How the hell did this get two (2) sequels!? Did japs by it?
How the hell did this get two (2) sequels!? Did japs by it?
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The director made Lightning his waifu and wouldn't fucking drop it.
Lightning returns was pretty good. It had a similar feeling to majoras mask. If it had Wakka as the main character it wouldve been hailed as a hidden gem
there's some mad FF13 hate going on right now, I wonder how your fast you flip-flop your opinion when SE re-release these games 10 years from now, kill yourself.
XIII is literal garbage, dude.
The only thing 13 had going for it were Jihl and Fang.
you're entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is wrong
It was the best character study of the series and had a really exciting, cinematic combat system that worked amazingly and rewarded different playstyles, while still letting novice players get by if they didn't want to learn the systems.
>why did one of the most popular RPG franchises of all time get two sequels
Gee I don't know.
Fang is the worst girl in the game.
This. The series basically saved the company by giving them enough money to remake FF14 after the disaster that it initially was. You remember how they said they'd never remade 7 unless a game surpassed it? Well guess which one finally did?
Yeah you're right. Calling it garbage is giving it too much credit.
>while still letting novice players get by if they didn't want to learn the systems.
Because XIV is the biggest failure ever to grace gaming and XIII was already in development hell so it was a cheap way to recuperate from the abomination that was XIV by reusing assets and using assets that never made it into the final game. Also .
What a painfully stupid question.
still wrong, keep trying though
SE made way more art assets than what was put in the first game so the sequels were pretty inexpensive to make. Also Japs ate it up.
The black dude's one of the worst characters of all time. The literal faggot keeps a fucking bird in his hair.
>there's some mad FF13 hate going on right now
FF13 has been getting shit on since it's release, that's not something new
The only time that changed was for a couple weeks after the PC release
Anyways the series has been shit for almost two decades now, and even then was never that great to begin with
The lore is a mess. The gameplay's a linear path. The characters are shit tier garbage. The story makes no fucking sense.
The first Final Fantasy's a buggy pile of shit that didn't serve a sequel. Final Fantasy has always been an abortion.
XIII-2 happened because S-E realized all the unused resources from the very expensive XIII project could be cobbled together without huge expense with a TIME TRAVEL plot. Toriyama snuck in a To Be Continued so he could make the Lightning-Poochy spinoff he wanted to. Bravely Default notably did better than that piece of shit, thank goodness.
What doesn't make sense about the story?
Wow, way to put yourself as pleb, user. It's okay if it was too complex for you. The game was the most complex one in the series.
FFXII: Lightning is director's waifu
FFXII-2: Director is going through waifu withdrawal, and makes a game about the search for said waifu
FFXII-LR: Director makes solo game as ultimate tribute to his waifu.
The dick is a powerful motivator.
He never snuck in a "to be continued". Quit talking out your ass. The game saved the company, dawg.
Toriyama waifued so hard he was forced to make unnecessary sequels and rig a popularity poll just so someone else would like his waifu. it didn't work
Everyone knows the story's a convoluted abortion. Stop kidding yourselves.
XIII was fun and it made money
I wouldn't call it an abortion, since there were some good games in there from 4 to 9, but I'd agree that the series got way, way more praise than it ever deserved
We're talking about XIII not VIII.
I like how you don't understand numbers.
>buggy pile of shit
You can say the same with 90% of NES games, retard. Try harder.
I'm curious as to if he hit on an area where it doesn't make sense or if he just doesn't know what he is talking about
Nah, he's probably never played the game and just spouting what he hears from the cool kids in the internet.
It's true for both really
What's wrong? Too smart to read the Datalog? Can't you stop pretending to be retarded?
Yeah. Only reason the first one was liked was 'cause shit was mysterious. You just assumed those spells worked out of ignorance. I'd compare it to Dragon Age: Origins. Enjoyed by a great many, but actually a pile of shit. Half the spells in that game don't work as intended. Shapeshifter's literally unplayable. Garbage.
