Hello, what computers does Sup Forums have?

hello, what computers does Sup Forums have?

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i have a meme computer with a shitty tv instead of monitor so its practically a waste. dont know what monitor to use without getting memed.

I would get a cheap shit monitor on Newegg or something . That way if you get memed you don't get memed hard .

What kind of GPU do you have. 1080p 60fps is also the safest starting point. But if you have the power 1080p 144hz is really nice thing to have.

i have 1070 with meme parts to match. currently use shitty 1080p samsung 32inch.

A 1070 is very fast

Just upgraded the GPU last week.
First hardware upgrade in 6 years.



1700 is O P

>he fell for the amd meme core

it's a 25 watt cpu .
it's not my main pc

please no bully

It does the job usually

did I do good?

>Windows 10

why are you guys doing this

>sandy bridge

this is my machine

cool computer



From a shitty pre built. So far managed to add a GPU and but a good PSU. Next will be the ram for sure.


>CPU is 4.6Ghz
>1070 is 2150Mhz
>Monitor is 144hz

Not bad, this PC shouldn't cuck you much outside of the ram.



This is unironically all i do with my rig. I don't even play games on it. Just speccy threads on Sup Forums.

3 years old, had stock cpu cooler and 970 when it was first built.
Should be good for another 3-4.

me too

Will I be able to play Monster Hunter World on this PC?

I could probably OC the CPU to 4.7 but fuck it, I'm lazy.


no need to go higher really

almost no improvements but you will shorten its lifespan alot

>using windows 10 botnet



>giving a shit, also giving a shit about other people's gaming OS


Yee nice. I got a 1080ti as well and it's a fucking beast. Dunno why it only shows 3gb of vram on speccy when it has 11.

it's alright
gets a bit hot though

>hahaha yea lul micro shills on suicide watch
>this was posted with google/android/appleā„¢ botnet mobile GPS tracking "smart" device

Here's my entire rig

Well duh it's outside in the sun