The Evil Within 2

>Gameplay was leaked.
>Sup Forums still isn't talking about this game.

Let's change that right now! Let's talk about what we know and what we want from the new installment of The Evil Within.

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How about link to the gameplay if you want some discussion going.

Post the link, dipshit. I actually liked the first one.

Post the fucking link or I'm gonna wait for this to 404 and make a proper thread. Dear God if this is the evil within fan base. Get me off this train I'm not having fun anymore.

Nobody asked for a sequel /thread.

Such snippy assholes.

No black bars is a plus.

RE4 vibes are stronger than in the first one which I like.

>No black bars is a plus.
They patched the first game a long time ago to allow us to turn them off.

>he doesn't like BBBs

I know that the PC version got that patch but I'm not sure about the console versions.

>RE4 vibes

Fucking where? This is more like a poor man's FEAR.

Seems more like Silent Hill to me.

It gives me more RE4 vibes than the first evil within.

basically it the last of us

But functional.

Looks fucking awful, and I'm not talking about the 240p.

Come on now it doesn't seem that bad.

I dunno how I feel about the open world. A lot of what I liked about the first one would be so difficult to pull off in an open world game. Hopefully I'm getting the wrong impression. It could just be massive non linear lvls. Like your in a town instead of going corridor to corridor in a sewwer.

Also a lot of people didn't like it but I liked how the first game kept changing and was unpredictable. First your just running away, Then your sneaking around, Then your fighting off hoards, then it's time to run away again but this time you can fight back if you chose. The story was pretty retarded but who plays games for the story; faggot. As long as context is kept in happy.


looks scary
I'll buy it and only put 6 hours into it

The gameplay looks repetitive and limited.
>idtech 5

>No Ruvik.


dude it's an amalgamation of minds lmao

Because people bitched about it being linear.

Is this a continuation of the first game? I didn't beat it. Is it the same protagonist?

>Is this a continuation of the first game?
Yes, but it doesn't seem entirely direct.
>Is it the same protagonist?

She is back, i would prefer if they changed her to another nurse design...feels like copy paste.

I watched a playthrough of the first one and the story went pretty much nowhere.

What the fuck was it even about?

I'm glad it's open world.
The only horror open worlds I know are survival sandboxes. I wish we had that open world Silent Hill or Alan Wake.

>enter STEM for the second time willingly after what he went through in TEW
>w-where am i
>w-whats going on

high quality writting

So, whats with Tatiana, whats her role in the games? i never understood it.

Cut content that they liked the design of too much to not use, if I remember correctly. She was supposed to be a merchant or something.

Fuck the day stealth was added to horror games

that screenshot looks better visually than the first one. saw a video of it being maxxed and it looked like doodoo brown

The Last of Us played a hell of a lot better than the first Evil Within, so that's a huge plus.

It was like that in the first game.
>In a hospital.
>"Smells like medicine."
>After 6 chapters.
>"There is something wrong here."

Maybe they are setting up Sebastian to be our first Alzheimer's protagonist.

Mirrors that actually work. holy shit the madmen did it.

And that merchant looked like Laura.

>No nurse


I think he has amnesia, in the hospital ward hallucination in the 2nd vid he said the keycard seemed familiar - presumably he's in the hospital from the first game.

TEW2 will be trash and you shouldn't get it, BUT I guarantee there will be at least one worthy waifu. It's just that kind of series.

Only watched a few minutes skipping through, but looks like it's running better than the first, so far at least. Though it's kinda hard to tell at 240p. Looks interesting, and seems to get into actual gameplay faster than the first which is nice. Any news on if this demo is getting released to the public at all? Not been following the game that closely.

Cool design but not very horrrish

If you new game+ the original it's revealed Sebastien is the final missing person (from the collectible newspaper reports) throwing the entire plot's reality into doubt.

The 2nd vid is up to 1080p, and is obviously an official demo.

This game's marketing is shit, 43 days left and they haven't released any uncut gameplay

Probably because it's going to be released in a month and a half.

Looks good, but I'm annoyed that you still can't examine scenery and read/hear Seb's thoughts. Hopefully, that Moebius uniform is an unlockable outfit.

I'm not sure I like this new open world aspect. There was nothing wrong with the pacing of the last game

Sebastian got a new voice actor and seems like he doesn't know shit about what he experienced last game

I don't know. I feel like they didn't have to change the essence of the game; just some technical aspects that were lacking at release, while improving what they already had

Still day 1

They did, even last gen.

>open world
>different voice for Seb
>amnesia or some shit plotline
>guy behind the DLC for the first game is doing this

I'm really not hyped for it.

>Open world
thats literally wrong though, its more open, not open world

Outside of the first point you make I agree with you on the whole, since the game is still by chapters and not Open world to my understanding. They are going for a more open approach, presumably like chapters 2- early 4.

