I am calling it right now, this is going to be one of the BEST GAMES EVER!
I have watched this trailer so many times:
Come here my MH BROS!
I am calling it right now, this is going to be one of the BEST GAMES EVER!
I have watched this trailer so many times:
Come here my MH BROS!
this is not how you start a MH thread
lurk moar fag
World a piece of casualized shit
I want stories to come out already, September's taking too long to get here and my boner hasnt come down after playing the demo
how so?
the game looks great so far
Shit game. Shit series. Only good version are on nintendo products
Looks cinematic af. Fuck you Crapcom
If you're the fag that lives down the hall in my dorm, could you stop fucking shouting "WOAH" and repeating shitty GameGrumps jokes everytime you walk through? Thanks.
>this is the audience capcom wants with mhw
>these are the people you're defending when you say mhw hasn't been casualized
its a viral marketer what do you expect?
This game is pretty casualized. Watch the ign video and they don't even need cold drinks anymore
>hits fleshy dino with sword
>rocks fly off outta no where
wtf is this?
+10JPY has been deposited into your account
gr8 b8, shitendo fanboy
did they actually remove this?
He's baiting
Blood was turned off for the demo.
Yes. Go watch the video
It's a faggoty marketer doing the bare minimum by copying and pasting a thread every so often.
well done faggot, cancer posting truly a great way to makes people hate this game
>nintenbros think this qualifies as false flagging
I really can't distinct if this is legit and honest excitement or an exaggerated shitpost to lure out contrarians
OP here
I'm hyped, I just wanna discuss the game
I see you´ve yet to spot the xd maymay banan in the picture
I dunno Monster Hunter threads never really started with positive happy vibes. Usually it consisted of a the controls sucks and that the game is shit followed by a sploiler. monster hunter thread
Good on you then man.
I'm craving a grindy game for a while now and since I laid down MH ever since 4U I'm also craving to get back into it so this will be a perfect chance.