you. Do not approach people immediately with "you blow me I blow you" deals though, people will smell desperation. Connect with like minded people, make a good impression to other streamers as a watcher, make a few strategic donations here and there and build connections before diving in. When you get your regulars built up, you can start approaching streamer groups around the genre / series you like to play and synergize to get your names out there a bit.
I saw a bit of this guy's Crash remaster run. Holy fuck he is a total douche full of himself, how can people donate that much to this piece of shit?
You're right. Quit your job and forward your boss my resume.
>Pewdiepie is killing Youtube
He's my guy now.
>being this much of a newfag /r9k/ poster
Youtube is dogshit for streaming. Set up a Twitch account and upload recordings on Youtube.
If you don't already, set up a Twitter account with the same name as your Youtube / Twitch account. Set your Twitch name to something you won't be ashamed of later btw.
Appreciate your regulars even if they aren't donating to you or giving you anything concrete. Especially if you get regulars who have quality bantz that make the chat comfy and fun t9 hang around in for others, TREASURE THOSE PEOPLE. If you treat your viewers well and don't get pushy about donations follows or subs you will generate positive word of mouth which generates more viewers, followers / subs in the longer run.
Here's a couple of don'ts :
-Don't make your rules a massive wall of text, a simple "don't be a cunt" suffices in the start
-Don't mod your first few regulars immediately until there is need for moderators. Seeing a row of nothing but mod swords scares off people who are shy about chatting
-Don't overload your stream with "funny" voice clips, spammy bot commands and meme youtube clips whenever something happens, people want to see the game / streamer and not meme garbage. Use in moderation.
>-Don't overload your stream with "funny" voice clips, spammy bot commands and meme youtube clips whenever something happens, people want to see the game / streamer and not meme garbage. Use in moderation.
I dunno. People love forced memes.
Summit would probably crush you in most FPS games though.
Neither of them are that entertaining, but they've become big enough that they can't really fail anymore.
Ive heard in High Schools that the #1 job preference for kids is now Youtuber/Streamer
It's very hit and miss and it gives off an amateur stink.
Counterpoint, if you have a hot girlfriend or a hot sister you could do co-streams or have her stream on your channel to bait the thirstbucks from lonely betas. Hot sister is even better than a hot gf because if people don't know she has a bf she will rake in more donations. In ENB's case the sister IS his gf which is the optimal situation but he's too dumb to whore her out on stream.
But yeah I know a couple who streams and the girl is really hot so she gets a lot of donations from obsessives who want to fuck her so bad even though her boyfriend is often right there in the same stream lmao.
I think the market is quite stagnated. It hasn't gone anywhere. The only way for it to go anywhere from here is if Twitch makes their twitch client more game integrated. As is, they're independent from each other other than buying from a streamer's page grants the streamer a cut of the sale.
That isn't to say Amazon isn't trying, no they've been doing all what they can. In the end nobody sorta cares aside from Twitch Prime and a bit of Twitchcon. Twitch Prime is an attempt to get people to buy into Amazon while at the same time using that new client. Their partnership of free games has slowed down in the past couple months. They've brought bits for people to watch ads. Game sales to Twitch so streamers have an incentive to shill likewise with developers to put their game on Twitch. Twitchcon for the 3rd year.
As is, twitch integration of games has been pretty meh and mostly an afterthought. It's mostly chat voting on what to be forced to use or choices from. Not exactly riveting.
Also Breakaway is a boring game. That isn't just my opinion, if you watched the stream of that game, looked at Sup Forums, and other various communities you saw 'boring'. Their 2 other games might be different, but who knows.
This. I have a 6 year old cousin who doesn't to be anything else other than a "youtuber".
Realistically speaking, how long do you think streamers will last? You can't play video games forever. I doubt the donations you get will let you retire early, unless you're pewdiepie.
i would start by getting followers on youtube making LE MEME videos before starting twitch since it is easier to attract youtube subscribers, then when you start streaming you will have a decent foundation of viewers to start with.
I thought he was married to a nip with a radioactive uterus?
