>Half-Life is a go-
Half-Life is a go-
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-d damn embarrassment of a series.
-lfing game about Gluten Fatman, a golf champion who has a mental breakdown and begins killing people with his trusty golf club.
-od game but On a Rail kind of drags on
oey slimegirl?
>this part and the part with all the lasers in s/v/en
Disliking the vehicle segments in Half-Life is such a meme, especially On A Rail, which is hugely interesting a varied throughout.
Just stop being autistic, kid.
I swear On A Rail is the worst level I've played in any FPS. It has to be.
i honestly liked this part reddit has meme hated on this for years
I never understood people complaining about Xen when this was so much fucking worse in every conceivable way.
agreed fellow contrarian
my nigga
name 10 perfect games with no bad levels or segments
Tetris and 9 variants of it
>tfw never actually used the train and somehow always manage to never find it, jumping around the entire map instead
-od example of a game franchise that went to shit after the first installment
Rails is frustrating at times, but Xen is absolutely awful
>platforming in a FPS
>FALL DAMAGE in a platformer
>HL was being its own thing, but then tries to be DOOM and Quake in Xen with enemies firing balls and small tight platforms
>Shit final fight
Yeah, and i thought zen was mysterious but kinda too small.
This, I recently played through Half Life and finally finished it for the first time
The rails stuff was kind of annoying, but Xen was just a really poor finale, and left a bad taste in my mouth over an otherwise great game
protip: dont use the rail cars, just run down the tunnels
hi underage
>platforming in an fps
Why is this a problem? Do you have no sense of spatial awareness user?
>Not knowing you can skip like literally 90% of it without even glitching
>not speedrunning it on your first go
I played HL again last year and it was still good