An early access game actually launches as a real game

>an early access game actually launches as a real game

Woah. Was not expecting that. Is this the first time a game has made it out of early access?

Also how is the game itself? I like survival and it definitely looks interesting.

>survival garbage
It's fucking shit and anyone who plays games like this need to hang themeselves.

So wait. it's out of early access?
Is it optimized yet to be actually playable?

There's no actual objective to this game is there?

Functionally identical to 7 Days to Die, another shitty crafting survival game.

No friends huh. Must be lonely.

No but you now have 200 news dinos and lasers to play with in servers full of russians/chinks with aimbot!

I'm seeing on steam it is out of early access. Dunno about consoles.

This is going to be hard to believe but I have never played a single one of these massively popular survival and crafting games. They all look so unfinished to me.

200 dinos and lazer you can't use because it still melts your card if you try.

Never touched a good game huh. Keep shoveling literal shit into your mouth.

There in lies the problem I personally had with it.
>play with friend
>spend alot of time gathering resources, trying to stay alive
>get well set up and able to sustain ourselves
>make a massive fucking boat home and sail around the map, landing at different places and gathering during the day and going back to the boat at night
>after a while realize we are literally doing nothing but gathering resources
Maybe I was playing the game wrong, it was fun for a while and had some memorale moments but without any real goal I just lost interest.
>tfw on the sea and a giant croc starts attacking the boat, destroying parts of it
>we have to face off with it on the flat of the boat and keep repairing it as it breaks by crafting spears to throw at it and throwing everything we have at it till it dies

OP here. Same as you. That is why I was waiting for them to get out of early access meme and see if they're the real deal. I want to try this game and it to be good.

If you dont have someone else to play with do not bother, seriously, these games are only fun when you can speed up the gathering process and actually have to communicate with someone. If you can stomach grind then maybe youll get something out of it

You picked the worst the start with.
During it's Early access "phase" the developers did nothing but add dinosaurs to the game. Didn't give a single fuck about making the game actually run on anything.

>now available
awe yeah now i can refund it

There have been a few games that left Early Access.

I don't remember off the top of my head, but games like Castle Story and 20XX released as full games lately.

I have my brother to play with.

conan exiles is halfway through early access and is already a better game than ark

Well fuck. Any promising ones on the horizon then? How is Dayz coming along.

The only game worth playing that was survival garbage was DayZ. Some of the best moments I ever had was raiding or protected my flying base from helicopters or humvees. I dont know what the fuck happened to standalone it must have gotten lost in translation or some shit because its complete ass.

Day Z is dead.

> Is this the first time a game has made it out of early access?
Are you fucking retarded?

There's been a lot.

The Long Dark is the only good game that left early access.

Fight me.

Slime Rancher left Early Access recently . It's a pretty good game

I technically have 180 hours in the game from gf
I should be able to return it now that its out of EA right?

I thought the objective was to summon bosses and fight them or some shit like that?

The GOAL is to become a beastmaster and collect all the dinos, obviously! And to have fun doing it.
I'll never understand why people can get bored with something that has almost limitless possibilities like this.

Killing Floor 2 came out of Early Access.


Endless Legend, Endless Space 2, Divinity OS, and Invisible Inc are all great games that came out of early access.

How is this surprising to you? Do you even play video games?

Fucktons of games have come out of early access, the fact that you even have to ask tells me that you never gave a fuck, so why do you care now?