He WAS married.
He recently found out that she had lied about the miscarriages, she probably was just lying about the pregnancies altogether because one anchor baby was enough to get her into the States and after she got into the U.S they got divorced and she's trying to take their only child's custody. He got played like a damn pstripple
There's no point in even trying now. You missed the train years ago.
2013-2015 were prime years to get established on twitch.
Don't expect to get an audience unless some big streamer dies or africa gets high speed bandwidth.
holy shit
has anyone worked Encyclopedia Dramatic magic on his tale of woe and schadenfreude?
Dunno but his life has been a beautiful trainwreck.
What's kinda creepy that "a close associate" leaked the info about the miscarriages not actually being miscarriages last year along with revelations that enb's sister is certifiably insane and she has an unhealthy obsession with his brother.
How long does it take for an attractive girl playing gta 5 to blow up on twitch? How long until donations start rolling in?
The problem with ENB from the ED standpoint is that most of the funny shit happened when Bloodborne's dark themes coincided with stories of his wife squirting out miscarried babies while he was working on a guide for a game where a whore gets dicked by an invisible space nigger and produces a horrifying mangled mutant baby. Fuck, I think he broke down in his Bloodborne playthrough when he opened the chest which contained the "enb special dish" i.e the 2 aborted fetuses.
Oh by the by, Witcher 3 also had a quest where a miscarried ghost of a baby is haunting a castle or some shit and that probably caused him to drop his playthrough of that game.
But yeah, if you don't know your Souls, enb isn't as inherently funny trainwreck like DSP is, he's not a huge cunt, at most he's a whiney fuck because he has to play DS3 for the views until his sister lets him cum inside her again to make him calm down or something.
Nobody watches Gta 5 on twitch. Atleast its not consistent. A girl on League where 3/4 of her screen is face cam gets showered in donations tho.
I started making four thousand a month pretty quickly.
All you need is a cute GF to play games with you, and '''joke''' about maybe someday streaming yourselves having sex.
>Pewdiepie just told everyone to stop throwing money at potential streamers, even OP
Pewds is surely...dare i say it.../ourgoy/
Gf is a 10/10 Russian Blonde, but doesn't have an interest in games. What game can I get her to stream that won't have her bored to tears(league sounds fucking gay). I was thinking gta5 because of the story, but now Idk.
Forgive my rambling but yeah, here's a couple of reasons why ENB isn't a laughingstock like DSP is :
>most of the hilarity is deep in the past
>very little of it is Marcus'own fault besides veing way too trusting
>he isn't a cunt to his viewers generally
>when he's being a fag it kind of requires people to know / care about Souls deeply for it to have any effect
>he does not respond to trolling all that much aside from the time he read aloud comments where people were talking about fingering his daughter and rehabanon
The thing about female streamers is that they receive more donations for the small amount of viewers that they have.
If you enter any small female viewer stream and look at their top donations, you'll see hundred of dollars worth of donations for their small amount of viewers.
You don't even have to play games on twitch anymore, you can literally just sit in the IRL section with a full cam and just talk to chat
point the camera at her and YOU play whatever you want.
Just make her remember to not lift her hands/show it to the camera.
Make sure camera shows her face and cleavage and nothing else. Ttry to hide the background as much as possible.
Good luck.
I already knew that shit, though I'd love to see a clip of the ENB special dish reaction.
I stopped paying attention to ENB more than a year ago, this was the first I'd heard about the divorcerino.
>Friends all get heavily invested in Twitch
>Some start streaming, others just watch gameplay
>Play a game, recommend it to friends
>"lol user just watched that on twitch whats the point"
>Watch a stream
>Dumb shit all over the screen, guy pauses the game and has a smoke break
>Switch streams
>Fat black girl can't play overwatch and just spends the time conversing with the delayed chat
>This ugly creature STILL gets donations and subscribers because she's a girl
I hate twitch so fucking much.
Please tell me this market is going to be over-saturated soon so we can move on from this bullshit.
