Why is FFXIV so successful when so many MMOs have failed? Stormblood still has queues to get into servers even months later.
Why is FFXIV so successful when so many MMOs have failed...
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Main reason I play it is because, I can actually have a life while still being a ""top"" raider.
the formula works, i guess
Serious talk, many people will try to shitpost this or make it sound like a bad thing, but its so fucking great that you don't have to ruin your life to play it.
anyone use vpn?
I just got mudfish, reduced ping by 30-40 which is pretty cool and no disconnects so far. Seems like its worth the 3 dollars for the many months itll last.
>I pay for a sub I want more content
>okay then unsub and come back when more stuff comes out
In a recent interview he stated they feel they've nailed content for players with limited time and know how to create quality content from them on the regular and that 4.3 on wards will really focus on the players who spend all their time on the game. They apparently have some new unique shit coming that they really want to talk about. It's got me pretty hyped to be honestly.
Well technically it DID fail. But its "reborn" state was quite the miracle.
>Enjoying my Roe but some of the animations look a little goofy since they weren't made with big models in mind
Should I just switch back to highlander
If you're enjoying it then why switch?
>literally is not kill
>literally is still making great profit
Even if everyone left the moment they finished MSQ, hit level cap, and did all the non-grind side content, they have more than enough profit to run the servers and make the next expac with no worries.
I like being a big dude but I dont like how silly some of the shit looks
Do you really notice it that much, or is it just a small thing? Are you sure you're not just overthinking it due to being worried you may have wasted your money on a fantasia, so you're getting nitpicky?
Is it just me, or have femc@s become even more selfcentered, bitchy and angry lately?
I do notice it, the game is not that fast paced
Anyways I've only ever used my free ones
Well, if you notice it and it really does bother you, change back. It seems like you've made your mind up.
they've been like that ever since they had to compete with au ra
Male Roe here, its pretty noticeable on DRG, but otherwise I don't mind it.
I like my character too much to switch.
WoW had a lot of ERPfags that Blizzard wasn't catering to. SE swooped them all up. Which is why you can't go five feet in a major city without seeing two catgirls emote humping each other.
What am I supposed to be looking at
Futaba's SB thread
Literally these.
The main difference I've found in ''top'' raids such as Deltascape/Exdeath atm. Is that it can almost be beaten just with the gear you get from running the Expert Duty's + normal Deltascape.
There is no extreme grind. The mechanics are difficult but mastering them is more important than attaining a certain gearscore.
Currently Kiljaeden/Fallen Avatar is more about your gear than the actual fight. Blizzard just pumps HP into bosses to make the content last longer.
>it's another "log in Tuesday, clear the tier and log out until next Tuesday"
How do you find something to do in this game?
I could level up classes but I have everything I like to 70 and dont really want to force myself doing stuff I dont like
>still queued for servers
What server are you on user? Im on cactuar and alright here
Did you try to look up other things like PVP achievement reward, sightlog, hunting for rare fish, working on Golden saucer...Etc?
Not that guy but PvP in FFXIV is the worst shit I've ever played.
I'm perfectly ok with all that stuff you listed, expect maybe Achievement tank mounts but I wont do that shit.
I could PvP but like said PvP is absolutely shit.
4.0 ruined it for me, and heck this patch makes the things worse, DPS getting nerfed and healers untouched, making everything so hard to kill.
>Make PVP more accessible for people who didn't want to get into it
>Crush any level of depth for the people into it
>mfw this statement works just as well if you swap PVP with Tanking
>Industrial waste tank access
Can anyone give me a detailed rotation for RDM? I just can't figure it out.
Hit the bright button.
>Alternate black/white magic until 80/80
>Do your enhanced combo
Wow so hard brainlet
I still don't get it, can you give me a rundown?
Bind half the keyboard to white, half the keyboard to black and then bash your face against it.
Yeah, sure. First ofall, the SMN bow to the RDM.
I keep backflipping off ledges now. What do?
Why is this?
Because they're
>in contact with their inner support side
>rumored to possess Big Dick DPS
>control FFLogs with an iron fist
>own mansions from The Mist to Shirogane
>direct descendants of Ancient Mhachian and Amdaporian bloodlines
>will spearhead the first O8S clear (Redmagengrad will be the first guild to down Butz Savage)
And so on and so forth.
