How do i overcome my uncreativity and make something remotely cool that isnt commieblocks? terraria thread i guess

how do i overcome my uncreativity and make something remotely cool that isnt commieblocks? terraria thread i guess.

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Try building something without using squares or rectangles.

n-nani? can you post a reference for something like this?

Find something interesting in the landscape and build around it.

Avoid flat surfaces and easy to build locations at the start point. Find a cave, or a nice forest of trees, or a strange looking lake, or build a snow cabin or jungle hut.

Make sure your fort has a kitchen, bedroom bathroom and living room, at least.

This is very good advice. Try to avoid terraforming whenever possible. You can clean up bits and pieces as needed, but you'll probably tend towards making boring squares or rectangles if you let yourself terraform. Working around difficult shapes and height differences is your friend! The biggest factor is mixing and matching sets with composition and paint to form interesting looking building blocks and turning them into a consistent and unique theme: pic related.

the shit npcs like party girl deserve their place in the gulag

Gonna dump some stuff from my Terraria folder, which should hopefully get some ideas flowing. Carefully inspect the individual pieces and see how they were made and how they might connect to other pieces. For example, the railway on the left side of this image, or the moody atmosphere of the campsite in the cavern.





Stop trying to be efficient.

Find something that has an aesthetic you like and emulate what you like about it.


By playing a different game

As the dump autist is proving, you can't build anything in Terraria that actually looks good. You play Terraria to actually PLAY Terraria, there's a reason everyone builds commieblocks.

why bother?

Do these staircases even work properly? They look good but as far as I know you still basically have to jump up them.

Here you go, buddy. I hope tomorrow is better for you.

Nope, they're just for looks.

They don't even look good.

Make sure you have a few spare hours to make an A E S T H E T I C Heckevator


Can somebody make a Calamity+Thorium Server?

Ending it with the obligatory Asian build.

It's easy, just remember that if you can't do... imitate!

No one would want to imitate any of this, dude.

You haven't posted anything even remotely good.

t. brainlet who can only make commieblocks


>he made a small world

Reminder that 99% of the awesome homes and bases that you see were created with a cheat engine/editor and not through real gameplay

nothing you make will come remotely close and it will take dozens of hours just to approach the scale of what they did

what the fuck is wrong with that tree

Post your starter forts.

Medium actually

>game is procedurally generated
>"Find something interesting"

Honestly you can't. some people are creative some aren't. It's like drawing. Ive spent days trying to create cool shit in this and I just dont have the mindset to create cool shit.

no way is hell is that tiny shaft from a medium world

I like the ideas behind this

are you okay?

It's made from a mixture of foreground and background blocks to minimize trouble getting around it. The blend the creator used looks kind of bad if you ask me, but that particular theme is always popular here, so I wanted to save a picture of it for threads like this, and it was the only one handy that wasn't a WIP or really tiny.

Starts at 400 ft high, ends 2000 ft down

Remember, world size is mostly a horizontal difference.

If I host a modded server who would join?
Also what mods do y'all want?
Obviously Thorium, but what else, Calamity?

think smaller, fit shit into it

build waifu

is there still no way to just check/uncheck a box to stop corruption and hallow from spreading

>dont go hardmode

this shit ruined the game and i wont play it until it can be completely disabled. don't modify my world. modifying the world is for the player to do

Your pics were pretty good and inspiring user, thanks

I actually got the idea from another user who used grey brick wall to form the "walls" of his castle.

I want to replace the doors with Iron gates.
Can Goblin peons and fighters open Iron gates?

calamity is a bit of a cluster fuck, insane power creep, but fun at least. a real take of leave
how do mods affect multiplayer? do you have to download them prior, or will it do it upon connecting? because there is a lot of quality of life stuff that could be decent

Terraria disabling lava slimes from spawning lava on defeat and clowns destroying blocks casualized the game too much desu

its a building game it isnt about being annoyed by enemies they are an afterthought that the player is supposed to always dominate

i dont care about the mobs, i do not want the world to change. it ruined the game when they added that lik eminecraft hunger

lava slimes were cool but clowns were just tedious

If you want that go play lego, you big baby

>try to build anything
>army of slimes endlessly annoying me while i try to put one block down
fucking expert mode

Thorium + Spirit sounds pretty good, though just Thorium would work too. Other mods to taste I guess, like the Yet Another Boss Health Bar or Multilures, Boss Checklist or something.

I just got back into Terraria after an extended break. Whats this I hear about these mods?

just build temporary walls/pits at the edge of your screen and make sure to throw down some sunflowers. easy every time

>star brainstorming what i want to build
>Pirates are invading from the west!

>he doesn't have royal gel

any plans to still host?

royal gel doesnt stop the 50 other breeds of faggots who want me to hide in my commieblock. i havent even started hardmode.

Here's a protip.

Start building on the outside of the house, then work towards the inside. Chances are, if you start on the inside, it will almost always turn out to be a commieblock.

First time player here, everytime I try to connect to my Terraria Server I get stuck on the loading screen. How do I fix?

It's a dedicated machine working as exposed host. Port forwarding shouldn't be a problem, right?

Try restarting the game.