Bans on minecraft



>Impressionble underageb@ gets banned ingame for trying to talk like he was on Sup Forums #21232

People who take pictures of their computer screen should be executed

spotted the buttblasted server admin that can't into bantz
If you want a minecraft server with literally no rules, this is your best bet.


File an appeal OP, just tell them that you were just trying to get the other player to commit suicide you weren't trying to meme. That should clear the matter up.


found the dumbass kid who tries to excuse autistic screeching as "bantz"

enjoy your ban

>like he was on Sup Forums
*leafyishere comment section

it's only bants if it's actually funny


Why is no one capable of taking a photo right side up?

comms spam isn't funny. ever.

telling someone to kill themselves is fucking hillarious in certain circumstances, but minecraft is a hotbed for autists, and autists can't into bantz.

I agree.

>telling someone to kill themselves is fucking hillarious

OP is confirmed underage.

>Why can't I be an asshole wherever and whenever I want?

Maybe you'll think twice next time.

Why can't americans handle any sort of banter?
Why are you all so thin skinned?

>B-B-But what about FREE SPEECH

>these threads backfire against the OP everytime

>People can't take bants anymore
>Saw a thread on Sup Forums yesterday how people just report people to "trigger" them

>taking a picture of your monitor
confirmed for underageb& and/or consoletard

Great job taking shit entirely out of context to try and flaunt an aura of moral superiority. kys you disingenuous faggot.

>kys you disingenuous faggot

>telling people on minecraft to kill themselves

It's a more effective way to get people assblasted these days, from the looks of it.

why not?

You meant kiss?

Because they're already dead inside.

If they're playing Minecraft in [current year] it's probably some pretty good advice.

then you are doing them a favor. be on the outside as you feel on the inside.

You deserve to get banned if you use the faggy abbreviation.

I genuinely only report people that piss me off if they're breaking rules. Announcing reports would probably get more of a rise out of them but I'm rarely in the mood to hear or read any more autistic screeching than necessary.

>report someone for shitpoting in /vr/
>there comments actually get deleted within a reasonable time
Feels good. If only Sup Forums worked that way.

sad thing is they seem to be happening more often than usual, more underage shits seeking validation from le ebin 4chains

Here's the thing, you underage asswipe. Say whatever the fuck you want, whatever. I'm not partial to censorship myself. But on the other hand don't come whining to Sup Forums of all fucking places when you get banned from a fucking Minecraft server.


Holy shit, kill yourself.

Didn't expect so many ppl on this thread, and so many to take it seriously

>tfw you realize Sup Forums was the containment board all along