Do you think Nintendo will ever actually make a non-gimmick console again...

Do you think Nintendo will ever actually make a non-gimmick console again? I think it's arguable that GameCube was it's last true console, no bullshit like Wii, or Wii U, etc. Their handheld division also went a bit off rails after say, the DSLite.

Lets say it's 2023. PS5 and X2ox are coming out (forget about PC in this kind of situation), and the specs are looking pretty great. Nintendo hasn't announced anything new yet, but they've been hinting, Switch is going good still. It's E3 time and Sony/Microsoft announce some good shit in terms of hardware and games.

Nintendo is doing their treehouse or whatever, and they reveal their new console. What do you think it would be? Some new gimmicky thing that has mediocre/out-dated specs like always or a full blown good ass console that is just as good as PS5/Xbox whatever.

What would you want? Would you be more inclined to buy a REAL nintendo console, one without any sort of bullshit attached to it? That's all I really want from games anymore, just no bullshit. I just want a console that has up to date hardware, and has fun games. I don't care about social integrations or taking it outside of the house or whatever other shit. I just want games.

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stopped reading at
>>Switch is going good still.

It's a completely hypothetical situation you fucking troglodyte.

The TL;DR (which should have been in the OP) is: What do you want out of a new Nintendo console? More gimmick-console, or a full-blown console?

nah they'll probably make nintendo glasses next that you play with motion control suction cups that attache to your finger tips.

Nintendo consoles always have fun games

as for up to date hardware, very few people have that except autists who upgrade their rig every year

nintendo needs to stop making hardware.
remember when they made that heart rate monitor and never released it? how much of your money did they use to do that?

Not all R&D pans out.

The project was canned because it couldn't detect 1 out of 10 people's heart rates or something.

Nintendo is done making home consoles they saw how well the mobile market was going and made a handheld console that resembled a tablet. Don't ever expect something like the NES, SNES, N64, GCN, Wii, or Wii U again.

That's why I said to leave PC out of it. Consoles never are better than a PC (expect for like maybe that extremely brief window of time when NES and SNES were). I'm talking strictly consoles and their specs here.

I just don't get Nintendos fascination with making their console a gimmick. Like needing it to have portability and detachable controllers or making it have a big game pad with a TV stuck in it, or whatever other BS they throw in.

All I want is a nintendo box that has good hardware and a controller plugged into it which plugs into my TV and I play some god damn games on it. No bullshit.

Don't get me wrong, I liked old Nintendo stuff (GBC, GBA, DS, GC, etc) and I personally think the Switch is cool. But I just want a fucking box that plays games. Why can't they understand that?

they make good software though. they should still do that. best situation for them would be to take a page out of sega's book.

Portability isn't a gimmick, it's been around for decades

the switch is like 19 other gimmicks, though

there are no non-gimmick consoles

Sega makes shit software

it isn't, it's extremely simple and to the point

it can be used as a portable or home device, the detachable controllers are for local mutiplayer and very useful

you just sound like a boring bitter autist

sega also makes good software. what is your point?

> Why can't they understand that?

because while they say they aren't competing with Sony and Microsoft, they are. They're also competing with tablets and mobile.

7 year olds in the 80s were playing with NES game systems.

7 year olds today play Merge Dragons and Angry Birds, Five Nights at Freddys, and Minecraft on their tablets.

it has 2 mini controllers that detach and suck for everything. it's portable and NOT portable. it has a dock for your tv. it requires a goddamn phone for voice chat. it won't fit in your pocket; in fact it'll only fit up the asshole of those whose bodies are ready for it, such as yourself

I think they realize that PC will always top consoles forever now, so they only way they can compete with that at all is having gimmicks.

No it is definitely a gimmick. Having the "console" be portable sacrificed it's home console performance. It's a gimmick that ultimately made the console worse.

so how is any of this a gimmick?

>best situation for them would be to take a page out of sega's book.
Why when they were only in the red briefly during the Wii U's lifespan and it managed to go back into the green despite being in 3rd place?

