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We're getting a Nindies showcase tomorrow but honestly we desperately need a direct, last one was in April I believe.
>Xenoblade 2 still slated for this year
Hoping they hurry up and tell us soon that they are delaying it.
they're 95% done with the game, it's already dubbed and they finished the soundtrack months ago. All that's left is polishing then it'll be out by december at the latest. seriously there's no need for a delay.
This. I'd rather them give the game the polish it needs than try and beef up the lacking library.
When they figure out how to reanimate Iwata's lifeless corpse.
they would have a release date if they were that certain
Pikmin 4 announcement fucking when?
There was a FE direct this past sunday.
It's an indies direct though.
fire emblem warriors just got a release date yesyerday and it's coming out in 3 months, have some patience
This reminds me of the time I went to my local grocery store for a video-game related cake, one with Rosalina on it. It was for me (yes, I buy cakes for myself on my birthday, it's not weird lots of people do it I bet), and I got the weirdest looks when I asked them to do it. To add insult to injury, they didn't even know who Rosalina was. Yes, believe it or not, there are people who are employed to create children cakes who don't know who Rosalina is. Please, don't face-palm all at once. One of them at least knew what Mario was, but pointed to one of the stock cakes they have with Princess Peach on it. I had to hold back my laughter so I didn't offend them.
To make a long story short, I actually had to go home and print some pictures of Rosalina off to show them---just to be safe, I went with five good pictures, some official renders, some of it really high quality Rosalina fan art (choosing which ones to use was a difficult matter in itself) just to make sure they got her good side.
started right there
>and it's coming out in 3 months
Try 7 weeks.
The release date is October 20, 2017.
>a week before Mario
Thank fuck. FEW is dead on arrival.
only proving my point further
It probably wasn't going to sell that amazing based on the fact that it's a Musou.
Then again Hyrule Warriors did well enough to warrant a 3DS port, whereas this release is getting a New 3DS version from the get-go.
Perhaps that version will outsell the Switch one despite the Switch one getting a Collector's Edition.
I agree that Xenoblade's announcement is imminent, particularly because PAX West is set to happen very soon and it is a great a time as any to announce the release date then.
We'll get another one this year that much I can tell you
There are still three months left in the year
>October 27 is 2 months from now
October 27 was 30 years ago
When Iwata gets resurrected.
Nintendo REALLY wants to cut down on announcing games too early.
they haven't announced enough desu
2017 has been a good year, new Mario, Xenoblade, Zelda, Splatoon, new IP in Arms even that Rabbids game is pretty good
but what is coming out in 2018? Kirby and Yoshi are the only things that look likely (I don't think Pokemon or Metroid Prime are coming out in 2018) and some ports like Dragon Quest XI
just announce the god damn gamecube games
Fire Emblem is a 2018 game.
It was announced in February of this year.
Pikmin 4 and Animal Crossing are pretty much guaranteed 2018 games. I'd be really, really surprised if they aren't announced in the next Direct, whenever that is. Kirby, Yoshi, and Fire Emblem are also guaranteed at this point.
The dream is dead.
>good side.
Will we ever get a wario land game again
Shake it was a good game
i want a new animal crossing game
>Animal Crossing with paid online
Ew no thanks
>Pikmin 4 and Animal Crossing are pretty much guaranteed 2018 games.
Switch owners are retarded.
Probably this month, since they have to show that 3DS Kirby game that was slated for this year.
>mfw nobody cares about wario land anymore
>mfw people want animal crossing and zelda rehashes
>mfw no face
Sigh Nintendo is dead
If they're not going to deliver a new Wario game, at least they could remake any Land game for the 3DS or the Switch.
>We'll probably get another spin-off game from another franchise that nobody asked for before a Wario game
Fucking chinks.
Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD
whenever the fuck your ready, nintendo
hurry up and announce Skyward Sword HD while you're at it
A few years back Nintendo said Pikmin 4 was "almost complete". Who knows if Animal Crossing is coming soon, it could be a 3DS game for all we know.
I'd rather see Skyward Sword get an overhaul rather than an HD remaster, but I'm holding off on trying to play through it again in hopes of any sort of remake.
What's wrong with Princess Peach?
Prime HD Trilogy as well
this needs to happen
They've got their lineup for the rest of the year announced and want to keep audiences focused on that right now. We'll probably get Directs all about Ultra Sun and Moon and Mario Odyssey, but don't expect a major Direct for the announcement of new games or info on 2018 ones for a little while. Not until November-December so they can hype people up and grab holiday sales.
they need to have one to properly outline the online plan by christmas I would imagine
Maybe after the Mario Odyssey release
I could see a January direct as well. It's gotten to the point where some people call January Nintendo's E3 when they decide to have a direct.
It is September first, but you didn't hear it from me.
As you can see, I was NOT satisfied with it and complained to the manager. This got me the cake for free and, hey, I was happy. I felt guilty getting it for totally free though, I just wanted a discount, so I bought some cupcakes along with it. Light blue and yellow like Rosalina, of course.
I felt bad eating the cake so I kind of just let it sit on my kitchen counter for awhile, and when it started to melt, put it in my freezer. It's still in there---I don't have the heart to eat it. :(
I have never played a Wario land game in my life
what are they like? looks like a Super Mario game but Mario is really ugly
My only experience is Wario Land IV but it's like a more agressive Mario game.
IIRC what I remember doing was find a collectable at the end of the level and bring it back to the beginning of the level ramming into things and changing into different objects along the way.
Can you take it out and post a timestamp? I need to know if you're bullshitting or not.
Soon :)
I hope that's true user.
I knew the bit about the soundtrack but didn't realise the whole game was so far along.
>Nintendo REALLY wants to cut down on announcing games too early.
Why? Who does it hurt when they announce stuff early?
I don't understand this picture
Green Room
Never again.
Wario is now "le funny fart man", even Miyamoto didn't want to put him in 3D World because he would have had to think of a fart attack, that's his identity.
What does being announced early have to do with whatever problems you have with the game?
Wario had no personality before he was a farting jew anyway
The announcement and the final game are night and day. Not in terms of quality, just in terms of style.
More that NoA mistakenly advertised it as a chaaracter based crossover, rather than one based on themes and elements of both series.
it's from reddit you shmuck
Did the E3 one not count
Objectively false
Wario's greed was always the focus of his character. Play the Wario Land games
>Wario is now "le funny fart man
That's true, but in all fairness a Direct gives us more details rather than reveals and teasers. The spotlight was great but in reality it's more of a hype train event.
Miyamoto didn't create Wario, he doesn't care about him, it doesn't matter what he thinks.
Wario needs the old Nintendo R&D people who made all the Wario Land games