Also she's a senior studying chemistry, I was thinking I could put her in front of a camera for the "IRL" category while she studies and monetize off that.
32 DDD, 25" waist and looks like a Russian doll. Buku bucks.
From my understanding you only need about 300-ish regular viewers to decent enough to do it full time.
So long that you probably won't care. Especially if you want it to be your job. Most of those popular streamers have been doing it since the beginning. At best you'll get like 2-7 viewers.
Seriously, don't even think about streaming. I'm not sure why you even had to ask?
or female. Double the easiness if you have a big chest as well.
Twitch has rules against cleavage cams if it's too blatant. You can get banned for that so make sure it's not overly blatant.
imo, doesn't work with regular viewers unless you are a glorified meme channel.
Does shitty electronic music work? most people have it on +10 minutes videos.
Summit is like top 100 in CSGO and he'd most likely dumpster you in every FPS game you can care to name.
Lirik sucks at video games, but he got popular for being a fairly good DayZ player.
You have to get early access to a game and the be good at it, its how Seagull and bunch of others were top streamers even before OWs comp started.
>certifiably insane sister
post the sauce
>Play a game, recommend it to friends
>"lol user just watched that on twitch whats the point"
there's your fucking problem, stupid
you did a game run with a game that has no replayability
>Decent Income
If you don't know any big streamers that you can piggy back off of then you're probably wasting your time.
Only streamers that make it big nowadays are friends of bigger streamers and Pro players/Ex pro players. Also Youtuber that already have a following migrating over
You have a better chance of becoming pro in a game and making a living that way as opposed to making a livable wage off streaming.
>Only streamers that make it big nowadays are friends of bigger streamers and Pro players/Ex pro players.
Not really true. You just need to be good at a video game or entertaining. MacieJ is a new streamer who regularly gets 4K viewers now for being really good at RB6S.
However if you're the average Sup Forums loser who sucks at videogames and has no personality then tough luck.
The divorce announcement was funny as shit. If you get off on another person't misery, check his DS3 Skitterheart playthrough ep. 3 59 minutes 40 seconds in where he tells people about the divorce and the impending custody battle he is about to face. His voice breaks and he looks like he's about to burst into treats. I watched the part like 100 times over because his suffering was way too delicious.
Also his ex wife apparently racked up a shitton of debts to him.
Theres an IRL section on Twitch now. She can just sit there watching youtube videos all day and interacting with chat if shes not into video games
>Only streamers that make it big nowadays are friends of bigger streamers and Pro players/Ex pro players.
Rampage Jackson's a streamer on PUBG too
Mia Khalifa's a streamer for IRL
T-Pain kinda streams too
>i bet that wets your whistles
user, the reason streaming is a popular way to advertise is because it costs next to nothing. great for devs, not so great for the cucks shilling the game. i bet most of the small streamers don't even receive monetary compensation, they just get exclusive early access in exchange for contractual streaming hours. you have to already be big to get paid for your audience
for what reason
How underage do you have to be to still want to get into this shit?
summit play csgo at a near professional level and is no.1 in pubg kill rating or some shit like that. And im sure redditors like his humor too
If he only knew
That poor, stupid bastard.
Post pics.
ramble about crazy sister please
google gives me nothing
One of my favorite things about the wife was that he said recently that she was actually pretty ugly and that he married her "for her personality". No wonder he liked to bump uglies with his sister tbqh. His sister is mildly trashy but probably leagues above the wife. And apparently fiercely protective of his big bro.
I mean if you're coming to Sup Forums of all places for advice you're hopeless.
What with all this shit about him banging his sister? I haven't watched ENB since Dark Souls
>these wall scrolls
ttgl is the only saving grace
I think this is exactly what I'll do, and then have her do irl when she studies and interact with the chat.
Thanks guys.
Only pic I'm willing to post.
