Hey Sup Forums, Sup Forums here. Do you guys have a chart with the video games released each season like we do?

Hey Sup Forums, Sup Forums here. Do you guys have a chart with the video games released each season like we do?

Wikipedia has it.

Only bait ones, just use Mobygames

Do you guys have the same problems with Sup Forums crossboarders like we do?

No. We can't keep up with all shovelware.

This. The majority of games released would literally be indie pixelshit like the stuff you see on Steam. The games that do appear on Sup Forums tend to be the only ones worth playing. Everything else is AAA garbage or early access shit or indie shit.

you can occasionally find games charts on Sup Forums but most often they are just for one console and will include games that are still in development.

Since you're here is that anime about fighting games any good?

If this is gonna become a daily thread you could at least drop the artist.

No, because most people on Sup Forums don't even play games and just shitpost. This board is absolute garbage.

Oh, you are welcome here! Just like Sup Forums only likes and praises shit anime, we only like shit games!

I don't know if it's AS bad, but it's certainly present. Just try starting a galko thread without blacked posters' autistic screeching.


What anime about fighting games?


You mean "Gamers!"? It's crap, as my opinion though.

I actually went and bought the latest Blazblue thanks to the show. Waiting for my copy of DBFI:I to arrive

I think he's talking about Gamers. It's actually some heavy feels anime. They do play some games like Guilty Gear or Persona 4 Arena gameplay and shit but it's mainly about romance.

No, because video games are a non-universal medium with a low publishing retirement and continuous releases. There are no "seasons" in gaming apart from maybe the holiday rush. It's also basically impossible to know what's being released until it's already out there since there's no single source they come out on (unlike most of anime and broadcast TV), and the fact that there's no universal medium to play games on means that a lot of the information there that will be useless to some people

Post the fucking sauce you coward. 0 results on all reverse searches.

I know youre the one who cropped the image, retard. Out with the fucking source material.

Hey Sup Forums when will we get more bl anime?

If it's pic related, I'm interested.

Is Princess Principal actually good or just meme fun posting?

Just look up vidya releasing in whatever month. Tons of sites have daily updated release schedules.

Avoid some of them though, because a lot of them don't list weeb games.

I'm in the middle of watching it now

Seems OK so far, I like that it takes itself and the subject matter somewhat seriously .

I was, thanks user.

No. Just charts with games already released since everybody already knows release dates but seem to forget the game exists after they're released.

Are all the it is way too complicated and explanations memes true?

What are some gambling games?

>It's crap, as my opinion though.
>I actually went and bought the latest Blazblue thanks to the show

>its shit
>bought a game because of it

Hey Sup Forums I like jjba, whats a good anime like it?
Everything I've tried besides it is shit.

Try fist of the north star. You probably already know this, but the art style of Parts 1-3 is inspired by the series

Those aren't Sup Forumsacks, that's Sup Forums. Galko is pure and Crunchyroll are a bunch of nigger-loving Californians.
t. Sup Forums

Check out the /vg/ OPs for specific genres and consoles or just general lists. Discussion is usually shit, but at least they compile enough information to pull other people into the pit with them.

I've only seen the first 2 eps so far, but I didn't get that impression

I like MGS and Geass though, so complicated political explanations would be nothing new to me.

I think I tried the first few episodes long ago near after I first watch jojo but it was so dated I thought it would just be cheesey. I might give it a second chance since it seams like the obvious choice now that you mention it.

No, both due to a combination of people not caring and the ungodly flow of shovelware that gets released, animu has a much easier time dealing with that.

Any mobile game.

How boring.

gambling is boring. What makes it exciting is the narrative and its hard to have that without taking out the actual random elements.

You have a point there

jesus christ why show side characters' faces if they look like they have less effort put into them than I did for my 3rd grade art project.

Hey Sup Forumssauce its michael here and today i'm gonna tell how wonderful it is to be cummed inside

All the detail and effort is in the closeups, but they can't show closeups all the time

Sup Forums cross boarders are 25% of Sup Forums instead of the 50% that infest Sup Forums

Sup Forums roaches aren't as prevalent on Sup Forums. Usually when one pops out a mod kills it before it can attract its filthy bretheren.

I'm actually jealous of your board's heavy handed moderation for once

It's more like 90% of Sup Forums are Sup Forums posters

No chance, Sup Forums's supplanted Sup Forums as the newfag first stop and it was always Sup Forums after that



Sauce me

Sup Forums steers clear of that shitheap because the average IQ on Sup Forums is lower than all the other Sup Forums boards.

Sup Forums why is modern anime so shitty

fucking kill yourself

>shit games
redundant, video games are a worthless medium by definition

who put holes in my beautiful meme baby