Dissidia Final Fantasy NT CLOSED β スレ VII

Well at least I can play a game every dynasty

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Any of you cancerous faggots know if a user is currently streaming?

Why do we have to be "cancerous"


>The Name's Bartz!

Looking good!

>when you lose and come in first
Ain't even mad

>TFW having fun wuth Y'shtola and Shantoto

If those two are fun, then I can't wait to play Emperor and Kefka!

Emperor fits right at home in dissidia. Zone control out of the ass. Just learn how to deal with supporting your allies while you're being pursued and you'll be golden

What's up?

Literally impossible to win as Cecil

In a 1v1 situation, is there any reason to attack first?

I want to git gud as him since his kit seems like a lot of fun though.

Yes. Your advantage is way higher on the offense than it is on the defense. But more than that, if somebody is playing passively you can just shitpush their allies and then go back to fighting them. I've gotten many brave attacks on people that aren't the guy targeting me simply because he's being passive.

But aside from that, the only thing somebody on defense can do is run, block, evade, or try to bait you into an attack. Where as on the offense two of those tactics are stuffed by reaction speed and the other two can be stuffed by an evade on your own. Less effort for higher results.

>Been playing exclusively Cecil
>silver E now
>lost maybe 3 or 4 matches with him.

Yeah nah chief I just don't think you understand him. If you job switch appropriately his damage is absolutely absurd. Forward+X in Dark Knight after a job switch hits for 1.2k 90% of the time breaking your target and wall rushing them. Plus you have to use the Orb hp attack the flames are literally worthless and terrible. The orbs follow relentlessly, and Paladin's flies super quick for gaurenteed wall rush damage, or Dark's is massive and can easily catch 2+ targets.

>silver E

>dodge is just a short dash

Does matchmaking still take a year? I only have one screen that I share with my ps4/pc so having to wait for matches really kills my desire to play the beta.

The camera combined with the fucking lock-on system is driving me insane.

You got the necessary locks
"right of you"
"left of you"

I'm not sure how it could be better to be quite honest. Maybe mapping of number on the right stick, but that seems like it'd be confusing in a scramble. Like I know it can be improved upon, but how.

I don't know, first of lock-on should break, if the target enemy dies.I guess i'll get used to it, but it is super unintuitive.

Personally I don't like that the lock-on is bound to the triggers. I think it'd be better if you could flick the right stick to swap between targets and and make the camera work like the psp games.

Is there anyone who can even come remotely close to our boy?

>Silver E
Like that means shit.

Thanks for filling my stomach with shield charge.

squalls gunblade gimmick is kinda annoying and not as fun as i hoped.

It'll become second nature if you stick with it. But you have to stick with it.

When the fuck am I supposed to press it? Whenever I get one trigger hit I lose the rhythm right after.

What are the odds of them doing more betas between now and release?

I really like playing as the characters from 1-6, as someone who didn't have a PSP I feel like I was missing out


>start off by fighting 1v1 with people, having cool fights and occasionally helping out the team
>Do so-so
>Realize higher level play is literally the opposite of this especially if you're playing an assassin type character, going after whatever nigger isn't looking your direction and getting in as many cheapshots as possible while dodging pursuers
>Start doing way better
I don't know how to feel about this.

Until people get minimap awareness it's the best way to play.

Higher level play it's not 100% effective because people have map awareness so it then becomes on how well you are at breaking their guard.

they might do an open beta to promote the game before release.

That's sorta helpful...

You're still missing out as NT is completely different in approach and execution.

It's funny though because essentially NT is a party fighter if you think of party as in an RPG party.

Sorry I don't have the autism required to play a barebones beta to achieve a rank that will be lost on release anyway. It was more so you get an idea of how many matches I've played to get to silver E would be 24 matches having only lost about 4 of those that's a pretty decent win rate with a character.

I have Silver A with like 3 characters my man. Silver is a non thing, especially when at this low of a level one person can carry the fight on their own.

Also why do we have to default to "it's autism to keep playing something you enjoy". I was just poking fun at the fact that you used Silver E as some point of reference is all.

I feel like it's autism trying to do Squall's inputs goddamn I play fighting games all the time this shouldn't be this hard for me I'm never gonna be a top tier Squall...

>took me 3 days to notice there's a timer

I know everyone's excited for 1v1 but in a situation like that who would be able to stop characters like Sephiroth? No one?

I like how much of a shitter I feel like when I play Vann.
>Just fucking spam HP attacks until they get fat enough to kill people better
>Most of the time teammates just pick up kills from the people I've been farming with my low damage HP attacks

Game is not built for 1v1. Little kids need to realize this and fuck off if they have a problem with 3v3.

Is it just me or is the 3 strikes and you're out rule more suited to something like 1v1 given the nature of HP and Bravery?

>Wanna play Ace badly
>Not good at Marksmanning
I'll just die all the time

Wait until you get someone wall trapped with his lightning. Holy shit I've had an entire team caught once and just kept lightning spamming them until I had 9999 brave then did his red swirl and triple killed.

My teammates just sat back and watched it happen.

Marksman guide:
Never target people you fire tracking spells on, they'll notice themselves being targeted (target fire, target somebody else)

Never duel in 1 v1.

I also feel like there should be more lives, but when everybody knows what they're doing matches aren't that short. The japs have longer matches in the Arcade version and tourneys when everybody is actually using teamwork and knows better how to stay alive.

Holy shit that's really smart. Oh my god.