You know, we make jokes, but then I see people doing sub 1kdps as RDM. It's just mind boggling.
People who hard cast the shit they should be instant casting with the class are hilarious.
It has final fantasy in it's name.
You should also conider the fact that WoW, a game that's been dying for a decade, still has twice the active playerbase. You shouldn't be so impressed.
>Japanese MMO developer
>"Don't be a NEET over a video game, it's okay to take time off to play other games or spend time with friends/family."
>Western MMO developer
>"You think you want to quit, but you don't. Now pay up your sub or you will get left behind severely."
Why do you even bother to compare them? WoW has been in an entirely different tier than literally every other MMO since it launched.
>compulsory 100+ hour MSQ to even clear the base game
>i can just play it casually lol
Well yeah you can, there's literally nothing that force you to speed up your progress in the MSQ.
Here are some elves glamoured for the beach.
Because it really shouldn't be. If FFXIV wasn't a creatively bankrupt, boring, grindy ass game that only weebs with nothing else to do can suffer through, it would easily top WoW's numbers without breaking a sweat.
But we're stuck copying WoW, ten years down the line, a game that wasn't even good in the first place, just was in the right place and the right time.
FFXIV patch 1.0 had the same name as it did and it flopped commercially in sales and critically in reviews. Then they reboot the game and now it's a success in sales and reviews. How did they do it and why do other MMOs fail while this one succeeded when it already failed once?
Alphinaud has clearly superior taste in minion.
>other MMOs fail
Except they didn't. GW2 has had a similar playerbase to FFXIV for a while. Same goes for BDO. Like I said, FFXIV isn't a success, it's just not a failure. Go look at Square's review meetings. FFXIV is barely staying afloat.
That, and Stormblood is already dead.
It honestly makes no difference if you're creative or uncreative, archeage was creative, V:SoH was creative, APB was creative, all dead. Hell, dead faster than most WoW clones. Double hell, compare 1.0 which was much more akin to FFXI and ARR, people just like this more. FFXIV gets as far away from WoW as possible without reaching total unfamiliarity.
That being said, were there a way, I would hop ship to a pre-cu SWG 2 the second it was announced. I much prefer sandbox, but every time one comes out it's a dumpster fire.
I played WoW for over a decade since TBC came out and I gotta say that WoW declined dramatically after Wrath of the Lich King came near it's end. It became apparent that Blizzard cared more about keeping the game on a hamster wheel than making interesting content or actually expanding the game without dumbing it down signifacntly.
As for FFXIV, it's not perfect by any means and it does nothing innovative. But it does a lot of old formulas right and with polish. There's something for everyone whether you're a new player or a person at the level cap. The whole design philosophy FFXIV has where you treat it as a JRPG with co-op and when you see the final credits you quit or engage in NG+ (Savage or leveling alt jobs) is not ideal to hardcore MMO players that live and breath the game, but I find it a good balance for everyone in general as it allows people to play at their own pace and if you get burned out and quit then it's not impossible or difficult to catch up. That's what I believe is FFXIVs major advantage over WoW.
How bitter do you think Alphinaud is that his own sister of all people non-memetically cucked him out of another adventure with the WoL?
I swear I've read this post before.
>GW2 has had a similar playerbase to FFXIV for a while
lmao no. GW2 had to go F2P just to save its face and BDO is already F2P in russia/korea, those two games are losing players fast after people figured out they have no future.
>F2P games have same sub count as a subscription game
>that means the subscription game is equal or inferior
Please stop posting stupid things.
Alisaie is all kinds of beautieful.
it's a archive repost because I'm not going to type out that shit again
HW>>SB (so far)>>>ARR>>>>>>>>>>>>>.0
>tfw you played through ARR, HW, and SB all in one go and you don't care about any of the new shit and just want the story to continue
Fuck meaningful content, give me my MSQ continuation already.
this, never had an MMO hook me on their story like this game
I've said it before in other threads but it keeps getting more true. I played WoW for literally a decade as a progression minded raider and was burning out during Warlords of Draenor. I started up characters with a friend late into ARR and fooled about during those last months and the early stretch of Heavensward but then became a lot more dedicated with Stormblood while trying and quitting Legion a few months after it came out. In my time in FFXIV whenever I played I really felt like I was playing because I wanted to play but when I was playing Warlords of Draenor and after I finished the leveling experience of Legion I noticed that the game was constantly trying to remind me that I needed to keep playing.
