Game has karma system

>game has karma system
>almost all evil options consist of "kill some innocents for no reason, lol"

>find massive crate of food
>good option: Give away all of the food, leaving none for you
>evil option: keep every single crumb of food and leave everyone else to starve

>those are the ONLY options
>no option to just keep some of the food

thanks, inFamous

well it's not like heroes kill innocent people

black and red lightning tho

Well, killing someone for a valid reason would count as justice, so that wouldnt be evil.

>evil option is actually more pragmatic option but morally dubious but not pointlessly cruel

Why don't games do this

>I've kidnapped these people and put bags on their heads
>choose between saving these doctors or your gf
>"lol your gf was actually with the doctors. the gf hostage was actually a doctor!"

>"okay i'll drop your gf"
>she was never with the doctors


I think Fallout 1 did this with Junktown if you sided with Gizmo

that sounds pretty retarded

_ ____ __ ____ ___ _____

Is literally what happens in the game.


Wasn't that changed in later patches?

>Evil Mission
"Kill the good guys"
>Hero Mission
"Kill the bad guys"
>Neutral Mission
"Just get to the end of the stage"

>Second Son
>if you go for the good route, the main villain reveals that she had to use her powers to survive, and that she was detaining Conduits for their own safety
>if you go for the evil route, the main villain reveals that she was doing everything for money

Fuck InFamous's retarded morality system, seriously

>Tripfag shovelware comment

>Shadow the Hedgehog

>kill the villain who's beyond the point of redemption to prevent any further loss of innocent life in the future

That's what you get for save scumming

>Person is clearly a bad guy, they've unashamedly committed the mass murder of innocents
>Kill them
>Loss of Karma


I know it's well known but
>kill the ghouls trying to get in tenpenny tower
>bad karma and 3dawg trashes you and calls you hitler 2.0
>let the ghouls in and murder everyone
>get bad karma but 3 doge is less harsh on you than when you kill the ghouls
>convince everyone to have a peaceful solution and let the ghouls live in the tower
>get good Karma, but shortly after when you return the ghouls have slaughtered all the humans and have no remorse, saying they had it coming

And best of all, if you do this route NOT A FUCKING PEEP FROM THREE DOG



How would Threedoge even know that it was specifially YOU who decided to kill the ghouls? It literally could've been anyone.

>Kill members of a faction
>get Karma
>Steal from the same faction
>lose Karma

>The Tenpenny Tower mission in F3
Could of been a truly good quest if Bethesda cared about reaching its full potential.
Even New Vegas hiccuped a bit with ghouls
>killing Feral Ghouls nets you good karma
>meaning even evil characters gain karma when simply defending themselves

I'd assume that gustavo let the word spread that he'd hired a real killer (You) to eradicate the zombies.

But really, three dog is psychic. When you save reilly's rangers, for example, he has nothing to indicate that you did it, but assumes it was you anyway. Something like "Hmm do I sense some 101 action here? I think I do, good job!"

Good. Too many games define evil as "do same thing hero would but choose to profit off it more or do it in an assholish way"

to this day KotOR1 and Fallout 3 are the definitive games for being utterly completely deplorably evil in not counting straight up porn games.

Listen, I know what you're talking about, but you need to understand that the powder gangers' property belongs to the NCR, you should leave that there for deputized NCR law enforcement to recover after the conflict.

Good route she feeds you a bullshit lie to try and convince you because Delsin is a nice guy who could potentially be swayed by those words.

Bad route she tells you the truth because she knows Delsin will fucking kill her if she doesn't kill him. Pretty obvious.

I liked that about the paragon / renegade system from mass effect, though. They were at least honest in what they called it, it's not good vs evil, you're good no matter what, it's are you a goodytwoshoes or a loose cannon?

Although I guess you can do some edgy stuff, like killing samara to save mordin in ME2.

brainlets believe whatever a character says in a fictional story
they can't conceive that a character would lie, apparently.

>moral system
>either be a complete dick or chad the paladin
>not making the best of two or more shitty options instead