SEGA dropped out because of a long series of fuck ups. Nintendo has stumbled for sure, even failed, but I wouldn't say theyve fucked themselves as much as SEGA did. Not even close.

>I think it's arguable that GameCube was it's last true console, no bullshit like Wii, or Wii U, etc.

The GameCube was also worse than the Wii, Wii U, etc.

A gimmick to you is anything you don't like.

not him but i'd say that "ability to shove up fanboys' asses" is a gimmick of sorts

of it sacrifices some performance, that doesn't make it a gimmick

go look in a dictionary, learn what words mean before you use them

The Switch is the least gimmicky console Nintendo has made since the Gamecube.

What you mean by "Real nintendo console" really just means underpowered PC with some exclusive software.

>not a gimmick
it worked for them but that doesn't make it not a gimmick console

But imagine what the Switch (or NX) would have, could have, should have been if it was just a regular console.

No detachable controllers, no wizardry needed to use voice chat through a fucking phone, no really tiny tablet screen, no docking port, etc. Just imagine if the whole console was the size of the docking port but was stuffed with better hardware?

The controller could be the same, it could work. The two smaller detachables to be used for two player stuff or to just be held in each hand if the player didn't want to use the controller dock.

Why did it need all that other bullshit? This is coming from a guy who likes Switch, I think it's cool, but why couldn't it have been JUST a console?


>7 year olds today play Merge Dragons and Angry Birds, Five Nights at Freddys, and Minecraft on their tablets.

that is so depressing. I feel sorry for these kids.

and they feel sorry for you

same senpai

mine never really leaves the dock. What was the fucking point? To bring it to bed? Fuck that.

At some point in the near future the Sony/Microsoft console model is going to become untenable. It will be significantly cheaper to build a gaming PC than it will be to buy a PS5 or an XBox Sigma or whatever.

Nintendo is pretty smart in distinguishing its hardware as a different product with different aims while still doing what's necessary to maintain their core base who--let's face it--will continue to support Nintendo for as long as Nintendo makes Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon games. People gravitate towards "gadgets" and will start to see high-powered consoles as less attractive. Exclusives will not be enough to maintain this model forever.

It wouldn't make much difference, Nintendo knows how to get what they want from their hardware

as for third party they wouldn't support it if it had better hardware, they'll support if it sells

also I like portability

tablet games seriously suck and are designed to get kids addicted with the least gameplay possible

but hey whatever its all in good fun right

>At some point in the near future the Sony/Microsoft console model is going to become untenable.
Said the increasingly nervous man

I don't own a Switch, and I have no stock in this. It's just my observation.

>they'll support if it sells
This. I say this every thread but it usually gets ignored. The consoles with the densest libraries are also the consoles that sold the most. Big surprise. The highest selling consoles also have LOADS of shovelware.

>Wii, PS2, DS Gameboy, and PS1
These five are what I remember to be the top five selling game consoles. All five have some great games, legendary classics made by 1st and 3rd parties alike, but 3rd parties SWARMED these consoles without much regard to their power and no one can deny this.

No, there's no reason for Nintendo to make a bland product when they specialize in unique products.

nintendo needs to merge the waggle with handheld gaming

Sega doesn't make anywhere near the money Nintendo does and Sega was in big financial trouble a few years ago.

how many other wiius can nintendo afford before they get to be like that, too?

Microsoft and Nintendo are done with home consoles. Xbox is now a Pre-built PC that will only get iterations and the Switch is a handheld that will get stronger models. Microsoft is chasing the PC market and Nintendo is chasing the Mobile market because both are more profitable than the Console market. Sony is the only one making a home console and still doing generations.

A lot of them and the Switch is doing very well, they made a crap ton of money has quarter and they're stock price is 3x times higher than it was just 3 years ago.
They aren't going anywhere.

No. They only make tablets now.