How bad is Ramza since people could just knock you out of you trying to apply your buff?

I don't know but it seems to me characters are only as good as the person playing them to some extent you know what I mean?

Apparently shout is godly and steel is even more godly.

Listen. Every character added is generally better than all the ones before them. The vanilla cast has had to be readjusted in arcades a lot because of the power creep on later additions.

How is my boy Sexdeath in this game?

Top tier as usual.

Good. But he's not in the beta

>Not in the beta

I know, and that is the sad part.

What's the philosophy behind the slow-ass wake ups?

>Dissidia doesn't have comb-

Lightning can do a single spell or two into commando but that off the wall shit isn't real, you can guard as soon as you do your wall recovery.

>Teammates are all three deaths and we lose.
Every. Fucking. Time.



Does anyone have a picture of all the ranks so I can know what they look like?

shoulda supported them better fampai.
One match where I was clearly outclassed I had an y'shtola who was just wrecking house. Got saved from HP attacks several times by her and our partner. That's how you do it

Ground wake ups give you invincibility for a good amount of time so you can avoid most follow ups after those. Wall wake ups give you the option to jump or fall if they're too slow with their followup. Double wall rushes give you full invincibility

Unless you mean getting up after an hp attack. That's intentional, it's to give the guy who landed the hp attack some room to chase your allies

I can't really imagine villains saying thanks or apologizing. It's gonna be weird in english.

I help out my teammates as much as I can. The problem is nobody knows how to play carefully and end up taking damage/get killed before the round even really gets going or they commit too hard and end up getting double teammed or combo'd into an easy HP attack kill.

Most of them are affably evil. The only person who's too big headed to say thank you "sincerely" is Kuja and even he would probably give a thanks

Yeah but would Sephiroth or Exdeath ever ask for help? Also since the english summoning quotes are so brutal for the heroes what the hell are the villains gonna say?

Sephiroth would ask for help in the same way that he thanks cloud. And exdeath was relatively polite for being a bad guy.

Why didn't you faggots tell me that Kefka can put down a fake summoning crystal that's hilarious.

which button is the closest lock on?

I've fucked up so many games because I kept trying to cycle to the fucker thats attacking me

Both buttons at once. I use it quite frequently, as should you

watch this and have your mind blown


Whats that one character that never fails to grind your gears?

I despise Firion, holy shit.

Holy fuck that double kill goddamn he looks like so much fun.

>Playing Y'shtola
>Squall chasing my ass the whole game, keep him away effectively with traps and projectiles while pelting anybody attacking my team
>Enemy summons
>Squall keeps chasing me, I have a shit ton of bravery from spamming at enemies already in fights
>I target somebody else so he thinks I'm not paying attention
>holy ass soon as he gets close to me for the winning kill
That poor bastard. Remember, minimap awareness is your strongest tool.

if that squall had blasting zone he'd have ruined your ass

I'm pretty sure he did, but blasting zone is incredible easy to dodge as long as you aren't fighting somebody else or splatted.


I made it all the way to gold E with Cecil. Acquire proficiency.

>really really want to play Dissidia because I love Final Fantasy
>can't get PSP
>years later Dissidia remake announced for PS4 after starting at arcades
>get hyped just to find out they went in a completely different route and made it focused on motherfucking team-battles
All I wanted was an updated improved version of Dissidia with newer characters and fit for playing in an actual home console and not fucking handheld. Was that too much to ask? If I have to play on a PSP I'd rather not play at all, but I wish fate was good enough to give me a third better option.

Gotta love throwing out traps during chases

It's astounding how much work and care went into all the characters that were released after the vanilla launch. At some point they're going to have to rework the original release characters just to catch up.

Plus the fact that they're not messing with songs as much now versus the remixes and rearrangements they started out with.

It really sucks that we basically got v1.0 for the Beta with some balance updates instead of a version closer to what's out now.

>but I wish fate was good enough to give me a third better option.

Download PPSSPP and play it there.
It's a pretty well optimized emulator since even, a wooden toaster user, could play it.

I always found the villains much crazier than the heroes, but yeah, the starting characters getting helpful buffs would be nice.

The advantage of a proper home console Dissidia was that at home I'd be able to play with friends. Sure playing the psp games may be entertaining for a while, but nothing it does would quench the specific thirst I have for playing a local-multiplayer Final Fantasy fighting game on a couch.
Unless there's mods and stuff I can configure in PPSSPP to do just that.

are they changing the hud?
that's all that matters

>Matchmaking taking ages


Will there be an offline multiplayer fight mode where the other 2 characters are bot controlled and you can switch between who you control mid-fight?
That is all that matters because that's what I thought the game was going to be.

Yes since people are such babies and can't utilize it. It better keep the damn minimap too I swear if they fucking take it away...

you could simply just get your friend to download it as well. if you wanna try that

You can do lan parties with ppsspp right?

Are you retarded? I'm legitimately asking.


>that's what I thought it was going to be
How in the fuck

post webums please I don't have a ps4


You clearly are since 2v2 and 3v3 team fighting games have been the most popular arcade games in Japan for a decade now. The fact that it looked like the Gundam Versus franchise should have told you exactly what kind of game it would be.

>2v2 and 3v3 team fighting games have been the most popular arcade games in Japan for a decade now
Why the fuck should I know that
>The fact that it looked like the Gundam Versus franchise
I don't even know what that is

Are the different weapons tied to costumes? I want Sephiroth's KH costume with that super edgy Oblivion looking sword he has.