Pls no detective
t. BigHerp
summit is trash. he let himself go
>top 100
lmao wtf are you on about literally the only thing he's known for in competitive CS is losing his team the game by walking into his own molly
is that a tattoo
Becoming a popular streamer depends on the following things
>Having connections with other popular streamers
Many people have kicked off their stream because they made an appearance on a popular streamers channel, were hosted by them, or are friends with them and were mentioned in some way. From their its a snowball effect, people see that you have viewers so they come and you get more and more viewers.
>Having a pair of tits
>Getting lucky
Kripp is a good example of this. He was a bottle pissing, perma virgin, basement dwelling, literal who until Diablo 3 came out. People started watching him at this time for no apparent reason (there were many other choices better than him) and he skyrocketed into twitch fame. He now has a wife to service his cock on a daily basis and makes thousands a day and is a massive internet celebrity.
>Being an pro gamer or a former pro gamer
Kinda falls in with the first one. You have to have connections to be a pro gamer. But once you are, you will be guaranteed a sizeable chunk of viewers depending on how regular you are.
You dont get popular by being good at a video game. You dont get popular by having a good personality. For proof of this you can head on down to the 2-3 viewer trenches of twitch and find people who are much more entertaining and/or skilled than those who regularly get 20k viewers.
I wish I had saved the original post on it but I swear it is true. I'm at work anyway so I'm a dumb mobileposter.
Anyway the short of it is that the sister has spent time in a mental institution and that the associate was afraid for the ex-wife's safety because the sis is apparently "viciously protective of marcus and unstable". I thought it was like the other unverified leaks on user boards i.e most likely bs but the info about the miscarriages was completely on point.
And yes, before you ask, I'm a bit "invested" into epicnamesis myself but the whole situation is messed up.
I literally cannot comprehend why someone would give this fuck more than $5 or any money at all desu.
>Twitch has rules against cleavage cams if it's too blatant.
Is that an old rule? I don't visit twitch much, but there's always lots of cleavage in the IRL section.
She's cute, congrats.
Yeah, an atom. She's almost got her bachelor's in Chemical engineering.
Alot of lonely people with disposable income want to be acknowledged by "celebs".
He's probably not top tier anymore, but he definitely was during his prime when his channel was growing.
Molly memes aside, he'd destroy you 1v1 any day.
Kripp is a mathemetician. He was ahead of the curve on theorycrafting new builds in PoE and D3. He was also a very good Hearthstone player thanks to his background as a statistician.
damn. good luck and hope your plan works out
The only two ways you could feasibly become popular these days are a good gimmick involving viewer interaction and never dropping character (which I don't recommend because it's clearly fucking exhausting, everyone I've seen try it always has to stop at some point because it's just way too draining to be the dancing monkey every day) or extreme nepotism, big guys constantly promoting you until a decent chunk of their fanbase sticks (this is how an unfunny hack like JackSepticEye managed to go from a nobody to absolutely huge in the span of like a year, SeaNanners and his crew were constantly shilling for him). Neither is all that realistic, the ship sailed years ago for all average joes. Women can still easily break into the scene since Twitch sided with tittystreamers years ago and now you don't even have to play video games to stream on their site.
Let's just say that ENB and his sister are really weird about each other and those who are 'in the know' will not be horribly surprised if they learn just how close marcus and his sister are.
Obvious Kripp fanboy, jesus christ dude dick ride harder will you? You are actually pathetic.
>Kripp is a mathemetician. He was ahead of the curve on theorycrafting new builds in PoE and D3
alkaizer embarrassed him in a youtube video and shit all over his garbage PoE build. Kripp also has the personality of a piece of cardboard. kys
Thanks man, yeah she's great. A real gem.
I started streaming today and got 4 viewers while playing Gears 4. Made me too nervous so I stopped. I'll probably try again tonight but holy shit this is weird.
Most people seem to be lucky, connected to famous people or an attractive female.
I whored my sister out as a streamer. She lives with me in my apartment, so I take a cut of her donations since I'm the one who set everything up.
How much do you make?
>with disposable income
Sure for some people. Usually it's some beta fuck, or child, that thinks mister streamer is their friend. They get a little high that they responded to their funny message and does it again. And again. And again and again and again.