FFXIV certainly has its flaws and WoW still does some things better but that difference between Want and Need is a world of difference to me.
Maybe in a few months, dumb amelicans
keep paying that sub though hahah :3
>FFXIV isn't a success
>comparing it to a shitty, dying game
>still less players and subs
>'All time high'
>week 7
>still no roborant
why can't people just willingly concede the weapon to the highest dps
this is the 3rd time i've been cucked by some tank who thinks he needs a weapon more than me
FFXIV is the #2 most active subscriber MMO in the world right now.
>why is a game called Final Fantasy successful?
Because this game is not a real MMO
People play this game only for the roleplay
Behind a dead, decrepit game nobody plays.
Being number two means nothing if there are only two people in the race. And it's on tricycles.
>i have no counter argument.gif
XIV was so shitty on release, not even the brand name could save it.
Now it's slightly less shitty.
now you're just being dumb
>i made an assertion without evidence, debate me
He's not wrong. MMOs are old hat at this point. Every game in the Steam top five probably makes more money than WoW and FFXIV. League probably makes as much as both combined. And now you got PUBG which is the new hotness.
>got genji weapon week 1
>"Well looks like this tier's in the bag"
>suddenly gear for my job stops dropping and its week fucking 7 and im still i333 with no genji chest
well fuck you too rng
There have been at least 3 subscription based MMOs made since FFXIV came out (Wildstar, SWTOR and ESO) and all of them couldn't survive on the sub model so had to head to a B2P/F2P model.
Granted, FFXIV also has a pretty fucking outrageous cash shop, so what's the difference, really.
I just feel the combat is too slow for my tastes. The 2.5 second GCD feels like an eternity and the off GCD abilities are too few and far between. I played up to the end of ARR and just kinda called it quits after doing Cutscenes: The Duty. If there was better quest variety or something, I might of stuck around longer, but it looks like just killing or right clicking sparklies.
At least Gold Saucer was fun
>pretty fucking outrageous cash shop
not really, nothing is p2w on the shop. compare it to WoW or korean MMOs where they let you buy in-game currency and then exchange that currency for any top level raid carry
are you kidding? WoW and FFXIV are money gold mines. They get people to pay $20 for the base game, $40-60 for expansions, and then $15 a month sub fee. That's not even including cash shop shit.
ARR was boring, combat has improved since then but if 2.5 is a big deal for you, you probably still wont like it.
I didn't know a top level raid carry was considered 'winning' these days.
You really have to play to the End of heavensward to get a good feel of the game.
Some people might say that's stupid, but that's just the par for every MMO with thousands of hours of gameplay.
>tfw no Alisaie favourmate to show your Blade of Light to
Chop chop Yoshi, I want my Gold Saucer dates ASAP.
unsub from my game already!
>tfw couldnt suffer through 3 months of sub time so I only got legacy tattoo
All those games have cash shops. Many have box prices too. WoW probably isn't even Blizzard's big maker anymore with Overwatch. Even before that I bet Hearthstone was making comparable money with all the mobile bux and the fact that it takes $200 just to catch up with the meta.
Don't forget to post the image next time.
I want to wreck Alisae's girl pussy
>game actually fun before max level
>old content isn't outdated with new expansions
>actually has not just a story but a well written story
>classes are balanced
>extremely alt friendly
>nice community
>best housing system of any mmos
>content actually fucking hard
>beautiful, outstanding music
no idea
Anyone else bored already?
>7 lvl 70 jobs
>ilv 337 atm
>all crafts and gather at 70
>omege S cleared
What's 4.1 adding besides a 24 man raid that would be fin for the firt week (lets be honest here, yo will hate to do it every week after the first one). And probably the new relic/anima?