Beta's out

Beta's out.

So, what's the verdict?

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Warframe is better and free

Thanks Jeff, it's good. Back to you Jeff.

It's exactly what I thought it was. Destiny on PC. It's too bad their business model requires a yearly payment to keep playing the same content because they lock even the most basic shit behind a DLC pay wall. Oh, and 4v4 max pvp? What the fuck? Why are games going down in scale? Where is my 16v16 mode? 32v32? 64v64?

lol look at this cuckold
how much does DE pay you

Its Destiny 1. If you liked it and want more get it. Personally I might wait for Anthem, but also might get it.

Better than PUBG. Let the Steamtards enjoy their bad games. Shooters are finally back

>16v16 or more
Because anything more than 4 v 4 is casual trash.

>So, what's the verdict?
PC version blow the console version out of the water.
No not on the graphics department.
The FPS, the controls, the FOV, it's MUCH better.

as much as i pay them, nothing
>using the word cuckold unironically

Personally, I feel it's the same as The Division but in space. I got like 30 hours out of TD and then never played again, I'll probably get the same out of D2, maybe a bit more.

It's shit

Generic doodoo shooter

It's the same game as the first one.

PCbros will gobble this shit up though.

4v4 and 5v5 are the perfect match sizes. There's a reason the best games of all time use those numbers. If you don't like it, you are an idiot.
>join a 128v128 game
>laggy and bad
>doesn't matter if i kill 100 people
>the other 28 on their team could wipe the idiots on mine

it's shit
>levels are linear as fuck
>no random loot, you only get two items at the end of the level
>game is tilted towards PVP rather than coop PVE
>3 player coop
>jetpacks are clunky to use, so rather than having a fluid vertical dynamic you just keep flying up or down to push through the level

I will say that it is very well optimized and looks quite nice.
The gameplay is the worst part.

>being this triggered
Go prep the bull

wahhh an mmo has dlc wahhhhhh

They pay me nothing.
Because they don't need to.
They let things be as they are, because that is all that is required.

its fun

you seem to know a lot about cuckolding for someone who calls other cuckolds at random
is that what the community in Destiny usually talks about?

The first game at least had 8v8. I'm tired of losing because a single person on my team isn't contributing.

The gameplay is solid
Runs well on my shit cpu
Other than that i can't say much because of how barebones the beta is


3 player is the max on coop?

So you are mad because you have no friends.

Get gud.

>open are as big as halo 1
>there is random loot, didnt find the minotaur robot
>changes to ammo drops already fixed the heavy weapons pvp thing
>raids go up to 6 with an added extra beginner learning person
>you can glide, double jump, or teleport by choosing the jetpack that suits you

wow user, its like you didnt even play the game

It's okay. Not going to buy it though because nothing from the first game will transfer over to PC. A shame since I thought there was finally a chance my decision to go with my friends on XBox instead of getting it on Playstation would be validated.

You know you can change this in the character abilities menu right?

>he doesn't use superior blink jump

>no random loot, you only get two items at the end of the level
not the case in the full game.
>game is tilted towards PVP rather than coop PVE
D1 was 75% PvE based
>jetpacks are clunky to use, so rather than having a fluid vertical dynamic you just keep flying up or down to push through the level
there's three jetpack options if you look in the subclass options. more upward movement, more forward movement and i can't remember the other one


>blinkfags running rampant again
>tfw I can't go fast with Increased Control anymore
Th-thanks Bungle.

Everyone needs to realize this is a performance beta. There's hardly anything in this beta that you can get an idea about how the full game is except the gunplay.


It's pretty much as shitty as I was expecting it to be.
Consolefags buying this trash leads me to believe that they have literally no taste.

The pc version makes the console one look like a fucking joke in comparison.

We might as well consider this a pc exclusive from how ridiculously better it is on pc.

+Solid core gunplay, everything feels smooth and responsive
+Powers are neat, busting out a flaming sword and killing everything is fun
+Fantastic visuals

-Guns don't feel very punchy, especially rifles
-Enemies are braindead
-World and lore feel super generic
-Bland writing
-Game is structured around grinding

Overall, not too bad. It plays well enough, but its nothing to write home about. Maybe I'll pick up the inevitable 'Destiny 2 Complete Edition' a couple years from now.

i prepurchased the digital deluxe edition

>pc thinks they have better tastes
>lol, csgo, dota2, pubg, and poorly coded wii u emulator

Even PUBG is better than this trash.

>calling others cuckolds


My first time playing destiny in general.
I really liked the dungeon. Very engaging and fun. I wish abilities had lower cooldown and there was maybe 1 or 2 more.

PVP was decent. I like it.

I do not like how everything is based around menus. Its not really "MMO". You take a shit in your ship and fly to "missions" like WF.
I want an actual FPS MMO with open world and cars/bikes you ride around until you arrive to dungeons n shit.

