and why should it be Akavir hundreds of years before TES:Arena
Where will the next one be?
Other urls found in this thread:
Summerset Isle, the fully voiced player goes from Skyrim to fight the Thalmor on their turf, and this time it's personnel, kids. Playable races are Nord, Redguard, Breton, or High Elf. The class breakdown is now just Warrior, Mage, or Thief. You have no stats at all, just your class' abilities for that level. Equips are defined by your class. If your thief picks up a staff and robes it turns into a bow and light armor.
Bretons are now half black.
Even though your'e probably right, I would rather die than play that.
Brutal, over-the-top hack 'n slash TES Adventures game developed by Platinum where you play as Pelinal Whitestrake slaughtering thousands of elves for Reman while Rules of Nature plays in the background alongside Nerevar Rising.
I hope you get murdered for posting that.
Probably something similar though.
Hmmm, that might actually be kind of fun.
Produced by Hideo Kojima.
>tfw genocide is a bad goy move so it can never ever be featured as gameplay
well, look at it with a company perspective
>skyrim made a lot of cash out of normies, introducing them to baby first rpg
so bethesda surely want to please its normie players, so you have to ask yourself
>as a setting what would make the difference between a displeased normie and a pleased normie?
multiple things, current trending theme in global media, game of throne and that kind of stuff, also elements from skyrim people loved, and obviously, obligatory virtue signaling
>elsweyr is the perfect candidate
people love khajits, they are not le cis white male meme, they live in a desert and can be pretendent to some we wuzing, and they tend to be enough violent to please the "boob and blood" peoples, adding to that the fact that it'd make sense to see a sequel there
Well genocide is in TES lore since forever but I really don't see one of the games featuring it
We won't get one. Single player games are no more until they can be as well monetized as card games and MMOs.
I'll take anything as long as Bethesda isn't making it
why do you think they made creation club
Black Marsh.
Your heart will be removed in the intro but you will survive.
The Hist will sustain you by way of the green heart.
The lack of a heart will mirror the Sithis shaped hole theme.
As you discover more Hist Trees they will show more History by way of flashbacks.
This will also be the new version of shouts.
Hoping for Black Marsh.
Skyrim's argonians were cool af.
>only 2 races the entire game
Saves effort, I can see it happening
>this entire thread
The next "Elder Scrolls" is a Game of Thrones game you retards
It'll take place in Skyrim of course
Holy shit you might be right
In all seriousness I really want this to happen in my lifetime
I cannot wait for BobbyxToddposting
Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim II
Since Daggerfall all TES games revolved around one of the Towers. I'd place my bets that Bethesda will shit all over the Summerset Isles or Valenwood.
Elsweyr is a perfect setting but Bethesda will fuck everything up as always
All the previous races will be available.
Summerset's Tower is already deactivated.
no more no less.
>The Elder Scrolls V-II: Skyrim
>Vvardenfell is at the same latitude as Skyrim
>Skyrim is a frozen waste while Vvardenfell is mostly tropical/temperate
Why, though?
Makes no sense in Black Marsh but its not like they care
kind of a bunch of giant fucking volcanoes in the center of vvardenfell
>Vvardenfell is at the same latitude as Skyrim
Also magic I ain't gotta explain shit. Red Mountain was literally formed from a dead god
>Equips are defined by your class.
Modern Bethesda would never limit you like that.
Really makes you think
A desert inhabited by cats?
I don't want to visit a giant catbox user.
The best weapon in game will be a ball of string.
Not only no but fuck no to Elsewhere
Thanks for letting me know you don't know shit about the province
But Skyrim is about the Dragonborn removing all dragons.
What city is this? Why is it in the middle of the sea?
>night's watch fighter's guild
>maesters mage's guild
>faceless men dark brotherhood
>gin alley thieves' guild
It adds up.
We are never getting an exotic Elder Scrolls location, I don't know why everybody memes about it. Next installment (if there ever is one) will be Breton's. After that all areas are going to be launched online for the MMO with less content then games released previously.
Look at this picture:
its an island
>You can join the Night's Watch and then immediately leave it
as long as ESO is a thing I doubt we'll get a new elder scrolls game. Bethesda will just continue to milk skyrim for another gen
>third era maps
The Hist will it to be so.
So it is so.
Not difficult to justify.
Thats why I think it should be in akavir, it also saves them the trouble of having to deal with the massive retcon that is the great war.
oh, woops
That is Betony, formerly Betnikh, basically just a shitty fishing village once run by orcs before the Daggerfall Covenant claimed it as a defensive post against the Aldmeri Dominion's navy.
Making up an entire continent that has been shrouded in mystery and hyped since forever isn't "saving trouble"
Yeah but putting it in the summerset isles would combine morrowind, oblivion and skyrim into the perfect ES. Magic of morrowind (high elves everywhere) quests of oblivion (working for the thalmor or working against them) and mod capability and superior engine of skyrim, but even better since it's no longer 2011. Magic would finally be able to be as OP as it was in morrowind, which is cool. They may even bring back levitation! Why would they put it any where else? The game would be best in summmerset isles, or they could capitalize off of stealth archery and set the next game in valenwood, but that's not as good as a deal as the combination of the best elder scroll games ever made.
Imagine if an open-ended RPG was as dynamic as having something akin to the Night's Watch, and deserting it meant you were realistically hunted down and more than likely eventually executed resulting in permadeath.
