The sequel is more popular than the first one

>The sequel is more popular than the first one

What is Nier

mega man 2

>the sequel is better in every wayy
>contrarians disregard it no matter what


diablo 2 (d1 is better btw)


Welcome to the witcher fanbase

Every fucking Dark Souls 2 thread.

>The third game comes out

Fucking Dark Souls is way more popular than Demons Souls despite just being a derivative unoriginal shitshow and its purely because of pc plebs who couldnt afford a ps3.

>the first game is different from it's sequel
>everyone says it didn't age and not to play it

I've wondered if this was ever true for games like Dead Space 2 or RE2.

If so it would make sense. The second installment tends to improve upon the original formula which worked in the first place.


>the sequel is shittier in every single regard
>contrariant pretend its the best one for easy (You)s

>I LOVE Earthbound! So funny
>No I never beat it. What's Mother?

Not sure if it's the more popular, but it's generally regarded as the best of the original trilogy
I still prefer TDP at times

>sequel expands on game mechanics but rapes and oversimplifies the lore

>the sequel is worse in every conceivable way
>game reviewers all give it better scores and as a result everyone calls you a contrarian for not circle jerking it
What is Nier 2, Skyrim, Ass Creed 2, Pokemon BW2, Bloodborne and Mario Galaxy 2?

>sequel expands upon the lore but rapes and oversimplifies game mechanics

>the sequel is worse in every conceivable way
>Nier 2
>Galaxy 2

I can understand preferring the originals, but how are those games worse in every conceivable way? You seriously don't even think the combat is better in Automata?

Nah I honestly think the combat in automata is worse. There's more room for creativity, but it doesn't matter because the game never requires you to actually learn the combat. By giving the player access to 99 healing resources (and a broken parry and dodge), the combat becomes completely devoid of any difficulty and is essentially just a chore. In the second playthrough I just ran past all of the enemies because I was solely playing to see the story through. You might be able to make the combat enjoyable if you impose a bunch of rules on yourself (I won't buy healing items, I won't equip OP chips etc), but I don't think that you should have to do that in order for a game to be fun.