Light or Dark bois?

Light or Dark bois?

Let's not play that broken easy pile of shit.

It doesn't affect the gameplay much in that one, but that being said I recommend you try both. The light side choices are typical RPG paladin answers (Why no I couldn't accept your money, your thanks is all I need!) and the dark side choices are pretty edgy (Mind controlling a guy to never talk again). There is a mechanic in place to encourage you to use powers that are matched with your alignment but that doesn't really matter. Pick whatever you want to play as and run with it, you can't go wrong.

Dark side is objectively better because dark side abilities like lightning and choke get spammed while light side ones like valor only need to be recast when they run out, so the doubled FP cost for opposite alignment is much less onerous

Yeah what this guy said is correct, but you can finish this game with literally any build. It doesn't matter how bad you fuck your character up, you'll be able to win.

Dark boiiiii!

Can confirm, I did a blaster-only run once. Tedious but possible if you abuse Sneak Attack.

play light on normal then dark on hard, gimp your equipment but stick with good build it gets super fun that way

My last run I only allowed myself grenades and mines to see if I could do it. Malak requires a lot of mines to kill.

Light is space Jesus, so good it's impractical and overall acs like a sissy commie. You also slaughter hundreds but it's ok because they were teh evulz.
Dark is a self destructive edgelord that will make you question how it is possible for bad guys to exist in this universe considering all they do is kill eachother, also you can't be deceiving or manipulative, you outright kill people for no reason like the edgelord you are.
Bioware writing has always been shit.

They've always made shit games. Always.

jesus christ I remember playing kotor as a kid and my build was so fucked up the only I won was by running around in circles spamming heal and planting mines

mine only run sounds like cancer

I get that it's appropriate because he's the final boss but it's weird how many quirky builds can easily complete the entire game just to get assraped by Malak

Also the most traditional character I ever played, a light side guardian who specialized in using a single one-handed lightsaber, absolutely demolished Malak. It was weird because the Star Forge itself took a little bit more effort than usual but when it came to him I basically cut him down in one round

This, I hate how you're locked to either Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil.

Is that even possible? I played both games without dying once. No guides.

dark for the emoney


Also, I played on Hard.

Or you could be "gray" like swamp nigga, oh wait he is actually a light side fag, whoops~

This game looks pretty dope, but I've never watched any star wars movies. Should I start watching the movies first?

Grey is still the best

If you just know the basic concepts of the force, jedi, and sith you know all you need. The game is set 10,000 years in the past.