By the Mania™ For the Mania™
By the Mania™ For the Mania™
I feel bad for them desu. They obviously poured their heart and soul into making this game, and they did a fantastic job, only for the publisher to try and fuck it up like this.
Sega shooting themselves in the foot yet again
>Like you, we've noticed an error in the Steam store not mentioning the DRM for Sonic Mania.
>We're fixing that now.
>Sonic Mania is intended to be played offline and we're investigating reports on that.
I was looking forward to playing this game today
Now I'm only looking forward to watching the next Jimquisition episode about Sega accidentally forgetting to list some minor details on their Steam store page
Honestly I don't feel angry at Sega. PC gamers deserve this
They accepted early access, early access DLC and 7 million Pc users bought an early access moba garbage
You idiots accepted everything and now you try to play the honest and ethic card by complaining at denuvo while at the same time you bought Doom and every ubisoft garbage with DRM.
I'll be honest. I'm 0robobly going to pirate this, but I'd be fucking pissed if I bought this. DRM shoUlf for already.
Now, now Mania Teamu. I torudo you notto to go too faa. We woudantu wanto to make Forucezu rooku baddo inu furanto ofu za sharehorudazu, wourudo we?
Oh, no!!! i will have to wait 2 days to play this game for FREEEEE!!!
>You idiots accepted everything
I don't to turn this into more consolewar shitflinging but you are completely wrong, all of those things were enabled by microsoft when they started pushing payed online and dlc and when they tried to force payed games for windows live the PC community rejected it, probably before your time though huh?
>Go to buy game
>Find out it has denuvo
>Decide to pirate instead
>There's no crack yet
Why are Japanese gaming execs so hopelessly out of touch and vindictive to the point of self-destructiveness?
>but you are completely wrong
1) Steam idiots buy every skin, DRM and early access garbage(including early access DLC)
2) they roleplay as moral and ethic people
It's 100% hypocrisy. PC gamers deserve every single game with Denuvo and online checks.
FF15's devs were pretty cool just recently. Maybe times will change soon.
or they'll get nuked
What is DNA?
>Published by Squeenix
It's going to have the newest Denuvo and be horribly optimized.
Steam has literally millions of users.
Is there any reason to get this on the PC if I can get it on something else?
99% of them only play f2p games
Can somebody explain the controversy here? You literally just have to be online when you launch the game. Performance isn't hurt, you don't have to stay online even, and people are already managing to make mods. What's the big deal?
None whatsoever.
ask the xbots
that's a fucking lie, denuvo shill
This line of shilling has been proven obsolete a long time ago.
F2P, CS:GO, Denuvo garbage and Ubisoft with 3 kinds of DRM
>You literally just have to be online when you launch the game
People will unironically defend this countermeasure for single player games
gee I wonder who's behind this post
Which thread was this in?
i'm mostly mad because i have shitty internet that goes out occasionally and sonic mania is exactly the kind of game i would play when that happens
it's pretty rare though so it's mostly irrational fear on my part, i'm really more upset that they delayed it two weeks just for this shit and i'm even more upset that i got so excited that i broke my "never preorder a game" rule for something that has been making me regret it for the last two weeks
The update posted by Sega in the Community hub
>that's a fucking lie
*What* is a fucking lie? I just tested it out because I wasn't sure what the controversy was all about. I connected my toaster laptop to my phone and launched the game. Once the logos came up, I switched it into airplane mode, so I was offline. My shit computer ran the game at full speed while offline. Where's the lie?
So this is the approach you guys take, huh. I see.
I'm not defending shit, I'm asking if that's seriously what this whole shitstorm is about.
The same guy who was behind your mother last night.
That's fair. So it's more just that the game was delayed for it, more than any actual effect it has.
You're loving the (You)'s aren't you?
really makes you think, doesn't it?
jim is a gross fag but if it rallies more normalfags against denuvo i'll take it
There you have it, folks.
Even they don't want denuvo there.
You have a moral obligation to the DEVELOPERS THEMSELVES to refund this game if you have it on PC, and pirate this game. At the very least, wait on purchasing it until AFTER Sega takes the hint and cuts Denuvo from the game.
Not only would it still suck if it worked correctly, but Mania's implementation of Denuvo is fuxxored and is denying thousands of people access for no reason.
>Even the devs are calling Sega out on their shit
Welp, it was a good run. Mania tream wrent troo frar.
Mania 2 never ever because the Japanese execs are going to try doing all they can to throw those guys (and possibly Aaron) out on their asses, and if they can't do that, they'll just keep sabotaging them like this until they leave of their own accord
how is it doing that
>Not only would it still suck if it worked correctly, but Mania's implementation of Denuvo is fuxxored and is denying thousands of people access for no reason.
I haven't heard anything about that, but that's pretty heinous if true.
Make a support request for Sonic Mania and tell them you're not buying Sonic Mania or Sonic Forces unless they remove Denuvo.
>It's a "SEGA of Japan hates Gaijins" episode.
>delay the game to implement invasive DRM protection that assumes legitimate customers to be thieves
>this wasn't officially conveyed to the customers at any point until after release when they were called out for it
>people who bought keys from outside of steam (humble store for example) can not refund
Its borderline fraud
I already played it for 3 hours before I found out it had Denuvo
>I was going to buy it but until i found out i couldnt pirate it
Bye-Bye Mania 2
typically I hate e-celeb faggots but for situations like this they can be useful in stirring up a shitstorm
yeah i don't see why people chimp out over denuvo so much
>After beating the game on my pre-purchased copy, I come back to Sup Forums and I found the previously smug pirates crying seas because they got cucked by Denuvo
Based Sega, I'm so fucking glad this happened. Get fucked.