Performance is good on my semi weak PC.

Im not paying bloody 90 bucks for this thing. Thats too much over here.

Boring, slow and floaty. While the mouse control is much more enjoyable, the feel of shooting is so-so but the feeling of impact is almost nonexistent.

Despite having hundreds of rounds of ammo, your ARs and SMGs will run out in no time because enemies are bullet sponges to those, but you'll be able to wipe out waves of enemies with a Revolver with ammo to spare. I tried Hunter and was using three fucking revolvers, Kinetic, Energy and the Golden Gun Ability, because they trounced everything else.
Power Weapons are weak as shit in PvE, yet are effortless one shot kill guns in PvP.

A vocal 1% of fags who play PvP make up the total playerbase in a PvE focused game continue to ruin PvE games. They cry all day and won't just go play a normal fucking FPS or other game actually focused on versus gameplay to fight other players.

>Guns don't feel very punchy, especially rifles
You should try handcannons. Very punchy weapons and are my favourite.

Too bad they're nerfed from early D1, though. They used to be able to 1-shot everything.

>I want an actual FPS MMO with open world and cars/bikes you ride around until you arrive to dungeons n shit.
You do that here, kind of. Each world has an open-world area to it where you can ride around on your bikes.

>Paying $60 plus paid expansions to grind when you can do it for free in Warframe
Bungie fags are truly fucking retarded.

The lore is pretty cool but the presentation is pretty bad and I hate how it feels like the devs aren't even taking the world they're making serious anymore. Everything has to have some sort of witty punchline or end with a sarcastic quip. Nothing really felt like it was allowed to have the gravity it deserved. Maybe that's more marketing then writing but honestly I'm not really optimistic anymore. Staten is gone and the more I see the new Destiny the less I like it.

I think honestly you probably won't like it even with patrols so save your money. Unless you have friends to play it with.

I'm unable to play the beta. Am I missing out?

>implying cs:go, dota2, and pubg arent all better games than destiny and 90% of console exclusives

If you're interested in the game and want to decide weather to get it before spending money on it they yea. Otherwise not really but then why are you in this thread in the first place.

Warframe is pretty trash desu and also has a terrible playerbase.

>I want an actual FPS MMO with open world and cars/bikes you ride around until you arrive to dungeons n shit.

If you go to the Nessus strike and go right from the start, you can get on some bikes and fuck about with them.

>modern talking on TV

those people are partying 80's style

Runs well, but the beta is lacking in content severely compared to the first game's beta.

played it today, pretty fun but I'm not willing to pay what they are asking for it now, will wait for a sale.

>You should try handcannons
I did, played through both the first mission and the strike mission with it. Still didn't feel that great.

They're making another one?


Bland boring and dull.

>Quickplay sucks ass
>Cooldowns on your character are way too long
>Comp is basically counterstrike but less interesting somehow
>Story mode in the beta is obviously the best that Bungie could showcase to players and is really boring with no investment.
>Can't even talk shit to other players.
>Menu is cancer and could use a better UI.

You're an idiot.
Division was made to appeal to Destiny fan base in a first place.

Why the fuck did my full name fucking display when I typed in chat? How the fuck does it even have it

I can't aim for shit but it's fun so far.
Feels way better than d1 on console

my main gripe with the game is that movement feels so clunky, I can barely maneuver while in the air and while sprinting

i love watching destinyqueers defending the small team size. halo had 2v2 through 16v16 on console. cod had seek and destroy no respawn horseshit for muh tryhard audience

>i want to pay more for less content because im HARDCORE and BADASS
you're also lame


It is free, though.

kek, yeah free until you realize you have to pay for stuff or spend months grinding, no thanks.

Its eve online all over again with grinding blocking everything unless you want to pay irl money.

I actually feel the same way right now. After all the hype I thought Destiny has lots of content and complexity but it's pretty shallow and you can't even make proper builds around characters or gear.
I also don't like the gunplay - they all feel similar and the iron sight mechanic doesn't add depth to the gameplay either.
Only played 3 PvP matches but the map objectives with the bombs were totally useless and one could just go gun down the enemy dudes and win that way and the map with the capture circles was designed around ability and grenade spam into chokepoints too much.
I think this game at its is 10 years behind the curve and CoD and Warframe offer more variety in their respective genres.

>strike map
>entire map can be explored
>several secret bosses who have loot drops
>people completely ignore them

don't worry only approved people on your friends list can see your name. everyone else sees your battletag

Why would they let D1 players be massively overpowered compared to the D2 players?
It blows my mind how people think this could even be plausible. Of course, a new game would mean a new start. Was there even any doubt? Aside from the stupid rewards and shit.

