Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

>not allowed to change opinion after a major update/change

Honestly I probably wouldn't recommend a game that took over 8,000 hours of my life away from me.

>play game for combined playtime of more than one straight year
>"this game is terrible."

Are you this fucking stupid that you don't know what patches are?

Just because I spend my time doing something doesn't mean I'd recommend it to other people.

>Thread shows up constantly
>Always same replies to OP explaining why someone may change their mind or dislike a game or simply not recommend it despite putting in so much time
Why is this allowed?

because newfaggots dont know how to filter threads

This. Most of Sup Forums forgot or wasn't around when almost all of Sup Forums was playing Minecraft. Hundreds, thousands of hours played before updates made it worse. A lot of Sup Forums wouldn't recommend it, even if they had played it non-stop until those changes.

In short, devs fuck shit up, especially in early access games. Also don't forget the shit about GTAV's modding.

>You didn't even play the game, how can you say it's bad?
>You played the game to completion? It must not have been that bad lol you should have quit sooner

I've encountered this shit in real life. It's frustrating, to say the least.

Filtering shit is easier than ever with browser extensions, my newfriend.

I know a lot of people with playtimes like that in DOTA style games who would not recommend it and even encourage you to stay away.

Sometimes your in too deep but you're aware of that fact

Probably a shit update

Wow almost like he has the experience to properly review a game unlike games journalists who play for 1 hour and give it a 9.5


I'm still mad about 1.8

>game is good
>really enjoy playing it and play it for thousands of hours
>one day the devs ruin the game with a shitty update
>get mad because I had invested so much time and money
>give it a thumbs down

>why is this allowed

What if the game was good and suddenly it becomes a P2W cashgrab shit?

Name one game that forces you to invest that much time that did this

Protip: You can't

>forces you to invest that much time
No game does, but if you are having fun with it and suddenly shit changes and it becomes unfun, then you have a valid excuse to not recommend the game.

A better question is why is it okay for someone with less than 2 hours in a game to rate it? Thousands of 1.4 hour played thumbs up doesn't mean the game is good.




Ah, the times before the hunger bar and non-shit world generation. I miss them.

this, i want my 3000 hours back

Why is THIS allowed?

Team fortress 2