Is this the Dark Souls of fighting games?

Is this the Dark Souls of fighting games?

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Can we stop comparing each game to Dark Souls, I enjoyed Dark Souls very much and played through it a few times but its time to stop with this comparison shit.

First cliffy, now these random anons that seek (You)'s. The fuck outta here.

Dark Souls and all that medival Dungeons and Dragons nerd shit needs to end NOW.

We need bizarro cyberpunk fiction games. I'm fucking serious.

Oooooo a gothic game with magic and skeletons TAKE MY MONEY PLZZZ

stop baiting

Dont reply to bait

This game got boring really fucking quick.

How about you don't tell me what to do and let other people decide what to say and to whom?

How about you die?

That sounds nice to me. You not being alive. It sure would be awesome if you didn't exist.

Just kidding don't die but seriously you're a bad person I hope you fail at that important thing you have to do.

Poor man's For Honor

You're not funny, bait-answering faggot.


Back in the day, we didn't call it "bait"

We called it "having fun" and people used to tell jokes and riff on those jokes and have fun.

People used to not have autism.

I know it's crazy but there was a time when people had social skills and knew how to communicate. Crazy.

>Back in the day, we didn't call it "bait"

No, it was called trolling retard

You don't know how to talk to people and you don't know what things are.

Girlfriend free for sure.

I mean not that there's anything wrong about that. I'm just making an observation based on your lack of social skills.

This. Dark Souls is better as a video game than it is as a meme.

This. I miss trolling. Trolling was better than bait. Better memes associated with it too. I hate the black and white fish pics.

Sounds like projection to be honest, if anything you're just butthurt that both your shit thread and shit argument have been called out. Stop pretending to be an oldfag, and don't waste calories ruining Sup Forums more than it is.


There's no sound when reading, so you're stupid here

>like projection to be honest

Good thing you're being honest I wouldn't want you to lie when you're psychoanalyzing Mr. PhD.

>if anything you're just butthurt

No but it's worth pointing out that if you had upset me or anybody else, that isn't noteworthy or interesting. Much like your birth.

>that both your shit thread

Not my thread

>shit argument have been called out.

By you. But you're a simpleton so it really doesn't matter.

>Stop pretending to be an oldfag,

This kind of cynicism is incredibly lame and telling of how uninteresting you are

>and don't waste calories ruining Sup Forums more than it is.

This sentence is fucking gay and you should be ashamed. Waste calories? You fucking dandy.

That would be For Honor.

I haven't been on Sup Forums in 6 months. What the fuck is with the quality drop it was shit earlier this year but at least it was entertaining now threads are trash like this.

Dead on arrival

it would be if it was a fighting game
more like God Hand than Dark Souls tho

yeah, people actually cared enough to troll correctly

Better question, is it the fighting game of Dark Souls?

Join the /asg/ discord. Cute anime please

this game is super fucking disappointing

legit worse than for honor, but I guess it was half the price so it's fine

pretty fun combat I guess tho

Which style do I pick?

For honor wannabe

I recommend kahlt if you have no idea what your doing then start switching into windfall. Those fast hits are neccessary for interrupting power moves. That and it's hilarious to jab someone in the face then fuck off..... then do it again.