It runs extremely well. My 970 rapes this game maxed out. I was really expecting a hack job considering it's delayed a month. It also looks and handles way better than the console version did just by running above 30fps.

Making me really regret having to get it on xbone just to play with my friends

My verdict is that bungie went to shit, same fucking connection errors as Destiny 1, can't even get past the tutorial mission without getting disconnected

>you have to pay for stuff or spend months grinding
As opposed to Destiny, where you pay for stuff AND spend months grinding?

Didn't play 1. Gameplay wise it seems rather bland. Don't think I'd drop $60 plus whatever they'll charge for expansions/dlc. Story wise I have no idea what's going on since I didn't play 1 or really pay much attention to any discussion of it.


I was pretty excited to try it since I've never played the first.

It's ok, pretty boring but it looks nice. The PvP isn't great and there doesn't seem to be that many abilities.

Let's put it this way, the content they had in terms of PvE (which is the only thing I'll buy this game for anyway) was very, VERY lackluster. I felt like there's jack shit you can do to not get hit, and that your only choice is to just cower behind a wall until your shield goes up because of how much the enemies soak up damage and how they all have hitscan weapons.

I went for the generic soldier class who has some deployable shield and I was very disappointed to find out that I can't shoot through that shield either, which basically makes it a portable time out wall so you can regain your health, which kills the flow of the fights.

That boss had attacks that just baffling, like setting the floor on fire which is an instant kill, or knocking me flying into the edge of the map where I promptly died.

It's just weird how bland the gameplay is. Just point your gun at something and shoot, and then duck for cover once in a while, or use your grenade which has like, a minute of cooldown for some reason if you feel like it.

Maybe I'm too old for this shit but I kind of liked when combat had weight to it and hitting an enemy with a magazine's worth of ammo felt like it did something.

Very strange design choics.

If so, still it's a little jarring/worrying to see your full name in a chat when it's never happened before in any game.

>PvP isn't great
That's because PvP is strickly gear based.

nice job pressing 'F' dude.

game looks awesome.

apparently has had this for a long time now.


>Grenade is a long cooldown ability
>So is roll-dodging

What's the lore reason for believing these guys are special heroes? They can't even do stuff a normal person can do.

It feels really fucking slow. Everything about it. Even when battling several enemies I'm just casually walking in an out of cover, taking my time to reload and enjoy the view.
Or maybe the full game improves that somehow? Movement upgrades, faster enemies perhaps?

Also is there a rundown of the lore somewhere? Why is attaching mechanical tentelacles to uh, floating planet defying laws of gravity is such a big deal?

Destiny's actually fun in comparison, though.

I thought the strike was really cool

The first one was alright but the raids are fucking amazing

It's a feature called Real-ID and has been controversial since its launch. Originally you could only add people with their e-mail and see their real name and they later introduced BattleTags in the layout of Name#1234 to allow adding someone without seeing their e-mail or real name. You can disable real name display in the options of Destiny btw

The light is gone user. That big orb in the sky provided them their powers and brought them to life.

Without it they are barely staying alive. there, 100% lore reason for weakness and long cds.

>They can't even do stuff a normal person can do.
Normal people can't automatically reload their weapons by hopping to the side.
Normal people can't throw light and make it explode.

Surprised at how well it runs. Really wasn't expecting to get 144fps from it at 1080p at all. But that's pretty much the only positive I can say for it other than "It looks pretty" but that means fuck all.

But this all happened before they put the big macguffin on the big sphere macguffin.

Yeah we can, it's called a flashbang. It's very loud and explodey.

You might need to run through that strike again. Almost no enemies in Destiny have hitscan weapons. You gotta bob and weave through their shots. Extremely easy to do once you acclimate to the various enemy types

I like it kind of, user. But there's one thing that's bothering me and keeping me from finishing the first mission.
So I can't get to the next level after you first log in. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same as Destiny.

Normal people can't create light grenades from nothing and make it explode.


>That boss had attacks that just baffling, like setting the floor on fire which is an instant kill

You could try... not standing on the floor?

>I felt like there's jack shit you can do to not get hit
You can stand still and 90% of enemy projectiles won't hit you.

>all have hitscan weapons
There are two types of enemies with hitscan attacks, and they're both sniper mobs.

>how much the enemies soak up damage
The handcannon literally 1-shots everything if you know where to aim.

>like setting the floor on fire which is an instant kill
It takes two of these to kill you, and if you haven't figured out that you have to jump up to a pillar or move to the correct area, then I don't know what to tell you.

>Just point your gun at something and shoot
This is an FPS, you know.

It's another 'noob players can press a button to get a few kills a few times under a match' episode

Hated that shit in Ops 3 with the Firebreaker. Run into a room and just spin around holding the mouse button and you get +3 kills before dying.

Can I do co-op with random people? Or is it locked to premade parties only?