I want Xbox and Playstation to make rival gimmick consoles

It's a market of 'who can engineer the most fun gimmick', leading to some horrible failure (Microsoft would be dead if they made an all Kinect console) and some smaller companies with weird ideas to take a stab at the market

This would leave PC as the 'standard console' with a basic OS for buying and playing games (like what Steam tried a couple years ago)
Nintendo would probably reign console king then but any company with a clever enough idea would be a challenger to the throne

I also want VR to be it's own market at that point, and for the Mobile market to have either been absorbed into a console or faded from popularity

>Do you think Nintendo will ever actually make a non-gimmick console again?

They have consistently been able to post profits year after fucking year, except that year where they built 2 new headquarters, so why they fuck would they change what they are doing when it consistently keeps making enough dosh to satisfy their nip jew asses?

Also Nintendo is quite unlike the other 2 console manufactures. Nintendo is not a conglomerate with a shit ton of subsidiaries which they can use to do shit for them like online infrastructure for instance. Nintendo is technically just the only actual video company making consoles or to be more exact they are still just a toy company with many of the ideals that come from running such a company. Just look at other toy companys like the people who make nerf guns or super soakers and how stupidly elaborate and dumb some of those tings have become over the years with how gimmicky they can be. Nintendo still being mostly a toy company works differently that they other 2 tech conglomerates with video game divisions in them especially when it comes to decision making.

So naw nintendo will keep on trying making gimmicky shit even if the console catches on but the gimmick does not since they are still toy makers really and video games are just that. Toys. So for better or for worse and even if it becomes something you do or don't like Nintendo will keep on doing what they doing cause at the very least it has continually proven to be profitable for them.

They may as well go third party if they ever give up on gimmicks. That's the only thing that sets their consoles apart and give them a reason to exist.

For what it's worth, I'd be completely fine with Nintendo going third party. Barely anyone I know still plays Nintendo games because they have no interest buying a system just for them.

Nintendo is gonna be fine, user. They still managed to turn the wii u into a meager positive in the end. They do not consider the product a virtual boy or anything of the sort. It lost the race, but there is more to this shit than that.

Not to mention, they don't just make money off games and consoles anymore.
They have licensing stuff now with things like the Universal Park which is gonna net them a crap ton of money, they license out characters for merchandise such as toys and posters and clothing now
The smartphone stuff is getting them money

They aren't going 3rd party anytime soon. People who like to make the Sega comparison have no idea the shit Sega was in. The 32X and CD bombed, the Saturn bombed, the US division and the Japanese division were fighting each other constantly and they were losing a shit ton of money.

the biggest problem was their reputation, Nintendo was getting shit on by everyone through the Wii U saga and their image was damaged, a big part of the Switch was putting their name back out there

>Do you think Nintendo will ever actually make a non-gimmick console again?

No, they're fucking terrified of Sony and Microsoft. This is why the last few gens they have literally ran away with their tail between their legs in fear of competing. They've even gone on record to say "we are not directly competing with other manufacturers anymore". They're literally buttfuck scared.

If Nintendo cant rely on a gimmick, they wont do anything at all. This unfortunately, has become fact in recent years despite the damage control of the cancerous tumor that is the MODERN fanbase. They'll fall back on old hardware and hump it dry until the fans start sending them death threats. This is why they haven't produced their next /ACTUAL REAL/ portable yet despite the 3DS' success.

>Not to mention, they don't just make money off games and consoles anymore
then why bother making them?

>then why bother making them?
Are you seriously asking why a company would want more than just one revenue stream?
Because the consoles and games makes them the money money but, like any company, they want to make more money and open as many revenue streams as they can.

The gamecube sold more than the WiiU, and you have to hold that. People are tired of the weak platform+gimmick meme.

no, I misunderstood you. Thought you were saying that they didn't make any money off consoles and games anymore.

Honestly it feels believable. I mean, other people in the thread mentioned it too but kids these days don't really give a fuck about Nintendo from what I can tell.

>Not gimmicky

Our console must be a cube and portable! Also let's use mini discs because why the fuck not?!