Pretty much this. Surprised LR didn't end with Toriyama self-inserting himself into the game and marrying Lightning at his own wedding.
Dude literally said that Lightning the most popular girl character in video game ever once lol.
Go read the lore entries. Do it. Come back in forty minutes and tell me that shit's not a needlessly complex web of bullshit. It's convoluted Japanese trash. You don't need to be Stephen King to see that. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
It's a well known fact modern japan cucks have shit taste.
She has one of the most punchable face I've ever seen. I don't know what it is, but looking at her just makes me angry.
The thing is, I like needlessly complex convoluted Japanese trash. It has a time honored tradition in JRPGland. You're going to have to do better than that if you want to point out actual plot holes and such.
Blame FFXIV 1.0.
It's called being a homosexual. Most men would want to shove their cock down her throat.
Look at Sazh. He's much, much worse - and not because he's black. Dude's just a garbage character. Bird shit for brains.
>playing Japanese game
>be mad because it contains Japanese trash
This bait can't be more obvious.
Not a fucking argument. Nobody with a functioning brain would sit down and read that shit. You'd have to be autistic as fuck.
What exactly made XIV 1.0 so abysmal?
>Having absolute shit taste in women.
the first sequel was only like 5-10% lightning until dlc
So much.
I'm tired. Fucking sue me
I wasn't making an argument. I just said I liked it.
All of the 13 games are good and 13 2 is the best one
Linear level design is a plus in today's market.
Not when it's just a straight fucking hallway. That shit's cancerous.
The push forward and hold X simulator sure was fun.
Not to mention you could "Auto fight" through the entire fucking game.
You could even beat the bosses by autofighting.
>implying paradigm and outside battle choices didn't matter at all
Why would anything matter when the game's so fundamentally broken? They wasted a ton of money and time with almost no regard for basic game design. Shit that's been known for ages. They're so obsessed with making Final Fantasy relevant again that they end up making it worse than ever.
Not him but FF has always been broken. The best FFs have totally broken and easy as fuck to exploit battle systems -- FF6 and FF7. Literal 2 spell combo can kill almost any boss in 6.
VIII is by far the most broken, you play cards for twenty minutes and can one shot everything up through Disc 3.
I don't regard that shit as worth playing. On the other hand, I don't read guides. I might not discover that shit.
Fuck you've convinced me.
>almost no regard for basic game design
Are you retarded? The entire game was designed around the linear path, regenerating hp, and lack of mp. Every encounter was designed to be somewhat engaging instead of slowly wittling you down. The game even made it so you can't overlevel for a section to keep bosses engaging, but you could keep gathering exp for later. Hell you can make the game harder by not leveling for challenge runs. Most spells have unique properties and the characters have different cast speeds to balance casters. You can not like the game but please don't talk about shit you don't understand.
Then you don't even belong in a FF thread.
FF8 is not widely praised as the best in the series
Famitsu 2009 Top 100 Sales Chart
1. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX (Square Enix) - 4,100,968
2. [NDS] Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (Pokemon) - 3,382,597
3. [WII] New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo) - 2,485,150
4. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Nintendo) - 2,311,948
5. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix) - 1,698,256
Came out in December in Japan but despite this in 2010 it was:
56. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII (Square Enix) - 206,057
As for their reviews they gave XIII a "near perfect" review and XIII-2 got a perfect review.
They didn't like Lightning Returns though.
Copy & Paste maps.
More polygons on a barrel than an actual player character.
It sold and reviewed well in Japan, SE already planned FF13 to be a series anyways so they went ahead with the sequels.
that image is terrible, it started strong but it starts grasping real soon and doesn't even hit any of the actual fucking faults the game had
What's complex about a corridor game?
>lightning returns battle system actually looks interesting and fun to play
>look up the game
>its developed by tri ace
>find out valkyrie profile 3 essentially turned into this
life truly is suffering