Tell me Sup Forums, do you let review scores determine whether you purchase a game or not?
Tell me Sup Forums, do you let review scores determine whether you purchase a game or not?
If its a game I know I'll like I don't care about reviews (We're talking weeb shit here)
If its a game I was iffy on, I'll get it on a heavy sale one day.
In regards to stuff more "narrative driven" stuff I couldn't care less how well it was received.
I get some people want more narrative focused games but I'm not one of them.
muh sjw stuff aside I don't really like the newer naughty dog stuff.
Jax and Daxter was cool but Uncharted gets treated more as a tech demo than a game from critics.
Pretty much never, as a kid I would go off how cool it looked on the box/magazines etc
Now I just watch a bit of someone else playing it on Youtube and then if I like what I see I buy it, then if its shit you can always refund now anyway
No, because if I did I'd listen to IGN's 3/10 for God Hand.
Yes, I'll buy said game if someone convince me to
Well BOTW got 98 (YES IT DID OKAY JIM STERLING DOESN'T COUNT) so it's the best game ever.... *smirks and waits for your non-intellectual refute*
I don't purchase games.
No because I did not and will never purchase the last of us or play it.
Not really. If I think I will like it then I will like it, this was the case for all my games except for 2015 Battlefront. What a piece of shit game.
Now, when you fuck up a character THIS bad, it makes me want to not buy your game. They took a cute loli/daughterfu and shat on her design.
I might still buy it if they don't make her a lesbian, but knowing Naughty Dog she's gonna be scissoring some black girl that resembles her childhood friend for half the game.
Not really if its series or genre I dont like. I havent played Zelda games, Mario 64 and basically whole nintendo library and doesnt intend to, even if they have some of highest scoring games of all time
Piratefags not welcome in this board.
This desu
>Missing out on games just because "m-muh fuck this company"
I see you're a man of autism as well...
This only counts for EA and Dice
she looks like some manhating lesbian straight out of Lilith fair.
I didnt say company, just genre or series. Nintendo does a ton of platformers and I dont care for platformers. I tried hollow knight and it was meh. I liked mario kart though.
A stream of negative reviews will not necessarily dissuade me from something I'm interested in, but I'll do more research before jumping in right away at full price. A stady stream of exultant press, on the other hand, winds up making me suspicious of a game and more critical of flaws the reviews glossed over in their praise.
Then arent you still basing your opinion on the reviews, just in an opposite fashion? I think the best way to determine the quality of a game is to play it. TLoU is actually pretty good, I think.
Good review scores can get me to look into a game I might otherwise not have, and extremely low scores might deter me from buying something close to launch.
I don't pay attention to them at all. I honestly have no idea how 90% of the games I play have scored in reviews.
If a game looks interesting to me, I will get it.
Gameplay vids are what I need, not reviews.
TLOU was a good game by the way.
No. At the very least not since the internet and Youtube became a thing. If I'm interested in a game, I'll go look for some videos and see if it turns me on or off. Of course I will take the words of close friends to heart. Art is subjective. One man's ten is another man's one.