

> "Overwatch will die 3 months after launch"
> "shit game kek"
> "Not enough maps and content to last"

Season 5 is almost here and Overwatch is still well alive and kicking with regular new modes and content. What went so right Sup Forums ?

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If they sold cheese dorito powder on its own what chip would go the best with it?

I wanna fuck DVa

Most people are stupid and play stupid games.

>Season 5 is almost here

season 5 is ending retard

Bullshit. The OW competitive scene is dying fast. People are realizing the game has zero depth

such is the staying power of waifus. Blizzard understands better than most of the western industry that if you fill you game full of fucking ugly dykes and trannies then your game will sink like a flushed turd.
meanwhile i don't see anybody talk about any of the male characters in overwatch, which is some old soldier guy and some fat fuck who everyone cries to nerf all the time. i dunno any others because who the fuck cares, I just know Mercy is the best overwaifu.

>What went so right Sup Forums
More like what went so wrong.

My bad, I meant season 6

By "people" I assume you mean the echo chambers of Sup Forums and arena shooter forums with literally 16 people.

But those people would have realized that right from the start, retard

>tfw too intelligent to play fun games

>they actually made her not just fat but obese
furry hero when?

Even with 6 gorillion players and after 60 years being on top of Twitch charts, it will still be a shit game.

Every major game of recent has suffered from the "TORtanic" effect. But when it doesn't happen, threads like "It's dead" happen hourly because there's still a few hoping to be right, no matter how fucking stupid it is.

Winston is already on the game, dipshit.

oh look its this thread again

Yet Quake Champions happened after Overwatch.

>not just more cancerous boxes
Didn't they just remove Mercy's ability to unfuck her retards?

Sup Forums as a whole tries to make a TORtanic out of everything nowadays.

It's funny how they delude into thinking OW is a failure.

Tons of popular streamers dropped it

>the mass loves mindless shit
color me surprised, OP, you got any more breaking news for me? The reaction pics are GOAT though

yeah but it fucking sucks

Wow a whole year!

But overwatch IS losing players.
Their playerbase is slowly moving to pubg, which unironically has more depth.
Most of us have figured out by now that OW has the depth of rock-paper-scissors

People have no taste and will play games like overwatch

if that's 25%, then what's someone who's actually a fat fuck have? 500%?

>"the game will die soon, dont worry"
>game doesnt die
>"people just have bad taste"


Why does that game have such a stupid name anyway

A fat fuck has mei's figure. She's basically chink oprah.

It's actually amazing how you sperglords squeal when you're proven wrong, now you have to move the goalposts and say "b-b-b-but I never liked it anyway!"

See you next year fags

His expectations of the players was too high

>tfw to intelligent for mainstream games

Who are you quoting?

oh look its the "overwatch is losing players because streamers like kephrii are playing it less" episode

please stop watching twitch

as you can see OP, you and your abysmal tastes in videogames don't belong here during the night

>I wasn't here when Overwatch came out and Sup Forums was waifufagging like crazy, or when oldfags were anticipating the game "ending the dudebro shooter dark age"

This entire thread

Oprah during her brief skinny phase, maybe.

>and kicking with regular new modes and content
Don't count shit skins and events they're complete garbage, 1 new map every 4 months, 1 new hero every other 4 months. Once they get to Leaguye of Legends terms of "regular updates" then it will be "kicking with new content" as of now, it's slow repetitive ass.

There is zero reason to play other than for SKINS, fuck it's boring as all hell.

I don't even play the game but I know ITS HIGH NOON and RYU GASHI KURAE WATASHI.

>trying to defend consumer sheeplets

A whole year, wow. I dont find the game very fun and the matchmaking is frustrating. I do like that I can just hop on and find a game super quick but the commitment and punishment for leaving a game is retarded imo. Maybe I'm just used to tf2's servers.

>playerbase is leaving and not growing at all
>''''''''''pro'''''''''''' teams dropping the OWL on top of the game just being shit to cast anyway
>people mostly playing that other garbage PUBG
>the autism of the fanbase is spreading meaning people throwing and shit
but yeah I guess OW is still alive now cause the summer drought where there are zero games out except OW clones so nobody really knows what to play
however the game only been out for like what? 2 years and is already dying as in it will be like nu TF2 having the same autist still playing cause they wasted their parents money on good goy boxes

pretty sure that the post was implying Overwatch ruined Quake Champions, buster

I can mindlessly play it while acting like I'm listening to my gf



Oh, did you mean it's more RNG than Overwatch?

>a deep game can't have RNG
>overshills moving the goalposts this hard because their dumb "womyn can be shooters too" game is actually dying to a fucking sandbox unironically called playerunknown's battlegrounds
I'm inclined to believe you're false flagging for overcancer's actual supporters at this point, no one can be this dumb.

Tostitos scoops

Meanwhile only third worlders still play tf2 and everyone else has moved onto PUBG.
Like pottery bWAHAHAHA


>3rd worlders
>playing a hard game where everyone is extremely racist and there's no reason to not be
Nah, they play dota.

all of my friends who were diehard fans stopped playing and went to pubg

are you sure user?

