How am I supposed to get past this part?
How am I supposed to get past this part?
You have to defeat Monster X.
I'm playing on hard. I can't kill everything before I get hit by some random projectile or monster x rolls over me/hits me with a projectile.
Use more rockets
You can't get the missile launcher on hard famalalamamam
>tfw I've still not beaten ballos
I've been trying since 2014.
ewww, stop using filters
Sword makes this moss trivial
You are not. It clearly says "You have died." You can't get pasted that. You're dead.
That's what I'm using but one projectile always manages to get past me
Level 2 sword deals a ton of damage fast.
If you're not confident in dodging the seekers, try level 3 sword which provides some cover, at the expense of damage output.
>tfw finally beated him
>by cheesing the final part by using the spikes at the bottom to become temporarily invincible
I'm pretty sure everyone did that.
>get hit by spikes
>fly up to Ballos and land in his eye socket
>unleash laser shlong
That girl looks underage. Source?
Ok then
that boss is the casual filter of this game
you just gotta git gud
I've never played Cave Story. What version should I play?
I could do this if I could get hit once but dodging everying seems impossible
Shoot it until it dies
>playing on hard
holy shit do not do that
hard mode is awful shit put in by nicalis
game was balanced for normal
Cave Story plus with music set to remastered. Or just download the original for free. If you bought indie bundels around 2011/2012, you probably already have it in your library and you just forgot.
the original free version
I'm already this far man. I beat that fucking rabbit thing with the polar star without getting hit. I'm not doing that shit again.
>Cave Story plus with music set to remastered
wow how can you be so wrong
freeware version. nicalis does not deserve money and freeware is the only one that runs at the correct speed.
Monster X is honestly not that bad after you get used to it, but it's hard when all the shitty bugs before him take so long and can kill you in one shot. What part in particular is getting you? Sword is generally the best tool for the job.
Undead core almost immediately afterwards is way worse
>wow how can you be so wrong
Some of the remastered tracks are better, while stuff like Balcony sounds better in the free version. You just have baby duck syndrome.
I've tried experimenting, I'm using the lvl3 blade to get up to monster x but these bug projectiles are still really hard. I've tried using the polar star in combination with the flamethrower bullshit but it's too hard to switch and dodge projectiles. I'm ready for anything after I beat this thing man
Also the original is too pixely. Games never looked like that. It's faux retro. The remaster looks like it could have been on a 16 bit system at least.
Undead core is the final boss, you fight the regular core soon after Monster X.
Regular core is manageable using level 3 bubbler for cover and knowing best time to use super missiles.
Again, play on Normal. Hard is nonsense. Especially if you want the best ending. Bloodstained Sanctuary is nearly impossible even on normal.
it looks better tho
it was never going for authenticity, he did pixel art because that's what he could afford
who fucking cares how much it looks like a snes
(also cave story has a genesis port)
It took a long time to get this far I don't want to give up
>it was never going for authenticity
I don't care. I hate faux retro shit. Also misery's hair color is wrong.
You wont be able to get the best ending that way. Trust me, I've been trying to beat the true final boss for almost 4 years now and I played on normal.
The labyrinth is a difficulty spike, everything after that is going to be even harder.
I think I used blade for all of Monster X honestly, and got it pretty consistent to where I one-shot him my second go around hard mode. If you're having trouble with bugs, it's generally better to use your blade on their projectiles than the actual bugs themselves, but try experimenting and seeing if you get through them better with the bubble gun or something.
With Monster X, when he stops for his phase where you can actually attack him, use your blade to get some hits off on his cores as long as you can hold off his shots. Once some start to get close, just run away, jumping and shooting behind you at the shots following you. Repeat until last phase.
I'm trying
I can't remember how many shots I fired, but it's probably either 1 or 2 sword shots before you just book it. It's much easier to deal with the shots he fires when you're running away.
is this your first time playing any version of cave story and you're playing on hard on +?
Yea, that's correct.
The remaster doesn't look anything like a 16-bit game, especially with that resolution. It looks more like a PSX game if anything.
Seriously bad idea, it's one thing to start a game on hard for the best experience, but this is basically a one hit death mode.
Why would you want to start with that?
You're not going to beat the Core
>beat whole game on 16 bit version when I was 14
>got every single ending
>curly's panties
>beat balos
Beating him isn't too hard, but beating him in time, fuck that.
>being 14 in 2011
Get out.
Do the math
Shit, I'm old.
Because if I ever replay on normal it will be a very lax and fun experience. I always play games I've never played before on hard first.
Cave Story is hard as fuck.
I really want to beat whatver the core is just because you said that
hard is a gimmick, it isn't a traditional hard mode
normal mode in the game is tough enough
I don't really feel like restarting though
only if you go for the true ending. the game is pretty easy if you take the "normal" route.
Tough luck.
Good luck then, bub. Your biggest issue will be restarting every time you die. Its like a minute long to get back into the fight. Its right after Monster X too, so it won't be long from here.
Sounds like some edgy shit man, sounds more fun than killing monster asshole
It's my favorite boss fight but my least favorite track if that gives you anything to look forward to.