I really didn't like the kidman DLCs or what Seb sounding like or was saying in these leaks.

i heard it was massive non linear levels. i dont believe its a big open world. i think a dev was talking about it in a q and a recently.

this isnt the one i saw but they talk about side missions and side areas but you can stick to one main path and stick to the main story.

Because i still hate the games setting. I want my horror game set in the real world, not some shitty alternate reality where nothing is real and anything change completely from one moment to the next. I hated that shit in Silent Hill 20 fucking years ago and i hate it today even more.

>the game is still by chapters and not Open world to my understanding. They are going for a more open approach, presumably like chapters 2- early 4

Well that's alright then but the other negatives are still enough to render me hypeless.

Why are you cunts saying it's open world? It's still linear but the levels are larger. Confirmed by the devs.

The fact that Laura seems to be antagonizing Sebastian so hard is starting to make this supposed "leak" seem plausible.

This guy gets it.

A bunch of characters whose mind's are all connected are trapped by a madman who is also connected to them.

It's hilarious that user bothered to spoil the story, fake or not, as if anyone gives a fuck about the retarded ass story of Evil Within. After the ridiculous DLCs of 1 I'm not gonna bother buying 2 unless they release a GOTY edition with the DLC included on disc.

I couldn't even defeat the final boss in the first game.

I find it hard to believe that you got past the parking garage boss but couldn't do the last, much easier, boss.

It's a QTE, user. Come on.

And screens of the weapons/upgrade system?

Really liked the evils laughing monster. The atmosphere and mood seems right.

I can't get over how ridiculous the whole STEM thing is. Why does he even feel surprised when he sees shit like this knowing he's in STEM? Would be so much better if he were in a town controlled by a cult or something.

Here's to hoping the plot won't be convoluted like the first game. For those of us whose gaming experience involves 50/60% narrative and the rest gameplay, this hopefully will be done well.

wow another 3rd person game
dude wtf its getting annoying

>really loud fucking jumpscare
zzzzz the horror genre is dead

You can say this about any genre.

>wow another
>free roaming adventure game
>card game
>stealth horror

cant wait to see that laughing bitch in high quality

What's wrong with it?

3rd person shooter
3rd person horror
3rd person puzzle
3rd person exploring
3rd preson rpg
3rd person everything

wow another video game

>parking garage boss
Fuck that guy and his bullshit second phase.

How dare they make another game with a popular camera style.

Name one(1) good AAA RPG released after Blood&Wine.

>people are actually excited for the dlc within 2
You know what website you should get back to, faggots.

I really want to buy it but the first game didnt even get my attention until its DLC came out that was more stealth oriented.


God this perspective is shit. When can we go back to prerendered backgrounds and fixed camera?

Is this shit actually trying this hard to be scary when it clearly isn't? This is hilarious how hard it tries.

you're not worthy of posting Dexter's lab.

was that the biggest gripe people had? seems isanely pedantic.
I genuinely don't understand the "too much like re4" complaints either.

That's modern horror for you. Jumpscares, sudden-noise.mp3, REALLY_FUCKING_LOUD_AMBIENT.mp3, spoopy scawy ominous shadows, spastic camera, etc.
It's a massive pile of cliche.

I heard the black bars are going to return in the full release.

Go fuck off back to the past, fixed camera angles are a thing of the past and are shit with current gen

Joseph when?

I was even hesitant to post that because I don't want to seem like a contrarian dickhole but goddamn is it generic horror as fucking hell. I only saw the second video. That cringe worthy little girl singing with while hiding from that monster was just so pathetic. I don't even play indie horror but even they can do horror way better than that silly trash kek. I miss the days of Team Silent.

>m-muh technology
That's not what horror is about.

Looks better than the shitshow that was the first game.
Sebastian sounds surprisingly godawful though.

There is nothing horror inducing about fixed camera angles where you can see everything coming at you,you contrarian faggot.

this. especially gratuitious blood everywhere. so hokey. I wish there were more adventure horror games that didn't try so hard.

my only real problem with the first game was that enemies locked yyou into taking damage if they started an animation near you. you could dodge that shit in RE4.

Also the one hit kill bosses were fucking annoying. Felt like the first got a lot of unnecessary hate. excited for the 2nd.

The best perspective for horror will always and continue to be first-person. Go back to the retirement home Gramps.

>fixed camera angles where you can see everything
Oh you're a millennial who has never played a fixed camera game.
Carry on.

im excited. loved the first and avoiding anything about the second so its all super new when it comes out


I found better quality for the first video.


what's that make you, a 50 year old burnout gen-xer? go back to your colecovision, grampa.