The only way the comparison to Sega holds up is if the Game Gear was still popular and any losses from the Dreamcast were recouped by selling Sonic, Miku, and Selvaria figurines.

>kids these days don't really give a fuck about Nintendo from what I can tell.
They aren't the only people in the world.

Yeah. Nintendo should just stop making interesting new consoles and just make the same boring black box that everyone else is making.

A """real""" new Nintendo console would probably have the same issues as any other gimmicky one.

The Switch is now out. It's doing fine. And it's got a fun concept to boot. There's more people talking about it than the Xbone.

Does it have its problems? Yeah. I wish the thing was more powerful (or maybe even had a dock with some guts in it to help give it more power). I wish voice chat and online worked at least somewhat decently. But hey, I can play my new Ninty and Indies on the go and its pretty good at doing that.

>implying the cube shape wasn't genius
>implying that the handle on the back wasn't genius, you can actually for the first time easily use easily your game console as a blunt force weaponized object
>implying that mini-dvds weren't a rational course of action for a company that paid attention to the piracy problem for the Dreamcast

If you want to talk gimmicky shit for the gamecube, why not talk about how they were shoving GBA connectivity into everything and now they don't really do that with their handhelds?

According to the sales though, they're most of them. That's not somethin that can be refuted.

NGC use optical disc user
Your video games life end @ Super Nintendo
Deal with it

>According to the sales though, they're most of them
No, it isn't.


All these people grew up with NES, SNES, and N64s didn't they

>PS1, PS2, DS pirated to hell and back
>All of those consoles raped the GameCube in sales.

That was a fucking bad decision that hurt the system and fucked third parties sideways, again.

>That was a fucking bad decision that hurt the system and fucked third parties sideways, again.
I don't disagree with you, but you have to admit it was a rational decision. They wouldn't know how it'd turn out unless they tried.

A lot of kids will move onto Nintendo when they get older, particularly ones who get interested in retro gaming, I know several myself

Nintendo is expanding as a business btw, they are going to produce animated films based on their franchises and along with the toys and theme park interests it looks like they are trying to become the Disney of video games

>tiny demographic of users

Switch doesn't have numbers yet that you can pull and call relevant compared to their competitors.

To do things that nobody else is doing is the most important thing for Nintendo. Giving up on that would be giving up on Nintendo.

I'm surprised any children made it on here at all given that they're seldom financially dependent.

>tfw I've already gotten asked by my nephew to tell him about the days of Gen 1 and 2 pokemon

His facial expressions during the story man. So great. Traded him a pretty good Zapdos after that.

Nice reddit buzzword, newfag.

>Guys the PS1 raped us because 3rd parties had storage issues and PS2 is selling like hotcakes it doubles as a DVD player!
>Let's use mini DVDs

Thoughtful and rational decision.

NES is over 30 years old so no not really

the SNES and 64 yeah


>Do you think Nintendo will ever actually make a non-gimmick console again?
Nope. Just more gimmick-ridden, overpriced, and underpowered handhelds from here on out.

GCN had that stupid handle and mini discs. it was gimmicky as hell.

34 here, got my NES Xmas '88.

My first console was 49.99 NES 2. Maybe I'm just an outlier.

You're sort of missing the point and you know it, user. They were exploring ways to prevent piracy and it seemed like the best option. And to be fair, the gamecube was pirated less. You even admitted this.

Are you just being argumentative for the sake of it?

You realize you're more than likely speaking to 13 year olds right? God knows i was 13 when I first got here.

All Nintendo consoles had gimmicks.

ROB the Robot

Mode 7 and PCM audio

Cartridges, analog stick and 'stable' 3D

Mini-DVDs, carrying handle, GBA connectivity

Motion controls

>Wii U
Tablet controller

Dockable portability

>25 years old
>first showed up here in 2005

holy fuck user...have I always been mostly talking to 13 year olds, even when I was 13?

Modes 7, PCM Audio, Cartridges, Analog Sticks, 3D and Mini-DVDs weren't gimmicks.

