Todd, what are you doing, man?

Todd, what are you doing, man?

Milking a very dry ass cow/

You see that mountain?

It's made of money.

You can't climb it, you would just fall down, but please feel free to look at it.


>this is the future console games will bring us.

$60 7 year old multiplats.

I completely understand if you don't want to buy it, OP. It is available for purchase on a myriad of other platforms, so no one gets left behind! What platform are you planning on buying it for?

launching the bethesda fan modding tool base so you can pay for fan made mods on another platform and play it on your wiiu 2.0 and pay for it while we kick back and make bukubucks for literally doing nothing but making you fools buy our gimped currency to buy our gimped mods from our gimped 'store'

I was actually hoping to get a New Vegas port for Switch, Todd.

Remember if youre playing on anything but PC or Xbone with mod support, youre doing it wrong

Hmmm. That's not really an option, user. I think you should buy The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, or Fallout 4. I can get your order on its way to you right now if you simply make your choice

>console even an option
Sorry pal, you don't check out. Can't let you in.

>spending more time browsing through and installing mods than you do actually playing the game
no thanks

And this is why I have the SE installed- everytime I srart down that road I can never stop until I'm forced to uninstall.

but pc gamers love menus and crashes

The only console version of Skyrim that holds anything over the PC version is the Switch because it's portable.

But Todd, I really think New Vegas was the best Fallout since 2.

Aren't you going to talk to Obsidian again so they can make the "good" Fallout version of Fallout 4 with the "new" engine?

zzz... sleepy slep...

nghn... skyrim... on... switch? then... PS5...Xbox...2....

zz... the... pirate bay... I see... Skyrim... pirate... wait....

he's not... buy... buying...


>even considering Xbone
No SKSE means it's shit and will forever stay shit.


How the fuck does that work?

Closing in on 2 billion lifetime sales on a 30 year old game.
What are you up to with your life punk?

>But Todd, I really think New Vegas was the best Fallout since 2.
It wasn't. We looked into it. We found that Fallout 4 is the best game in the Fallout series. I'd really really encourage you to buy that one

I'm holding a knife now. I have absolutely no plan to use it. I'm just holding it here to show you how cool it is. Buy my game.

Shh, there, there Todd this is all just a bad dream go back to sleep.

>mfw nobody buys it because BOTW is everything people actually wanted out of open world games
The sad part is the people who fell for the VR meme will most likely buy it.


>this is the future Nintendo consoles will bring us.

fucking this.

>feel the urge to play skyrim
>spend hours installing all the old mods I liked, including some new ones that were uploaded since my last play
>game crashes once I boot it up
>spend half an hour to an hour finding conflicting mods that I installed
>once it's running, spend maybe an hour before not even wanting to play it anymore.
>uninstall skyrim


not even the special edition


>Bloodmoon rising

Holy shit:
>Objectively the worst version of skyrim (you know the game has to be drastically reworked to run on a nintendo "console")
>the year 2017
>the price of $59.99

Not buying skyrim :)

>sweet lolis
Any screenshot about this one?

If you honestly think that it'll run worse than the 360 and PS3 versions, you should hand in your high school diploma. You clearly did not earn it.

here ya go
worst version for a current gen console

Todd, New Vegas is much better than Fallout 4, I can say that with certainty.

I would very much appreciate if you put down that knife and got me a copy of New Vegas. It's still published by Bethesda after all, so you'll still be making money from it.

I get a better game and you get some money. Win win, right?


fallout 4 is better when it comes to gunplay
new vegas everything else except graphics



But the gunplay in Fallout 4 is still shitty and below acceptable for shooters. It's that "everything else" that makes New Vegas playable, compared to Fallout 3 and 4 which are essentially devoid of merit.

Don't worry Todd, Skyrim will get a better score because it's on switch, that will lure more people.

No Todd, I will not open the door until you get me a copy of Fallout: New Vegas.

I understand you're upset, but why don't we just talk about this like grown ups?

Todd, there's already at least three mods that let you build bases in New Vegas.


