Have you gained any fetishes from playing video games?

Have you gained any fetishes from playing video games?


what game is it?

Not OP, but it's Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

Not really. But if I met a girl and turns out she was a robot I don't think it would really bother me anymore.

Lots of them, but usually I'd gain fetishes after encountering them in multiple things, rather than off one thing. Quake IV was definitely the catalyst that made me interested in amputee and extreme bodymods, though. Thanks to that one scene where you get turned into a strogg.

no, but they made a game that perfectly appeal to my fetish and i wanted to play it for so long it was damning

and when i got it, it was one of the best fap i had

and i occasionaly still fap to it

I have certain fetishes that make games difficult but never got one from a game.

Well I was playing online like 8 years ago and I was told to "go out to the woods and suck a dude's dick like the gay faggot camper you are" And y'know what? It's was actually pretty great.

Dead Or Alive made me start noticing armpits more. Just wish they were textured better or something.

Videogames gave me a woman fetish

Very shamefully


Like you wouldn't believe

Nice taste


Short hair has become such a weird fixation for me and I don't even remember the first time I developed a preference for it. I never even played Silent Hill 3 outside of the demo but I remember constantly thinking about this girl I'd always see in video game magazine advertisements.

Glad you wanted to contribute to the conversation, Woolie.

This but the Giantess sequence with Cinderella from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.


Both Alice and Fetch have probably helped give me a fetish for Florence Nightingale Syndrome scenarios.


I probably got my weight gain fetish from some game I played when I was younger, but I can't remember which one.

But they were fat and ugly (the ones Link and Mario encountered). If they're fat and ugly? To hell with that.

Also may as well ask the question, Giantess or Shrink? Which is top tier?

Shrink. You need a.

Red Dead Redemption and ropes

Hitman Contracts gave me a fetish for a woman running and screaming in terror at the sight of me

Unfortunately it's not that extreme in real life

I discovered I like gay from making 2 male sims kiss, if that counts.

get out of here dobson

My character getting beat up by girls made me feel funny when I was little, and has now become a femdom fetish.
Not sure how those two relate but women who can kick my ass are hot


Barely even a fetish, user. Women who could beat the shit out of you are a real man's fetish. Only beta faggots need to feel secure in themselves in order to find a girl attractive

Is that actually a fetish or a preference?

>If they're fat and ugly? To hell with that.
Play Shadows of the Damned user.

>Giantess or Shrink? Which is top tier?
Giantess porn is almost always shit, with the girl's suddenly turning into murderous assholes.

Not that guy, but I prefer women who are able to take care of themselves.

Women who feel the need to pathetically play up how "vulnerable" they are and fish for attention just irritate the fuck out of me since I had several female family members like that.

Nah man cartoons did that

Tifa and Vanessa gave me a suspenders fetish.

I'm similar but I'm more into a woman who aggressively/dominantly rides and sucks dick. Women who actually act like they want it, like really, REALLY want it and aren't afraid to take charge. Only woman I had sex with on a regular basis did not do that, but I'm optimistic to find someone sooner or later in my life who's into it.

The Nu Tombraider gave me a fetish for asphyxia and girls being killed in terrible ways. The internet took it further by giving a fetish of watching get fucked while dying

>I had several female family members like that
>I had
What did you do to them, user?

I recently had an incident with my sister who pretended to commit suicide for attention. Guess I subconsciously disowned her after that because I was just so horrified and disgusted by what she did.

My male friend has a girlfriend whose personality is the very model of what I'm looking for: doesn't take herself too seriously but doesn't take shit from anyone. She takes care of herself and rarely gets angry. She's almost stoic. I'd much rather have that than the neurotic mess that's so common in the West.

I first discovered I liked bondage when I got a boner from hogtying a woman in red dead redemption. That was seven years ago but it's only grown since then.

Other shit I can probably blame videogames for:
>>girls with sharp teeth, either vampires or just fangs
>>long-haired ponytails