What do you think of Phil Burnell - the video game streamer

What do you think of Phil Burnell - the video game streamer.

I never heard of him before until the other week. But I stumbled upon an old playthrough on YouTube of Silent Hill 2 and found him genuinely
funny. I was compelled to check out more of his videos and found he's a controversial character.

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Hello, Phil how's that patreon going?

He presses buttons

I feel like your thread is bait but here u go


Watched him in 2009-2010 then I was without internet for a year and a half plus I didnt have a youtube account before then to even sub to anyone, but when I finally got internet again I found all the channels I use to follow and I found DSP again in early 2014 and he was way worse than I remembered.


wow dude snort

Is DSP bricking his Code Veronica save the most kino moment on Youtube?

DSP can be summarized in two words, just two words

kino youtuber, or kino twitcher, depending on how you decide to consume his product

My last name is Burnell. Who the fuck is this guy?

He even looks like me.

Face pic?

Why isn't he breathing while fapping? Does he hold his breath to suffocate himself to feel max pleasure?

Hes a fag who claims to be italian even though hes a low percentage.


What is he actually?

Fucking white jew.

he's trying to be as quiet as possible so he doesn't wake his sleeping ex girlfriend and her bull

He's about to play Yakuza Kiwami right now.


Nobody cares. Go donate to him.


i got perma banned for saying that he could get a $400 donation and then two sentences later still complain about his patreon goal being $150 short

Its funny because this is some shit he really would write about himself. I've never seen someone so painfully delusional.

Hes a jew. What do you expect?

He's the poor man's LTG.

Didn't he went on holiday to a hotel 30 minutes away from his house and paid like 1000 dollars for the room?

this fat fuck literally got like $100 in tips alone in less than 2 hours.. not even counting cheersbits or subs

Its funny because DSP gets more donations and is still slightly less beggy then LTG. Its funny because DSP outright begs at this point and hes not LTG status. LTG outright goes on tangents of rage saying people should give him money and buy his shit. But then calls other people drones. Hes just a drone with ego who wants the others to follow him. Only a true nigger would say something like time and revenue over and over like he does.

Sorry that doesn't count towards the Patreon goal. Better pay up.

yes, and he also stayed in the hotel watching movies and eating expensive food with his ex fiance

LTG's autistic sperg-outs are 100x more entertaining than DSP.


His whole vacation was playing Pokemon go and watching movies all day.

how much is his house worth? someone must know where he lives

What an embarrassing human being.

I think that the same autists who want him gone because of how much they hate him and his content are fucking stupid due to them directly contributing to his relevance and if they were to ignore him, Phil would either fade into obscurity or keep his same small following.

There are people WITH audiences that are shittier than him and they don't have half as many people trying to get rid of them.

Hes probably the worst human being in the world with money if his sad begging really is remotely true.
>Can barely pay bills
>Bought a house on "youtube money" well still owing HO fees on a Condo in CT constantly as well as taxes on things in the area.
>Buys shit constantly he doesn't need as well as going out to eat every other night and you said it going out for vacation spending a shit ton out to eat and a room.

And people still throw money at him likesaid. Its kinda sad what his fanbase is full of. They're usually outright teenagers charging their parents credit cards. Everyone who is sad enough to post a picture of themselves in his merch is underaged

>Its one of those nights where LTG loses 4-6 times in a row RQing hopping accounts and sounding close to tears nights.

Hes such a sad human being. Which is funny because hes a decent player at most fighters. Just not ahead of the curve by alot. Such a shame hes too much of a awful human being to even shadow his awful personality properly and everyone will always know him for getting Viscants dick tied up in his teeth.

>go to one of his streams
>he is talking before playing the game
>goes on for 20mins about how he needs money desperately
>starts playing the game
>goes on another 15min rant about needing people to donate to his patreon
He has really fallen since PandaLee left huh.

Nope. He always been like this

Its in a gated community in Renton.

If him recording gameplay with a camcorder that was probably more expensive than a capture card wasn't a dead giveaway he's terrible at everything, I don't know what is.

I don't think people like the SOK want him gone as a whole or even a majority. They just love poking the bear since DSP always responds for a whole week to his fans despite "not getting into the drama."

But those people Doxxing/other real life shit are definitely a little minority of autistic retards who are taking it too far. If DSP gets taken down it should be because he goes broke being a idiot and ends up on the street. Not from some stupid swat shit.

Its been like that for awhile but its definitely gotten alittle more aggressive lately. Before hand he would just go on and on about how helpful the donations are. Now he is on his hands and knees saying shit like
>Cannot pay my bills
>Overdrawn accounts
>Afford games

Which hes either lying and trying to milk his fans super hard which is slightly possible. But more likely hes super desperate mode. Its pretty fucking sad id rather go into debt well maybe asking a few people i know personally for help to not pay for it but start handling it then beg like crazy and delay the inevitable. Do he really think 100 people will sub/throw shit at him every single day? Also when you reach the point where 200-300 in donations etc a day isn't getting you by you've fucked up super hard financially


He has a shell company?