That has shaders that aren't 15 years old.

Okay, I've calmed down. Sorry I got so steamed back there! I have your copy of Fallout: New Vegas waiting for you right here. Open this door and I'll give it to you.

But playing Skyrim with the master sword will clearly change the whole experience. Can't wait to buy it

Yeah Todd, and those mods are free

>Switch can barely handle running Zelda cartoonshit, lags a shitload from grass and ragdoll effects
>Todd gets the Special Edition™ of The Elder Scrolls™ Skyrim™, a game designed for PC/PS4/XB1 hardware as opposed to a Wii U, running flawlessly on a Switch.
Did Todd official BTFO Nintendo on optimization on their own console??

I just checked and found no such thing. I believe you're both mistaken.

i have it already i pirated it

try nexus

What is this black bar over your reply? Are you hiding secrets from me? I don't like being lied to.

It doesn't matter who you are. You still diverged from the original point of the argument, even if you weren't there from the start.

lol i love this meme

you have no idea how powerful and knowledgable Todd is. He worked on Morrowind and it was a masterpiece, barely got involved on Oblivion and Skyrim and these were meh at best. Take your own conclussions.

i pirated it

I'm not playing it because I can't install horsedick futa mods

but Bethesda's mod website only has a very small selection of mods, a tiny fraction of the mods which exist for Bethesda games.

You should try Nexus, which has hundreds of times as many mods and they tend to be much better.

It helps provide the greatest possible value to your customers so I'm sure you'll be happy about it.

yes but we are talking about the special edition

>not using Wrye Bash
How fucking casual are you?

Buy my games, user. It is the will of the One True God.

If it's anything like Oblivion, basically it adds a female uterus cycle where on top of the wanton sex-capades, women can also get pregnant and give birth. It can literally get as extensive as having sex and getting knocked up with a wolf and having a hybrid child that follows you around.

It was such an extensive series of mods for Oblivion, that you literally had to have the stars align to get all the individual mods working.

But goddamn, it was so worth it
>Finding either you or your follower is fertile
>Getting them knocked up by some rando wolf
>Watching as you/her filling out

If you're not into preggos, need not apply

Hey everyone, I just got an email from my ISP provider threatening to call the cops on me because I visited some dumb website called Nexus. I recommend you all stay away from it while it's still hot.

>SOS: Schlongs of Skyrim
Jesus fucking christ, user

>reject his games


Does this VN have an english translation?

Every new version of Skyrim has been 60 with the exception of PC discounts. Portability isn't changing that.

my sides
I love Todd posting

Thanks for the tip, Rodd. Would you recommend any good PC games?

i saw an ad for dragonball xenoverse on switch for $34 on amazon today. i clicked on it and it took me the amazon page with the xbox version selected. i switched it to the platform i wanted and it costs full price loll

Todd, stop making 10 different Skyrimjobs and just put 110% into TES 6; that's all anyone cares about.

>Schlongs of Skyrim
>Skykids alt male body + adorable face and fair skin complexion texture + SOS addon
user, I...

portability, dude

Trying to make money, which is what the main point of a business?

I posted one yesterday, ou were late

The best part about that combo is playing a male Skykid with a 3ft dong, running around impregnating Skyrim with superior genes. I named him Gilgamesh

Where's the dropbox user?

its so the kiddies who arent allowed a ps4/xbone/pc can join in this old ass ugly game

>Totally not a pedophile

Zelda's development was also fucked and Nintendo rushed the BotW port over to Switch as fast as they could. It's one of the main reasons why the Wii U version runs better, because they just didn't have the amount of time to optimize it.
The Switch is by no means an underpowered console. Is it as powerful as the Xbone/PS4? Obviously not, but it's at least twice as powerful as the Wii U.

After a couple of patches, I think it's safe to say the game now runs better on the Switch.

Oh, for sure. But at the start, the Wii U version ran better.

>implying I didn't do this years ago with mods

There is only one game that you need concern yourself with, my friend. Have I ever steered you wrong before?