Can't find the post. I guess it got nuked.
More like , its a 'people are gullible episode'.
Theres NO way a developer would do something like that, for all we know, he is just a troll.
However, just like chris and aaron, stealth did posted a complain to sega tweet.
Yeah why would anyone care their single player games need an online requirement
Hell why not just throw in microtransactions, buy a chaos emerald 99c each and $5.99 for level select mode. What are you poor?
It's not just gaming execs, but all of them. For example, Toyota doesn't understand why people still drive their old camries when they could just buy a new one. They also don't understand why people would want to restore an old car when they could get a new one.
Japs are fucking retarded.
almost all of these are just things about steam
>Can somebody explain the controversy here? You literally just have to be online when you launch the game. What's the big deal?
You know it's single player right?
Wasn't there one eroge VN company that pissed off it's fans so bad that they got boycotted to death?
I also preordered but I managed to refund my money before playing it. It feels good to have $20 in my pocket again. Fuck Denuvo.
>Theres NO way a developer would do something like that, for all we know, he is just a troll
Clearly this is your first time seeing a post of Stealth's
The guy is well known for not taking people's shit lying down, hell he even went off on a rant on Sonic Retro months back because of people comparing Mania to a fangame. He's a well-known hothead in the Sonic community
>You literally just have to be online when you launch the game. Performance isn't hurt, you don't have to stay online even, and people are already managing to make mods. What's the big deal?
>I'm not defending shit
A game like sonic mania DOESNT NEED online elements.
Like old games, everything is already on the disc, and doesnt need cheat protection, not to mention, you might need to go somewhere where theres no net, if so, how can you play?
denuvo's worse tho
>the Linux argument
Never gets old.
isn't it just a one time activation on the first launch that happens in the background
Wasn't it proved that Denuvo was using assets from another anti-piracy program without permission or something like that?
Why would I buy a game that's gimped by DRM? And don't say it isn't when you can't play in offline mode.
I'll just pirate the inevitable android version
Why do you hate freedom?
>Yeah why would anyone care their single player games need an online requirement
Considering that this game is a digital release only game, this is a non issue. If you had internet to download it, you have it to play it
>b-but muh laptop
Make a Wi Fi hotspot with your phone
>b-but what if I'm in the middle of the desert?
If you want to play on the go, you should have bought the Switch version
It's not a one time activation. You can't launch it in offline mode at all even if you've already played it online.
I hope you're ready for FP3 to feature Taxman and Stealth in full-time positions after they got kicked out from Sega.
freedom isn't free
>ITT: Piratefags pretending they care about freedom and modding
>mfw I didn't pre-order
what a good corporate whore
>Yet another Denuvo game that has offline play issues
Can't wait for Denuvo shills to come out of the woodwork claiming the issues aren't caused by Denuvo again
But I do. I was going to buy Mania up until the delay hit and the DRM tweet happened.
Are you retarded? A digital only release doesn't justify always online DRM in a single player game with no online modes. Just because you can download it doesn't mean you should have to be online in order to even play it.
>make a Wi Fi hotspot with your phone in order to start your single player game lol should have bought the switch version
Seriously fucking kill yourself for defending always online DRM.
There, there, you'll get to play in a week or two. Maybe.
what a bunch of retards
I want to fuck that emoji.
How does Iizuka's cock taste?
I already played in on the switch
You're a corporate whore for defending always online DRM in a regular 2D sonic game.
I hate Aaaron Webber
Yes a lot of people wanted to buy it before they learned the publisher delayed it just to add in anti-consumer software.
Yes, it also ate SSDs in early iterations (shills will claim this didn't happen in spite of Denuvo themselves apologizing for it with an update), and it hinders offline play, as well as having an impact on performance. All of these things shills will claim isn't true in spite of being proven time and again.
Because in Japanese business, seniority is promoted over rising talent 99% of the time.
There's also Japanese Businessman Syndrome by which heads of companies go absolutely batshit and dive into the Konami deepend.
Some people have principles and don't like supporting a product that was delayed in order to add in anti-consumer software.
*reeees internally*
>Yeah why would anyone care their single player games need an online requirement
>Considering that this game is a digital release only game, this is a non issue. If you had internet to download it, you have it to play it
>If you had internet to download it, you have it to play it
>Considering that this game is a digital release only game, always online for a single player game is a non issue.
>If you had internet to download it, you have it to play it
>Considering that this game is a digital release only game, always online for a single player game is a non issue.
>If you had internet to download it, you have it to play it
>Considering that this game is a digital release only game, always online for a single player game is a non issue.
>You're a corporate whore for defending always online DRM in a regular 2D sonic game.
I'm always happy with whatever it takes to keep piratefags gameless.
Damn that sucks. I was really hoping we'd see a Mania 2 or at least another game from Mania team. Now that they've all been officially fired and the game sold like garbage it's back to shitty Sonic Team games forever.
Truly this is the worst timeline.
>getting cucked by the publisher
>pirates will still get the game with the DRM removed
>no demo
Yes but that was because they were known for making pure love dating sims, and made a game in which the main love interest had a boyfriend previously. This pissed off their otakus for having a game about used goods so nobody bought any of their games after that and they were force to make NTR games to stay afloat.
>ITT: Moralfags pretending they care about the industry and morals, as opposed to being petty little shits
Case in point.
I have principles, that's why I like when thieves get fucked.
If that means having to deal with Denuvo, I'll take it.
I was literally on the steam checkout page when I found out it had Denuvo. I would have bought the game had it not been for that.
>I'm always happy with always online DRM even in single player games with no online gameplay just to keep piratefags gameless
t. corporate cocksucker