This expansion released today. What does Sup Forums think of it?
I think It's pretty good.
This expansion released today. What does Sup Forums think of it?
I think It's pretty good.
I hope there will be a mod that will bring back the old deployment music.
>$40 for a DLC
It doesn't even fix the bugs. There are reports of people crashing while attempting ironman mode.
$40 for a DLC that is actually of considerable size and a ridiculous amount of new content. Suck a dick poorfag and go back to buying your loot crates.
Photoshoots are strangely enough my favourite new addition to the game
i just want a mod, that changes it to Peace Walker theme
30GB of content.
It's more of an expansion than a DLC. Remember those?
still downloading
its literally XCOM 3
29 GB of uncompressed textures and sound files
Expansions used to be $30
Hello Firaxis
>locking much needed optimization behind DLC
Only played past the initial lost segment seems cool so far but losing all those mods for now feels a bit disappointing.
Loading times are incredibly fast for me now.
>Expansions used to be $30
They also didn't typically offer campaigns that were longer than the original.
I had that. Completely disabling mods fixed it.
>defeat first chosen
>a swarm of lost comes out of nowhere, charges and kills my sniper
>the ranger, who's the bond mate, goes crazy, attacking one of my dudes with his shotgun, misses, then charges the guy with his sword and does 7 damage, killing the guy
fucking bullshit. btw the chosen are immune to flashbang.
shill harder
I love this Saturday Morning Cartoon esque design with the Chosen.
These are cringy please stop
How does this expac work with long war 2
It doesn't.
What does that mean?
Is the expac so different that long war 2 will never work with it ever? Or given maybe a year theyll be able to put it in?
yeah guys, make sure you don't have fun, or fagginator over here might cringe
what it means is that this and xcom 2 are separate launchables
no workshop mods except the ones made/updated today are compatible with WotC
haha aaaaaawkwwaaaaard
it will never ever work, expansion is coded in such a way that it's physically impossible to have compatibility with LW because the devs hate the mod so much
False. Some stuff, like free camera angles, works perfectly fine.
>Separate launchables
Wow firaxis
Phoenix Point when?
I'm enjoying it so far but I have only played until the first mission involving the two factions and the chosen.
Love the new unit types and the skill tree. The Lost bring back the tension I used to feel in the missions from the first XCOM involving Chryssalids. They move so damn fast around the map you really have to take care to keep a good distance away.
Smart play and a bit of risk seems the key to surviving these encounters. Again pushing the deisgn philosophy XCOM 2 has over its older counterpart and that is to keep moving when you can. (XCOM always had the issue that overwatch camping was almost always the best strat)
Amazingly enough I manage to fully succeed with minor injuries during this crazy long three pronged mission. Funny considering I lost a few guys from the other missions I did already.
The Chosen look to be a fun enemy type for sure. Robbing elements of the Nemesis system from Shadows of Mordor seems like a really nice touch, and they kind of feel like they could be great boss encounters and add some dynamism to otherwise potentially routine missions.
Cant wait to see what else this game brings. Its already added a load to the game already. I just hope it doesn't conflict too hard with the core game of XCOM 2.
They're from reddit
Also the Chosen I encountered had both overwatch and stealth from my units overwatch so you can't camp it out. You got to flush this bitch out from hiding and take her out in the open.
A tough enemy to approach but its weakness to Reapers and shots from above and generally being able to be approached by Reapers in stealth may be its long-term downfall.
I ended up baiting it out with the reaper, and then flanked it. I feel next time it will not be nearly as easy. I must keep my sniper alive and in a good position in future missions.
I'll get it when there's a discount on it. I love x-com 2, but I also know Firaxis releases tend to be bug-ridden and poorly optimized in the beginning. When the discount hits, all of those problems will be patched away already.
Having a really good time with it. The atmosphere from the stuff surrounding the Chosen is great and the voice acting actually impressive - it's as if the voice actors really cared and were paying attention to context instead of just reading down the lines.
New SPARKS are actually useful once you put weapon mods on them. I also like the overhauled DLC integration - everything makes a whole lot more sense this way.
The new factions are fun to mess with and that monthly perk system seems pretty interesting but I haven't unlocked a lot yet so I don't know what else is possible.
The Lost can actually attack Chosen and ADVENT and can even kill them. When I aggro too many ADVENT on Lost enabled missions I just grenade spam to let the Lost take care of shit.
Reaper stealth is totally broken though - you can walk around the entire map unhindered and I even snagged 2 objectives by playing full-on stealth without having to move the rest of the team. Probably means it's possible to solo certain mission types with a Reaper.
Templars are insanely broken as well. I first thought it's just like PSI dudes a medicore alternative to other classes but then I discovered you can switch places with team mates or enemies (separate ability) and the melee damage at 3 pts of focus is ridiculous.
Really feeling good about WotC right now and didn't have any issues so far. For those of you who ran mods - makes sure to delete all settings (.ini files and cache files) after installing the expansion. Modding in XCOM works via changes to those and they aren't reset when you verify cache or install the xpac, causing trouble. I just removed the entire user setting folder in My Documents. Anyways, I'm back to continuing my campaign.
Why did you delete the last thread?
i'm still finishing longwar 2
holy fuck getting elite corpses is hard
t. shill
lmao get a load of this autist
if you had a drop of self awareness you'd recon you're the one who's being a whiny lil bitch
20 from the key sites before the price went up
Any other popular ones that work by any chance that hasn't been updated for the expansion?
Did they balance Alien Hunters? That was a DLC that I wished was executed better than the trash heap they ended up with. If so, how did they change it?
I think they toned down the ruler reaction so that it doesn't react when there's no LoS and when reloading.
Is that all? They could use a bigger nerf than that, a bit dissapointing.