Characters you like that Sup Forums will bully you for liking

Characters you like that Sup Forums will bully you for liking

don't you faggots have a general

I love Fuuka

/pg/ is not nice

a bullied waifu general?


I love Felicia so much.

I'll bully you regardless of who you like.





Fuuka is sweet!
Lucina is cute!
Felicia is charming!
Hanako is pretty!

You all have lovely waifus!

she's okay
basically a less cute chie
literally marth with long hair
also okay
only cute because she's 2D
not cute
literally tumblr

He's my bro

>less cute Chie

she's nothing like Chie, and definitely not less cute


What if I want to be bullied by a futa oni?


OP you and your shitty waifu are why I refuse to play the golden

Literally the only good taste in this thread

I like her too

But I like Ayane the most

Me too, she was the sweetest


No one will bully you for liking ibuki

Now Mikan on the other hand.

Ayane was fine as a character but her portrait sprite made her look kind of generic compared to the others
Marie was still my favorite


It is a shame she has barely any fanart

Refined tastes I guess.


>that filename "Char_hanako.png"
Literally charred.

sauce was either Sup Forums or /vg/


What the fuck


>mfw during one of her poems

You weren't supposed to read them anyway

I don't see much hate for liking Felicia, and Lucina's is largely because of her presence in the franchise. Pic related seems like a better example.

Also Terra. I wouldn't say I like him that much but he wasn't nearly as bad as I thought he was going in, and probably the most developed of the BBS trio,


>check futa oni tags
>couldn't find shit
>check previous threads
>find it posted on /r/
>no replies
Source me up or I'll put a curse on you.

That's generally the reaction you'd have to any edgy teen poem

Hope both of them make it into BBxTB
I still don't know if I like her or her shadow more


I love how you can tease her without her reacting negatively to it.

Boku no there's only like 4 doujins of Marie on sadpanda

She's half the reason I keep up with the series despite not even playing the games. She's the best


Just wish they bothered to fix her actual hair length and the clipping issues

yumi, i don't go to sk threads anymore

i think he's well written and i can emphasize with most of his issues
it's a shame that the character development of everyone else in the game suffered because he got all the attention but hey, whatever



Her whole arc in PBS is how she and Katsuragi won't be on the Hanzo team anymore.. S7 will probably be the last time they're all together unless some crazy shit goes down that prevents graduation.

I mean look at Daidouji

Or watch them go chill with Crimson Squad in their cave

This. Also Tharja.

If they would have done his character differently he would have been my favorite. If after his fight he saw his own shadow and then reawakened to help fight his own shadow with you and went with you to the end of the game he would be my favorite


>if you cheat on me, she better be hot
Why boner

girl cucks are cute

there are unpopular opinions and there are wrong opinions


Get the bullying bag, guys.

I love her sister but you can't post her without getting bullied by hotposters


Not even I can defend my shit taste but she's still my favourite unit.

I've not done her story fully, but she seems really cute from what I've done so far. But maybe I'm just weak to the younger male/older female thing.

Tae is objectively better though anyway.

No bully!

Regular Labrys is the fun-loving buddy you go to the mall with on Saturday.

Shadow Labrys is that frustrated mopey girl that you spend quiet time with and cuddle when she gets upset.


>Teaching a reporter that genuine good can exist
It was one of the better slinks desu

she's unironically my video game waifu I loved her in the main game but even more so in the dlc even cosplayed her a few times




she was so adorable and one of the best written characters in the game imo