Would you torture a mini hitler clone?
Would you torture a mini hitler clone?
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why has he raised his arm?
Would you feel jealous if your friend fuck a clone of your gf?
oneyplays are the funniest lets players on youtube haha
>hurr durr, look at my stupid face
>haha why would they write that
>haha look at that stupid face do the voice for that stupid face
>hurr durr, look at my stupid face
I wish I could remember the name of the doujin that had this plot.
remember to report and sage e celeb shit
dude hypotheticals lmao
The editing for Oneyplays is fucking top tier, Chris tries way to hard at forcing something funny out every ten seconds, Julian and Dingdong without Chris is comfy
t.Sup Forums
>have best friend from 3rd grade through first year of college
>we talked and joked with each other with funny noises
>he joined FEMA and travels the country
>never met anyone else that I can talk to like that
for 20 minutes a day I get to relive the good old days
Would you rather get a nice tan or talk to a man?
I want to ______ Oney.
>Chris tries way to hard at forcing something funny out every ten seconds, Julian and Dingdong without Chris is comfy
Fat gay faggots
Hey Rod,
zoom out
now zoom in
now zoom out again
now invert the colors
now ban this thread
There's an ungodly amount of porn of Dingdong
tell me about ding-dong
why does he like the frogs
>he joined FEMA
has he discussed the matter with the senator?
If she still has the mind of my girlfriend, then yes, if not it's basically her twin sister, fuck the shit out of her bro
>There's not enough porn of Dingdong
have a boy xD
That's surprises me less than captain autism and his pasta
>Julian teasing DingDong on his frog fetish
No it's a clone it didn't do anything wrong
thats fucked up. what do people see in that fish face to draw porn of him
because tumblr don't know how to draw body gestures, also
>is anotyher Julian screams really loud episode
>Julian telling DingDong he will never satisfy his ultimate muscle fetish fantasy
not even I am this cold with my boyfriend, at least I try to tell him to do some tame possible ones he will be ok with it instead of telling him to mutate his body
Why would I?
God damn it user
>porn you say?
that ass sure makes me question my sexuality t b h
what if man ran in and then he funny scream
Dingdong will live. Somehow he alone manged to amass a sizable staff of people to work on The Best Gamers who also share his interest in video games. I do not understand Dingdong at all. He acts shy and depressed all the time and yet when it wants something he seems to get shit done and attract a cult like group of people to do it. Is there some sort of weird charisma to Dingdong that I do not understand?
This, I'm a lesbian but geez, that Dingdang is making me feel funny.
No. I'd like a tiny desk hitler who pretty much does nothing but spout nationalist propaganda in German in a small, squeaky voice. Podium sold separately
Dingdong is actually Jesus and he testing if us humans are worthy.
His knowledge of underground animation is so acute I desperately want to go where he lives and kiss him
Go home, Julian. Stop making the rest of us feel jealous.
Clones do not inherit memories from the original.
Why would you want to torture him?
Did Ding Dong even create TBG. He himself said he only took over editing duties later on.
That being said, I wish he would try to revive it with some more sane people.
I don't think even Hitler would torture a mini clone of someone for tortures sake
I'd nibble Ding Dong's lil' ears
>Did Ding Dong even create TBG
He was the writer, editor, and creator of TBG. Every joke, idea, and theme came from Dingdong's brain. Too bad it backfired a bit and most of his former friends are insane and are out for blood. Rockcock64 is the only one that doesn't hate him but he's a freak that is currently dating a tranny.
Girl here, why does this make me feel hot?
uh, no. that was Andrew Hussie.
>tfw Rockcock has fallen victim to the gamer gurrrrllll meme
I was in Sinko's discord for a while, jesus christ what a nothing personality she has
He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
His girlfriend is a tranny.
>Rockcock64 is the only one that doesn't hate him
Karnivor did the stream with them this year's E3. He obviously doesn't hate any of them.
What do you smell like?
I like this pasta.
Why would i torture a clone of the greatest human who ever lived?
