Is he no longer allowed on Sup Forums?

Is he no longer allowed on Sup Forums?

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sure, as long as we don't talk about the autistic -tan ball

he was replaced by the mascot of nu-Sup Forums, vivian, sorry

old Sup Forums is dead

>newfags crying about "MUH NU-Sup Forums"

The irony.


Literally tumblr-tier shit
How could you let this happen Sup Forums


yep hes definitely dead forever

v-kun died with videogames

RIP v-kun
RIP videogames

The spirit's gone. Sup Forums is no longer some raging, hardcore gamer, he's someone who pretends to hate everything, and in doing so finds no time for actual games, interests, or motivation. He no longer has the driving mindset of "I hate it because I know it could be better," but rather "I hate it because other anons tell me to, and I value their fleeting respect over forming my own opinion."

Videogames are still alive. Personally, I'm having loads of fun with Hollow Knight and the bullshit that is the mage boss.

>Posting this cringe shit again


how to tell if you're a newfag:
you still use the term "cringe" and act like you've been around for the Sup Forums-tan comics

I miss old Sup Forums

It's a decent remake, shame about the shitty gay memes they added for no reason

>Sup Forums is no longer some raging, hardcore gamer,
Pretty much.
The average user is some third-worlder teenager, who play phone games and whale-bait multiplayer trash, in between watching e-friends on twitch and youtube.
In the rare cases he play single-player games, he always chose to play on Normal difficulty, pretending in his head that it will provide any challenge.

>false flagging redditfag

I really dislike it, since it's pretty evident that it wasn't made for us.


You mean the crying wojack in a nintendo hat eating Miyamoto's shit.

I wonder how many more years until people drop this idea that cross boarding is bad. People have more than one interest, such a heinous crime.

Boards interacting with each other is a good thing. Just look at the combined boards from April's fools to see.

Next your going to tell me there's vore and a Wojak representing Microsoft ate a Wojak representing Sony

>this is the current state of the conservative ideology

>Conservatives are all memers or rednecks
>Dems are pretentious cunts
>Libertarians are a mix rich cunts who want to stay rich, hillbillies who hate taxes, and potheads
>Greens are even more pretentious and crazy then Dems
What the fuck are you supposed to do?

Don't forget if you hate all of the above you're a fence-sitting mouth-breather.

Libertarians are the closest view wise to what I want but the party is too fractured and doesn't have any clue about what it would actually do if they managed to somehow get a bit of power.

Politics are for braindead normies, just don't dabble in them.

have some fucking conviction in your opinions you fucking faggots

>le fence-sitting
If you give a shit about politics outside of how you'll be affected by it then you're nothing more than a reality show mouth breather glued to a news channel. Only normalfags/Americucks give a fuck about what their president ate for breakfast then tweet about it.

At least come up with something better than a fucking prom, A festival or something.

>i am a literal child who is not affected by politics, ever

>conviction in your opinions
and this is why nothing gets better.

truly you are an expanded mind

Who are you quoting friend?

>no party perfectly embodies my views
Eat a bullet.

animation wise it looks really good but why did he decided to George Lucas the fuck out of it?

standing by your beliefs make you welcome with noone


I dont recognize this videogame


Oh yeah did you hear blue dog dems are unironically calling themselves neoliberals now? Get ready for some more "think of the children!!"" centrist corporate cocksuckers in the next few years!!! Fucking kill me now

Your friend.

Pretty much. This board has no integrity what so ever.

Just another stupid meme like ad hominem when conservitards introduced theml,la

>all these years and tfw no gf meme still applies to me

OK little baby, you should keep lurking your illustrious president's twitter feed.

Butt vore with goldface Sony and Nintendo.
Gone in the wind, it's wojak season now and not the same board as it was years back

Why'd you remind me

2017 has been a fantastic fucking year for games.


>Sup Forums likes Capcom
>Sup Forums likes Xbox
>Sup Forums likes Blizzard
kill yourself

"Wojak season" has been a thing since that shitheap of a board called /r9k/ got deleted and all their losers decided they wanted to go to Sup Forums now instead.
The only thing I see wojaks used for now is just to console shitpost since someone got the bright idea to associate crying wojaks with fanbases.

How many girls have you asked out this year? If it's under 50 then you have no right to complain.

>Sup Forums the musical
Jesus, kill it with fire.

I don't want to be the only one to remember.
Only thing good to have come out of this shit was Atari and thank god it died out before the console had been unveiled more, there's already enough shit OC as it is.

>watched this
>felt embarrassed the whole way through
>rewatched the original directly after
>hype as fuck
though the new one had cleaner lines and more frames, it was largely worse in every other way- worse pacing, shit added that didn't need to exist and shit removed to make it less true to the source, worse form in the fight scenes, more generic flash style, pretty much everything
the original was made by a pioneer animating for the fuck of it, the new one was made by an actual autist trying to make jewtube dollars
the comments are cringy as fuck too, almost every single one of those viewers has never even been on this site; just think about that for a second
I think I'm long overdue to leave this site for somewhere deeper on the web considering we live in a time were fags will just make this.

>going out
normalfag get out reeee

>sound effects suck
>no mech scene because he used it as filler because he couldn't draw a full fight but now that he can, he can't remake the mech scene
>throws in flavor of the month shit

I don't get this list.
>Old Sup Forums likes Vanillaware, Atlus, KT, Marvelous, and XSEED
>Nu-Sup Forums likes the Vita

Shouldn't old Sup Forums like the Vita since it's quite literally full of games from each of those? Even moreso with Vanillaware giving its games exclusive DLC for its Vita versions?

The remake was made by the same guy who created the first flash.

regardless my points are still correct,
>the original was made by a pioneer animating for the fuck of it, the new one was made by an actual autist trying to make jewtube dollars