>actually dying to a fucking sandbox unironically called playerunknown's battlegrounds
A middle market AA game (you know, the kind that have been all but extinct in the west for years) bereft of the marketing arsenal Blizzard had to rely on to convince the public their game was good, no less.

Psst. Psst. user? Just because a game is still played after a whole (1) year, doesn't mean it's not shit.

>tfw no futa mercy r34

better than pubg, at least

I'd rather have overwatch threads over pubfag threads

I don't even like overwatch but this special snowflake ideology everyone has when they claim this tick me the fuck off


that's not surprising, it is garbage and retards love well presented garbage.

You really aren't even trying.

>getting "ticked the fuck off" at video games
Are you sure you're not an overwatch fan?

>no mention of twitch at all
Reach anymore and you'll touch the moon faglord

Public school made everyone retarded except for a few bizarrely resistant individuals.
The specific way it made them retarded is what games like Overwatch and WoW take advantage of.

>Posting waifu picture

Jee I fucking wonder why the game designed for waifufagging neckbeards isn't dead.

Season 5 has literally been a season of complaining about stale gameplay. Good fucking meme OP.

damn, i guess me and my friends reayyl are the only persona users...

arent normies mad about the Mercy changes? They might actually have to play. Game is goig to die.

if dva is an avid gamer why isn't she thicc

>Season 5

Why in fucking Christ do these people not think they sound like autist shitkickers when they refer to a video game release schedule as a "season?" It's not a TV series you fucking morons. Just call it add-on content.

Maybe you should know what you're talking about before you shitpost. A season in the context of Overwatch refers to a competitive season, lasting 2-3 months where competitive ladder rank is reset for each season. You're thinking of something like a Season pass

I think he means the dozens of high ranking streamers that have dumped the game in the last six months. During S5 top 500 queues were shitty as fuck compared to the first 6 months of the game, so yeah, it's definitely dying.


>It's not a TV series you fucking morons. Just call it add-on content.
its a competitive season you retard, like football season or baseball season

Reminder that blizzard has never released player number stats and never will.

Mei literally isn't fat.

Your next post will be, "I was pretending to be retarded!"

that's literally what blizzard calls it.
the reason they do that is because they utilize cult methods to maintain their userbase.
They literally refuse to use any kind of standardized terminology. For example your "gateway" is just your "server". They do this shit everywhere.

Fampai that's unironically a landwhale, reconsider your taste.

My taste is fine. You should get your eyes checked though.

What the fuck is with all these drastic changes in such a short amount of time?

Like, we're talking about complete redesigns of the way a character is played for Junkrat, Mercy, Roadhog and D.Va.

>You will never lick doritos cheese powder off Dva's soles

thanks friendo

If you're gold-diamond in this game, don't listen to the faggots on this board. That just means you're average because most of the player base on pc and ps4 is in that skill range. only those twitch streamers are in masters and so on. Sup Forums just likes to insult people and make themselves look good.
Being high ranked in this game isn't that much of an achievement since as many pointed out, this game doesn't take a lot of individual skill. Just dreadfully basic common sense rather than extreme game depth
I can hear someone typing a reply to me saying how much better at the game they are than me

>fan art

That's because it rely's on character development to attract the normies. Normies don't care about how in depth a game is or balancing and as long as content is slowly drip fed to them they won't care.

i remember when wowfaggots tried to popularize "creep" BECUZ THATS HOW BLIZZARD CALLS THEM

no, they're mobs, the only creeps were the fags trying to peddle that shit terminology. mob is how dikuMUDs referred to them and that's how EverQuest, basically a 3D mud that Blizzard based WoW on, called them.

I normally play and listen to music.

I'd load a t shirt launcher with it, run into a competetive LAN, and yell NERF THIS before spraying the stage with it. Security could try to stop me but by then I'm already reloaded and they dare not face my vaguely cheese-like wrath.

This better phampai

Shit, thought this was the D44M one for a second. I need to replay it

pudgy and gross
she only lived because she hibernated like a bear, her pod thing actually failed

Are you implying black people are animals, shitlord?

She's a cute bear son.

Yeah, it's how I've listened to so many new albums. I can't just sit still and stare at a wall.

I blast it so much that I can barely hear the game, but it's quick play. I just mute chat and don't give a shit.

>less than 15k viewers on twitch
>literally no mention anywhere of the pro scene
Casuals still play it but that's all the game has. Blizzard thought this was going to be THE new e-sport to the point where they were telling potential teams that they would need to put up millions of dollars AND construct their own fucking gaming stadiums for the PRIVILEGE of playing their imbalanced shit that is complete ass for spectators and was murder for twitch streamers.

>less than 15k viewers on twitch
for reference, Mario + Rabbids currently has 15k viewers on twitch.

Yeah, there aren't any major sounds cues to listen for so I just catch up on Hip Hop I missed out on.


>Casuals still play it but that's all the game has.
And that's all the game needs.
Meanwhile all the hardcore gamers in the world can't keep a single arena shooter community together, not even the giants that only got so far because casuals had no other options.