Salty milk and coins.
Weird, I keep hearing that TBG ended because there was some bad blood with some of the staff.
idk about that, unless she's severely mentally ill and lies all the time. In her Discord she would always complain about her birth control making her sick and how it hurts when her cervix gets hit during sex
But they don't do facecam, user.
So, salted caramel?
Im fucking dead
What episode do they say this??
They need to get rid of Mick again.
>severely mentally ill
no way
How long until Ding Dong and Julian get doxxed?
Owen was so good in this one.
yea but to literally make up problems you've supposedly experienced when said problems only apply to biological, anatomically correct women? Gonna need some proof besides just hearsay
dingdong avatar it's just a shitty version of the shitty raving rabbids
>In her Discord she would always complain about her birth control making her sick and how it hurts when her cervix gets hit during sex
Who the hell talks about that to random people unless if they're looking for attention. They certainly wouldn't be above lying for it either.
for reference
I have a secret that might kill dingdong for you.
Have you ever wondered why Dingdong (and his characters) have porn suddenly. I'll tell you why, it's because he commissions their creation. I am one of those artists on his payroll, I've made a few hundred doing this. I cannot disclose the exact amount because he'd know who I am, and he's known to browse Sup Forums. I also cannot tell you who I am, obviously,
because he wants people to think that he/his games are popular, and he isn't forcing the creation of R34 to give the impression they're popular and well liked. Notice how all the porn pictures, in their hosted galleries, don't actually say something like "commissioned by [someone besides dingdong]", they all coincidentally are just lewd fanarts. I've already said too much.
How can anyone like this? It's just a bunch of screaming and obnoxious noises, pointless hypotheticals, and "We watched this shitty old show/movie, it was so shit."
Every now and then Ding Dong throws in a zinger but otherwise it's just unbearable to watch
Try the recent Super Mario 64 from June. If you don't laugh even once by the end of the first episode then you have no soul.
It's just background noise, stop overthinking things.
>watching it
I just listen to it while playing something else
American education, everyone.
>We watched this shitty old show/movie, it was so shit
Yea back when it was about Fat Albert it was funny, but now its like "Oh House Of Mouse/Bonkers/Doug doesn't hold up"
you mean to tell me something meant for 7 year olds in 1998 is boring and not funny? Wow better spend 10 minutes talking about that
That's one hell of a productive way to market your game. I'm not even mad.
how do you know if i dont just diddle myself to it?
Darkgamer and Gamzerguy are allegedly to blame. Karnivor did some of the last TBG streams they did last year before DingDong finally gave up on the whole thing.
I didn't even think of it that way. Son of a bitch.
Doesn't add up. Trigger Treat is coming out sooner than Tough Bippy, which has more porn.
How do you feel making money of us furfags
Why do they always cut out and censor Chris's ding dong impressions?
Every time he's about to do it it's always cut.
I want to hear him do it, Chris is good at making fun of people.
Ding Dong requests they be cut because he is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
>Ding Dong says lets plays are just a side hobby not meant to distract from game development
>Ding Dong also complains about not getting ad revenue and viewer retention
Besides jerking off to tubas and amphibians, what DOES he want exactly?
Someone already beat you to the pasta, you can stop any time.
it's just a joke
Tough Bippy is meant to be "the game", and is investing all he has on it.
It's alright, I've actually befriended a few clients. Some of them are actually startled that I, an artist, initiate conversation with them, a customer, which apparently isn't the norm. On the same note, befriending other artists is a pain, they're almost always either "oh boo hoo, look at this picture I got four digit notes on, I'm such a terrible artist, no one likes me as a person ;~;" or "kek that shit looks stupid".
not video games
back to Sup Forums children :)
>Oney is a perv
>Everyone he associates with are pervs
>There's no way this fanbase is filled with pervs! It's a conspiracy!
Well at least he chooses the right artists for Tough Bippy. That shit is tight like their assholes.
>Not nurturing his artistic talents
no one would buy 5 inch tall paintings