Fuck me I hate this new retard prone BotW design for games where there are no consequences for failing and in turn succeeding.
In bethsedas case it is since they tend to do that anyway i.e. fallout 4's commonwealth
I have 1 and 2 but haven't played them
The Empire finally collapses
The AD falls apart because
The Khajit find out the Thalmor had nothing to do with bringing the moons back and turn on the AD.
The Bosmer rebel because of the purges.
The Thalmor are exiled from Sumerset when they are found out to be Daedra worshipers.
TES6 will be a world in chaos.
>creation engine
>superior to gamebryo
The geo politics would be absolutely insane. the face of the entire continent would be changed. This sounds absolutley wunderbar
Realistically it will take place in Summerset Isles since Bethesda is going full "Thalmore iz the badguys and basically the enclave," because they don't know how to write enemy factions. We'll have the Dragonborn First Blood Part II show up and fight the mean, nasty High Elves saving the Nord once and for all from something something dragons. Of course there will be Imperial factions to do quests for because fuck it so we can have another god awful Thieves guild questline. We'll be lucky if race even plays a role in stats (if there are even skills/attributes at all) and stealth archery will be improved by the addition of ancient dwemer sniper rifles that do 24x crit damage. The final boss will be Elfgod the Unmentioned and afterwards the Vaultdweller can go back to raiding linear dungeons for pocket change and Gloves of Minor Usefulness.
Would be nice for once for all these shitty Empires to die off and each province become its own sovereign nation again
And then start killing each other off again a decade later because WE'RE IN FUCKING TAMRIEL, BABY
>The Thalmor are exiled from Sumerset when they are found out to be Daedra worshipers.
Exiled by whom? They are the government post Oblivion crisis and rule with an iron fist.
>gloves of minor usefulness
>daedra worshipping
>there are people who actually think that there will ever be an Elder Scrolls game set in Black Marsh or Elsweyr
God, I hope not. Sounds boring as fuck.
The ensuing Stormcloak Empire.
I want a TES in Elsweyr because it's cool as fuck.
I don't want a TES in Elsweyr because Bethesda will ruin it.
Realistically, they'll probably just milk Skyrim forever.
Or just make it in Hammerfell because that's a safe bet.
Who have power in the Isles because.... why?
>hammerfell with all of its sand niggers is a safe bet and not high rock/summerset isles
They won't ever do any of those provinces purely because beast races aren't marketable as a poster character.
Black Marsh is an extremely harsh environment, which has kept the bulk of the Empire out but it's still has Imperial Cities all along the coast, Dunmer in the North and an eastern chunk that has largely the same climate of Cyrodil. There is not some magic in it that kills every single non Argonian who tries to enter it's just dangerous.
The real reason it'll never be featured is because as far as we know there isn't a lot of Elvish, Daedric or Dunmer ruins to make dungeons out of. It's just been thousands of years of Hist domination.
>big empty desert full of fucking nothing
They can just procedurally generate it like Cyrodiil and call it a day. Normalfags don't know or care about Redguard lore either so they can just make them regular nigs
Dudebros are all about "cool black guys", don't you know? See Sgt. Johnson.
If it's not Elsweyr no buy
Because they pushed them back across the continent by raping and pillaging theyre towns and encampments and converting their citizens with the help of their newly emerged religion of talos
It should be Valenwood AND Elsweyr
doesn't matter the next game will be irredeemable trash
The Thalmor don't worship Daedra though.
and just how are you going to do that
>two continents!
Irredeemable trash x10
>newly emerged religion of talos
Please, tell me more
How does it feel to not have a moon colony
>TFW when it's set in Hammerfell just so Beth can complete their transformation into Bioware by depcting a land made up entirely of niggers
Given their steady but sure decline over the years it's almost a given.
If the Embassy is any indication the Justiciars are not well liked by the rank and file.
They are a small group that rose to power and can lose that power just as quick a it came.
They have been laying the foundation since Oblivion for this.
Skyrim continued it
Legends confirmed it.
This isn't a case of ZOMG retcons. It is going exactly according to the script.
There are certain fanfics they may be troubled by this but Ray Charles could have seen this coming.
Bethesda knows they have to make it as vanilla as possible so they don't scare off the normies
It's gonna be Hammerfell, where they can redo another Civil War setting with the Crowns vs the Forebears, have your character be a super special chosen one as the Hoon Ding, fight evil elves trying to screw both sides behind the scenes, reuse Dwemer ruins assets because there were a lot of them in the region, probably do something with Orcs being oppressed
They weren't mentioned in Oblivion.
Like, ever.
>It should be Valenwood AND Elsweyr
It should be Valenwood, Elsweyr, southern Cyrodiil and Black marsh.
It would keep the knowledge of skyrim relevant for normal fags while mirroring perceived societal discrepancies of modern day religions to bring in newfags, idk im just spitballin here.
That's because the Justicars are REMOVE TALOS units. The Thalmor still rule the Dominion, the Justicars do not form the bulk of their army or their politics.
Still makes no fucking sense. I can still see Bethesda making Stormcloak victory canon because normalfags liked them so much, but making them spread outside of Skyrim is retarded in every level.
Hence why setting it in Akavir during the dynasties would be perfect, no prior knowledge needed so they could attract new players while at the same time appeasing hardcore lorefags of the series.