Games Sup Forums told you were good but were actually shit

>Tried playing Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun since Sup Forums praises it so much
>about 3 or 4 missions in
>forced stealth section in a RTS

Catherine, or pretty much any weebshit since it's all trash


basically a even more stripped borderlands,which is already shit

>basing the whole experience of an RTS over one mission in one of the two base game campaigns
the point of the campaign is to keep things fresh,if you want pure RTS just skirmish faggot.
By the way,thanks of reminding me of this game,reinstalling it as we speak

pretty much all old WRPGs except Temple of Elemental Evil, that's the only good one.

What exactly do you dislike on old WRPG if you enjoyed ToEE?

Persona 5, fuck that game I'm literally selling it in like 3 hours

Dragon's Dogma was alright but got tedious towards the midgame and wasn't anywhere close to the masterpiece Sup Forums claims it to be

Its feels like a really stretched out piece of mediocre gum

Who the fuck told you that was good

some pacman game. it was DLC fest. i was expecting some cool 3D pacman game.

>couldn't handle something more complex than drag box over units, right click to attack gameplay
When you are older and more experienced with gaming as a whole these challenges will be much easier and not a big deal.

Undertale. Not memeing. Very boring and uninteresting. Maybe the premise is interesting but not that great.
Also, Baldur's Gate 2> BG1
But neither should be played as Planescape Torment is best of that genre.

>build defense in your base until you're capable of taking out attacking dudes without fear
>spam 100,000 units of your preferred type
>steamroll map

guide to every single CnC mission in every single game, from tib dawn to RA3

Rayman 2
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls 2

>Sup Forums goes on and on about the new Zelda
>try and like it
>30 FPS
>combat is too easy
>way too many mechanics designed to be forgiving so the player isn't challenging
>don't even get punished for just rushing right to Calamity Ganon
>game is essentially an hour long unless you want to explore a boring overworld filled with retarded NPCs

Except for all the ones where you are only given a handful of units and have to progress, yeah

every platinum game ever
Only Metal Gear Rising was worth my time, and that was just because it was so hilarious.

bowie game is great what are you talking about

Damn, JoJo part 4 looked better than I remember

thought catherine was decent overall, but the controls could be fucking garbage at times.

La Mulana
Shit is seriously horrible and does not represent old metroidvania's in any manner.


i will never forgive you faggots

Witcher 3.


[kettle blows steam]

>he fell for obvious shilling

>being shilled into buying PUBG
Lmao look at this faggot.
It's fun with friends though. The game should be releasing from early access soon though, I'll be probably refunding aswell

>Sup Forums goes on and on about the new Zelda

When does this ever happen besides the handful of N!ntoddlers who shitpost here?

Bored shitless playing this.

Never trusting muh atmosphere posters again

>Hollow Knight

It's ok user, not everyone has a good taste. But yeah, it's basically the early access survival horror game before it was cool.

Gameplay is really not impressive. Setting is only good if you have a boner for spoopy tension. That never does anything for me. I just found it very dull.

The start of the game is genuinely a poor experience from a play point, especially if you're playing unmodded. It picks up once you get your first real assault rifle and the ammo to make it sing.