Other urls found in this thread:
this exact thread has been made at least 10 times already and all of them have devolved into the same political shitposting
how about we just talk about vidya
>Talking about vidya
>On Sup Forums
I don't speak nigger, what does "yas queen" even mean?
modern Sup Forums is a bunch of braindead political junkies freaking out over the most minor shit i've ever seen in vidya
I dont even know what that means
Im getting old
"TRIGGER WARNING" for white men, if this (and the 50 threads posted daily about this image) are any indication.
What does it even mean?
t. white male here
what is Yas queen and why should i be upset?
Anyone play the new rabbids game?
Bitch more White boi
I've done some research and apparently it's "you go girl" on steroids, a fellow female encouragement and an unfunny meme, also homosexuals used it in 60's or something
college aged white girls say it (mostly) ironically as a general form of affirmation. Think of it as the opposite of "get rekt" for basic white bitches.
YAAAASSS is a war crime in the line of the WAAAAGHH
>a studio with outwardly political views puts their views in a game
>people can't discuss why they are retards for doing that because those views happen to be liberal
it's like you people never want to win another election
got that shit preordered and v stoked to give it a shot
I never could stick with an xcom style tactics game on pc because I'd lose focus, but I'm looking forward to playing this on a flight in a week
something some tumblerettes say, and Sup Forums is obsessed with tumblr to unhealthy levels so anytime it is mentioned they throw an autistic fit
I puked all over my monitor
Sorry i cant finish it
At least we have jap games
Chloe is half white you imbecile
"You're killing it" but for gays/niggers
>>people can't discuss why they are retards for doing that because those views happen to be liberal
No one here is going to discuss shit. You know how on tumblr, sjws go out of their way to be offended at anything even mildly politically incorrect? This is the opposite, everyone here looks for the most minor excuse to bitch about the PC boogeyman invading their hobbies.
>muh trophies
old Sup Forums would've shit on the concept of story achievements in a game, but now everyone's acting like their culture is being taken away.
most games prior to the massive autismal freakout of GG leaned lib and had liberal views in it
no, not your definition of liberal which are retards from tumblr
also case in point
Based PS4 saving us from the white male patriarchy. Truly #4theplayers
I wish we could actually talk about this game
only ever heard white girls say it, maybe it's a regional thing? where you at?
That's one awful beard.
Goddamn fatties, you don't do this shit when you're a lardass, it does not make you look like you have a cut jawline at all.
>Stupid trophy reference to a thing millenial girls say
>Wow fucking SJW libruls ruining our video games and trophies with their marxist jew agenda, MAGA
hi dog
Nice pooch.
But the game is political just like every other SonyJW game.
Stop buying sony games, and let the company die, and these threads will be significantly reduced.
I don't interact with women
Going to wait till I can grab it on sale. Hope you enjoy it user.
are you like refuting me or something? because it sounds like we're both on the same page
>Trying to discuss a game that isn't starring a white guy
>Modern Sup Forums
If only m8, if only.
Wrong board there, friend. You're looking for
I love being visited by a dog, good boy
gimmie a 8
Going to buy Knack 2 just to spite you
How well did it sell?
Nah, I'm agreeing with you. I think it's just as stupid.
Pretty good so far
SJW devs
Don't respond to this thing.
Annoying white girls are to blacks and gays what Reddit is to Sup Forums.
>4th panel
i didn't notice how we have already changed eras, fuck
neil cuckman ejected someone from a focus group because he didn't share the same feminist values and thought nate having a son would be better than him having a daughter
lets not forget the last of us having a majority gay cast
>bills lover
>ellies mom
>the black firefly woman
>possibly ellies black friend
this particular studio deserves all the shit it gets
>he actually has a job where he interacts with women
Enjoying your minimum wage?
who fucking cares if most of the cast is gay
>being this blind
See name
>Ellies mom
You realize there's a flaw in this logic right?
>ironic memeing is not okay if devs do it
That's why I said “so far” cuck, we don't have the numbers from anywhere else yet
because there is no reason for it other than to push an agenda LOOK AT ALL THESE GAY CHARACTERS AND DEAL WITH IT FASCIST!
or more specifically from an art perspective, gay relationships aren't relatable to most people, which is why most fiction doesnt revolve around them unless it's meant to be taboo fetish stuff
Those comments are hilaoru
I make $29/hr working for a tech company. My 6 person team is 3 men, 3 women. When you work a job with actual requirements you realize that gender has no bearing on qualification. I'm sure I'd feel differently if I had to work with retards, but everyone I work with is pretty talented.
I want to go back
I hate this shitty future
I hate this shitty web culture
>implying that Sup Forums neds to be used to talk about vidya
fuck off scum Sup Forums is a transboard and identifies as Sup Forums
there are many people who have kids before becoming a gay
happened to my cousin, his wife couldn't get pregnant, convinced him to adopt two kids he didn't really even want, then ran off with a woman and left him with the kids
How can white males recover? Female is now the Dark Souls of genders.
why does that P90 look so fucking bad ? is it supposed to be muddy ? just comes off as a crappy looking regular model.
it's ever so good to see you, rover my boy
second panel was best era imo, but even the le rAnDumB xDDD first gen shit is preferable to this existence.
Sup Forums was only good pre-2007. It stopped being funny around the first mass influx of users.
uncharted usually puts some detail on characters based on their surroundings, eg. if it's cold then they get frosty. Judging by how muddy she is I'd say it's intentional for that scene.
whatever you say, cuck numale
>*le jaded oldfag enters thread*
>implying Sup Forums was ever good
This site is just something to do. Every once in a while you see an interesting discussion or learn something cool, but it's not like this place was ever a net positive.
Reminder that Naughty Dog will never do this
>Tfw started browsing Sup Forums at 11
>Tfw I turn 22 next April
It's sad how accurate this is.
See what I mean? Back in my day people were amusing and attempted to be witty. This is just laziness and hatred.
t. numale
The sex scene was amazing
>this exact thread has been made at least 10 times already
and we have become exceedingly efficient at it
How does Naughty Dog consistently nail dialogue? Their characters actually talk like human beings.
What a coincidence, back in my days too! May be being young and stupid have something to do with enjoying life
Because they are the Dark Souls of game studios
You certainly are convinced you know everything.
Except Nadine. Sam was fucking wasted on this game thanks to her.
What even gets you this trophy
I know that life gets gradually less enjoying as you age, this includes all the things
I always the gay lisp thing was just a fake thing used in stuff like family guy but I guess not
liberals btfo again?