Yep. Fake business

Is it just set up so he can say that his channel operates as a business? Because I don't think that's illegal. He's obviously not (successfully) using it for fraud or to scam people because he'd have more money if he was.

give us some details to work with at least

When the hacking was happening. The hacker took screen shot and one of it was a company called DSP Enterprise. DSP admits he has one when it happened.

well what he is doing could technically be considered a business if he follows the right laws and rules, but what i would be interested in is if he is paying the right dues and taxes in regards to this "business".

this guy might be mafia. i wouldnt be suprised really.

He has opened 2 business loans. He openly admitted to it.

a loan for what?

A gout transplant surgery.

Couldn't pay for the bill. Thats what he said.

How the fuck does that mean what he's doing is illegal? If he has a LLC or some other corp set up and he's paying his taxes then what/who are you going to report him to? DSP is a really stupid sack of shit but goddamn sometimes the people trying to ruin him are the real source of entertainment.

Hes getting tax benefit for being a company which he isn't

Hi Phil

Does he sell merchandise?

What proof do you have that he doesn't own a company? Literally anyone can go and set up a LLC. Illegals do it all the time to register their cars under combo plates in some states.


i feel sorry for you
a literal untermensch

Half-hourly reminder.

Hi phillipe.

>chad warden

The only patreon I've ever donated to. Sad to have to do it but in this climate of YouTube incompetence there's really no other choice, otherwise no more content.

virus doughnut man, its been a while

>posts in DSP thread
>ignores Giant Bomb threads

Do you miss me Phil?

Is he actually getting a tax benefit though? Because if he has a sole proprietorship then he's not getting shit because he's still considered self-employed.

I like how this image doesn't include BEST STREAMER

I report everything except our guy.


Of course he is. He has a business internet line, business loan and he always call his damn video game room an office.

If pointing out the fact that an LLC is a legal, taxable, type of company that doesn't have to be for-profit is damning proof that i'm phil, then yea i am absolutely DSP.

If he is under an LLC, then as the sole-owner he would be able to claim his business income/loses on his own tax return which would mean he wouldn't be taxed twice. I don't know if he actually is an LLC, but it would be the smartest way for him to set up his "business". Meaning this is probably not how he set up his "business". Phil+Finances is seriously entertaining to me. He's made so many incredibly shitty moves with his property/mortgages that I would love to personally restructure his life for him, for a fee of course. I'm certain he's never talked to a financial counselor because he's missed some incredible opportunities over the years.

How much sugar does Sup Forums add to their pasta sauce? Phil adds a bowl full.


He can easily get a business loan as a self-proprietary LLC. It doesn't mean he's doing anything illegal.
It's actually worse for him because if he defaults on his loan they can take his Youtube channel since it's part of the company.

got a thread for ya

Wrong nigga, I'm looking to make money off of DSP, not be his shitty euro findom cuck

Don't forget to REPORT DSPGAMING to black list his youtube channel. His KOgaming has been hit already.

A condo(that he don't use or rent out), a new car(that he barely uses) and a house in a gated community(that is too big and expensive for 1 man with unstable job) says he's lying. No struggling man can have so much useless shit that he's willing to pay for.

Elaborate, please.

Will do. When he uploads on Kogaming now. Youtube will flag him and demonitize his channel. He needs to hit 1k views a week to file a claim.

Is she ever coming back?

Youtube mark everything he uploads there as ad unfriendly from the go.

If she was a cosigner on any of his loans then she'll have to come back when he defaults.

At this point I'm pretty sure he's not lying, just unbelievably stupid. The value of his Washington townhouse has risen ~$100k since he bought it. That's roughly double what he owes on the CT condo. All he needs to do is pull a Home Equity LOC on his townhouse, use that to pay off the Condo, and put the Condo on the market. Then use the Condo sale to pay back the LOC, all while savings shittons of interest compared to the Condo mortgage. In under a year he would cut his expenses in half and still have at least $100k in equity in his townhouse.

But Phil is a nearly 40 year old manchild with property he doesn't deserve nor know how to manage. So we get to watch him slowly die and that's fun too.





>mom jokes
Leanna did numbers on him didn't she?

Time for another shot Phil!


He's not struggling for money. No man can afford to pay for all that shit and "work" only like 4-6 hours a day tops.

Just reported his channel for advertiser unfriendly.

He's a clown who puts his own delusional stupidity on display for the whole world of Youtube to observe.

Holy shit that's incredible.

I don't see how that changes what I said. It doesn't matter if you're struggling or not, maintaining an unnecessary mortgage is pouring money down the drain. He's had his townhouse for nearly 3 years now and it's gone up about 33% in value. If he started an application for a LOC tomorrow he'd have his second mortgage paid off in 2 weeks. The only reason to not do this would be stupidity. Phil is just really really stupid.

My point is - he's lying. Sure he wastes his money, but he's nowhere near broke and in need as he claims he is.