Is Titanfall 2 the best FPS single player campaign of the past 5 years...

Is Titanfall 2 the best FPS single player campaign of the past 5 years? I just beat it after a recommendation from a friend to get through my depression that Valve will never make another single player fps.

Yes it is.

It has no right being as good as it was, the factory level was fantastic

What do you mean?

Barely any story interaction,world building, and cliched ending

Yes. It was action movie as fuck, but in a good way.

Titanfall 2's single player was surprisingly really good and the time travel sequence was excellent.


I thought we were done with era of great single player FPS their have been a few standouts like the new Wolfenstien I haven't played the new DOOM.

Gameplay motherfucker is what a single player campaign has and TitanFall 2 has it in spaids. The factory level and the Lab level were both 10/10 Valve tier level design or better.

I know I"m being really goshy here but this game deserves it.

it was decent but come the fuck on

The seamless time travelling was amazing. The entire story was going from one ride to the next and never lingering on a single thing.

>Is Titanfall 2 the best FPS single player campaign of the past 5 years?


In the absence of a single player mechwarrior game, it worked for me. ex-infinity ward still has the skills apparently. That's the most surprising part out of all of this.


I do BT. I do...

I really do not see how this game is the GREATEST FPS EVAAAR

Titanfall 1 is better and it shows Titanfall 2 is bleeding players and the shitty horde mode couldnt keep them still

>Game made by ex-CoD developers
>Sup Forums's response when the first game released: Durrr AAA garbage. CoD with robots
>Sup Forums's response when the second game released: Hey, this game is really underrated and amazing. I've always loved Titanfall

Is this yet another example of Sup Forums's blatant hipsterism?

I liked the level design and gameplay quite a bit, though I encountered a few glitches and the story was generic as hell. Most fun I've had with a single player FPS campaign in a long time, probably 2008.

I"m talking about the single player not the multiplayer.

shut the fuck up you revisionist whore, titanfall was the the shit and we had many great stompy stomp threads.

Titanfall 2 is better than 1 in every single way.

The single player was okay I only remember the time trvel level and thats it

and thats the problem a good campaign has alot of memorable moments

>sequel comes out

Like cockwork.

Doom lacked a lot of the variety of Titanfall 2 IMO, though it did have better weapons for sure.

And now you can be depressed that the team that made Titanfall 2 won't work on the next game because EA a shit.

>all these titanfall 2 threads all of a sudden
Fuck off EA shills

>game gets a thread

Like cockwork.

I was reading about this but I was not sure if they made a new team for it or not.for the Star Wars game or not. Even if their is one team the next game could be in pre production.

go back to the kiddie pool Sup Forumstard

I'm just really happy they're actually making a third one. I'm surprised that they did considering it had lackluster sales, but the fact that they don't consider it a failure from a sales perspective is pretty great, especially with EA's track record.

5 cents have been deposited into your Origin account. Keep up the good work.

and now the franchise becomes what it was destined to be. A full fledged piece of shit. If I've learned anything from EA over the DECADES it's that they always find a way to rape.

Titan fall 1 and 2 run on a heavily modified source engine.

Maybe the third game will have a co-op campaign with a cover system and end on a cliffhanger about a space zombie invasion of earth.

I've been googling titanfall to for the past hour to see what's up and recently Respawn's twitter said they have over one million unique players playing as of August 3rd which are good numbers. The good news is that these numbers mean more FPS from Respawn is highly likely.

I hate EA this is the first EA game I"ve bought in 10 years here's to hoping for a third fps game from Respawn either Titanfall or something else.

which runs on a modfied quake 2 engine;

No, that's goldsrc.

oh my god this

if ever there was a level that said 'evil overlord with too much money', this was it.


It was short and sweet specially the last levels. We need more mecha games

Their have been no good recent mecha games besides Titanfall and maby the new Battle Tech tactics game which is not coming out tell next year.