Ryan his best friend dies

>ryan his best friend dies
>his dad dies
>now his wife has cancer

Is he cursed?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nope, he's getting older.

People fucking drop like flies.

You'll see one day, youngfag.

is the beastcast the best cast?

End it bros

his roomate died too

What should you do to prevent this? Should I start browsing /fit/?

i miss ryan

He's barely been married a year. Dude has some bad luck.

>be a fat male feminist
>everyone you love dies
really makes you think

Yeah live forever like zyzz.

Ryan was a fat fuck
His dad was probably fat
And I'd be surprised if his wife isn't a hambeast

Not surprising they all have health problems.

when jeff got married it was the first time in years he actually seemed happy



Jeff probably ate food that was meant for her, leaving his wife to starve to death. Sick fuck.

It was a 'cancer scare' and its very likely to be okay.

Is this confirmed?

>this 3/10 guy got married to a 8/10 girl

He must be rich, there's no way she would get with a guy like that. I'm much more attractive and fit as fuck and I can't score girls like that

no. her lymph node was swollen and they are waiting for the test results to come back still. he said that the swelling has already started to go down so it likely is nothing


Well, they got the results from the test back...she definitely has breast cancer.



>tfw no waifu who likes final fantasy and twin peaks

jeffs wife is best girl we can't lose her now boys

Sup Forums is for videogames

Go back to Sup Forums, you don't belong here.

That's just because you're a dickhead. Try changing the shit personality.

I thought women loved assholes

Cancer doesn't care, but yea that is a crappy dice roll considering.

The odds get worse every year longer that you live, however.

they like assertive confident assholes.
you are just a antisocial sperg

>male feminist
fuck off underage faggot

Explain the difference


Man, and just after they sold the company....FOR A BILLION DOLLARS!!!!
*2 straight minutes of clapping*

If you seriously think Jeff wouldn't self-identify as a feminist, you haven't been paying attention


He absolutely is. It was nice to hear Jeff talk about things like so relatively seriously.

Jeff is a rad dude, I've chatted to him a few times. I hope things are okay with his wife.

The Shenmue Gods have enacted their revenge

Why can't Dan be next? There is no good reason he should still be alive.

The only good thing GB has done is the P4 endurance run.

>hating on Dan

This meme needs to end. He's fucking hilariously dumb and just loves to have fun


/fit/ isn't going to save you from the sort of freak cancer diagnosis that kills you in your late 30s. Maybe a heart attack in your 60s if you're obese.

Damn, good for him.

Dan is going to be the first human to become truly immortal.

Jeff has two things that you don't:
non manlet height

aw I feel so sorry for the fat SJW

I wish it was only when you get older. My family started rapidly dying off when I was 3.

Man, who cares what happens when you're 60? You either go senile or some other bad shit happens to you. Do you want to live the rest of your life like that? I'm a smoker, but I intend to quit just so I won't be a burden on my family.

>be alt-right

>become a billionaire at a young age

>none of your friends or family ever die

>become president of the United states at age 70

>doctor says you're the healthiest man he's ever met

>outsmart pompous little shits while acting like Mr Magoo just for fun

>stop all domestic terrorism

>end the BLM riots

>keeps sjws from destroying vidya

>make 2017 an amazing year for vidya

>boost the economy

>prevent WW3 by openly threatening NK and befriending Putin

>Make Vidya Great Again

Is there anything he can't do?

>Sup Forums - The Life and Times of E-celebs

>Jeff has a tragic few years, lost his BFF, had to sell out to those that fired him, dad died, site is dipping in quality because he has to be a businessman and can't hire who he needs to, has to hire underlings like Ben because anyone else will use them as a springboard.
>Dan meanwhile remains healthy, got married to someone who is equally dumb as he is, beat T2 diabetes, has a dad who's still alive who only eats taco Bell
I'm convinced Dan made a devil's pact to siphon all around him for the worse.

Mokou is from a video game

This is so true and it fucking sucks.