Yeah Nintendo should make the same thing that everyone does
A cheap knock off wanna be pc

>Analog stick is a gimmick

Xbox technically is a pc, Sony is a wannabe PC. but since Microsoft has the PC market and Nintendo has the Mobile market, Sony will eventually go bankrupt and die.

I understand the reasoning behind it but what good it did if they made the same fucking mistakes again?

Another generation were 3rd parties had a hard time porting shit because of a lower DVD size unless you decided to use 2 discs and increase the manufacturing cost because IIRC a mini DVD was expensive than a regular ass DVD

Nintendo used to be able to sustain a 1 billion yen loss per year for 50 years. The WiiU dropped that to like 12 years.

It is to be expected that results for "the person in your household with the strongest desire to purchase Nintendo Switch" would be like that only a month from launch. The same survey also reported that 72% were used by more than one person within the household, so they are likely reaching demographics outside of the ones most prominent in the survey.

A successor to the Switch that may or may not still be compatible with the dock for TV play. I mean actual successor, not just a hardware revision like the New 3DS was to the 3DS.

Nintendo is the only hardware manufacturer right now that their ONLY business is vidya, sadly they don't have a place between the 2 multimedia giants Sony and Microsoft. All they can do is keep focusing on handheld consoles that have the convenience of plugging to your TV.

People that try to draw the world's longest bow by comparing the decision to go with mini-discs on GameCube vs cartridges on N64 are the stupidest motherfuckers in the world.

A single N64 cartridge cost $10 to manufacture. A single mini-DVD cost 20c to print. A regular DVD was like 10c. Holy fuck if we print 2 of them we'll lose 30c compared to a regular DVD. That's totally comparable to the N64 where we'll lose $10 per game!

Since you cant personalice it i wouldnt count it has a Pc,i mean its pretty reliable but still doesnt fill the place of a pc
If anything Sony is more gimmik,the gimmik of being more potent than the rest...and fail everytime

I don't know why you're so sympathetic when it comes to 3rd parties man. I mean, these companies cried about how hard the PS2 and PS3 were to develop for. You're aware of this right? They still did it anyway, especially for the PS2 because it is the best selling game console of all time and they wanted that install base badly. They put up with their gripes to develop games for a glorified DVD player. That's why most people bought the fucking thing.

>All Nintendo consoles had gimmicks.
Nope, only the ones without traditional controllers.

Sadly, Sony has an incredible ammount of brand loyalty, moreso than Nintendo at this point. It won't die. You see PLAY STATION ads in soccer fields, you see all european and latinamerican normalfags playing FIFA on those things, and to Japan only PlayStation exist. They hate the Xbox and they don't like PC gaming because to them "a PC is a working tool, not a toy".

I don't see Sony's gaming division dying any time soon.

No, they won't. The current competitors are way too big for Nintendo to compete with in pure specs. They have a lot of money, but they're still not as big as Microsoft and Sony, so their only option is to compromise, and offer something different, rather than trying to outdo them in power. They tried that with Gamecube, and couldn't keep up. And no, it wasn't purely mini-discs and the controller that hindered them. Sony just had better relations with third parties, more money, more influence. That's why the Wii was created, they were backed into a corner, they had no choice. Fuck look at handhelds, weak as shit but sell like hotcakes. That's because they have a practical use to them. Nintendo simply can't go back.

Trust me, I wish they could. I want them so badly to be able to make a powerful console, but it's unfeasible. Unless Sony and Microsoft magically leave the console market and get replaced by smaller companies like Sega, things will remain this way forever.

>Mode 7 and PCM audio
>analog stick and 'stable' 3D
Those are features, not gimmicks, unlike the motion controls or the tablet controller.

>ROB the Robot
Trojan Horse to enter and revive the absolutely dead market that the American console market after the crash.

>Sadly, Sony has an incredible ammount of brand loyalty, moreso than Nintendo at this point.
Why is that sad? It's just the natural progression of the hobby. Nintendo fans are ageing out of relevance and the current core audience for games was introduced when PSX and PS2 were the top systems.