All best buy locations have Nintendo Switch in stock. You literally have no excuse not to own one

All best buy locations have Nintendo Switch in stock. You literally have no excuse not to own one.

>You literally have no excuse not to own one.
no games

No buy until I can Wahoo my Bing Bing

yea but what if they're all sold out when odyssey releases user?

Waiting for the 2nd model.

Switches turn people gay

Did you know that only half of this site is American?

>the inevitable "no games" argument
commencing console war in 30 seconds

we're all a little gay user

I'm not 7 years old.
>switch on a plane
bing bing wahoo

>3DS failed
>Wii U failed
>Wii was weaker than PS3 or 360
>games are all for little kids
>I don't play video games when I'm mobile
Yeah um no thanks sweetie. Maybe you should grow out of Nintendo and become an adult.

>You literally have no excuse not to own one.

There's no excuse to own one.

>3DS failed
opinion discarded af

>3DS failed

I have no respect for Nintendo in 2017 but this is shitposting user

no xenoblade no buy. Would be sad to see it collecting dust for months.

t. Jap lover

>no excuse to not own one

Yeah I do, I just don't want one.

>You literally have no excuse not to own one.
I don't have $360 at the moment
>But it's $300
I'm not buying a console without any games

Why would I want to own one?

>Being a poorfag

yeah, you are 6 yo.

>You literally have no excuse not to own one.
They fucked me with the Wii U.

>They have me ten good exclusives with the Wii U.

3DS failed