No diversity, no progressive agenda, no cinematic dramatic emotional scene: NO GOOD REVIEWS

No diversity, no progressive agenda, no cinematic dramatic emotional scene: NO GOOD REVIEWS
I believe metacritic is the most corrupt website because it gathers only western game reviewers(paid shills)
>inb4 muh famitsu
>inb4 muh musous are boring

Maybe the game really is fucking weeb shit.

>muh sjw boogeyman when the game is fucking shiet

leave politics shit out, all musou fans have declared it shit because it is shit, it's the most MUGEN tier copy/paste since capcom fighting jam. it's a low budget cash grab that was made to make some quick money before DW9.

It deserves the rating.

Famitsu is literally the IGN of Japan.a 35/40 for them is basically on the edge of mediocrity.

t. IGN

Musous are shit

OP can't inb4

Famitsu has shit taste in games if their best RPG's of all time list is anything to go by

>generic musou
>wonder why it performs poorly

Famitsu is the most corrupt reviewer of them all though. They literally have score mandates i.e. games from X series or X publisher are not allowed to score below Y. Their scores are based completely on the hype a game has.

Didn't Musou games always get 7's or thereabouts? It's just now 7 means trash instead of "decent".

>musou game
>musou game with ONE (1) mode.
It deserves a 60.

shut the fuck up
This is literally improved over Samurai Warriors 4. The things is they didn't like the semi-lolis and sexualized characters which receives a lot of attention compared to previous DW/SW games.
t. neogaf

t. buttblasted weeb

musous are bottem barrel trash and belong with Compile Heart shit. Only games like NieR deserve good reviews.

Famitsu scores mattered in the 90s. Pretending that their name and their scores matter the same way they did then is disingenuous

I though 7 meant good and 6 or 5 meant decent

>A rehash of a rehash, rehash that was rehashed again.
>Anyone surprised it got a mediocre rating.

yawn. sage.

All musou games get shit on.

X play back in the day would have segments dedicated to shitting on them.

It's fucking awful and I contacted Sony to get a refund

Wait this is actually coming out in the west?

The fuck?


meme opinion to fit in on Sup Forums good sheep


Fucking worthless opinion

Matterfall loved by western critics received 29/40 there

Any game with Sophie in it is a good game.


>I only play overwatch, moba garbage, braid, fez and hollow knight

>Play Dynasty and Samurai Warriors
>Expect fun
>It's just slicing through hordes of enemies with no skill involved

You know what I mean though. 7 didn't used to be a bad score until the metric was reset so that it's basically 7-10.

>people complain musous are repetitive
>they spend thousands of hours in Dota 2, Hat Fortress 2 and CoD
Western hypocrites

I thought games that had forced diversity always did bad in reviews

I hate Western shit as much as the next weeaboo but 70% is more than fair for any Square, Square, Triangle game

Lu Bu's a dick anyway. You can't take anything he says personally.

Came out today.



>If u dont liek bottom of the barrel action games ur a westshit fanboy
Musoushitters are a fucking joke, your kusoge is receiving low scores because musou games are garbbagw compared to most good Japanese action titles. And yes, even westshit like bam ham spam to wham has more to offer.

even musoufags don't like this one

why the fuck are you so defensive about this trash game?

Famitsu continuously gives good scores to shitty games, let's not forget fucking Nintendogs

>shitty musou rehash with poorer level design and combat
>'they don't like it because of identity politics"

This is going to stop working if you abuse it if you're trying to defend games this fucking bad. You're lucky it got a 70.

>>they spend thousands of hours in Dota 2, Hat Fortress 2 and CoD
Except I don't like those games either.

They're niche games in the West and 70 is above average. All that other stuff is in your head. Take a break from the internet and just enjoy your games. Be glad they even made it over here.

The game still being in the yellow is more than it deserves. It's garbage, even as far as Musou games go.

Or maybe it is because it's fucking shit, just like every other musou in existence? The fucking Miku games are better than this shit.


Go mash Square elsewhere you candyass. There is no such thing as a good musou.

Are musoufags really this fucking delusional

It's like the 5000th one they have put out this year and one of the shittier ones to boot.

The market is over saturated with this garbage.

it's a musou game, it's going to get bad reviews.

Screen cap your steam library with timestamp or you are a Hat fedora memelord as I suspect.

How do they even add diversity to a game based on Chinese novel? of course all the characters are chinese. Or do you mean fat chicks? Ancient Chinese might like chicks that are a bit chubby but fats are still considered ugly so of course they won't appear. Plus, the only playable female character that made sense was Sun Shangxiang.

It could have been a better game if Rygar was in it with her.

If this was on the Switch maybe it wouldve gotten better scores

The artstyle clash kinda reminds me of Playstation All-Stars which is incredibly grating but the game looks very fun despite that. Having Nobunyaga also helps.

it wouldn't have
musou trash is musou trash, there's no saving it, and FE Warriors is the next game that'll be trash

I don't understand the point of musou

there is zero depth to them. you have 2 (TWO) attack buttons and a "super" button.

are they just for retards?

Musou is shit and famitsu scores have meant FUCKING NOTHING for the past 2 generations.

They're action games for tards, yes. Atleast Basara games have some semblance of depth but that's the closest the genre gets.

I am an expert in shit taste, as you can tell. The only good thing about musoushit is that it gave us Cia and her brown titties.

nah musou is shit dog

this is actually kind of a good point though honestly
An aggregate score is only as good as what its aggregating and if its not aggregating thoroughly then its not really accurate or worth anything
Metacritic is not objective or serving its purpose properly when it only collects a certain group of reviews and leaves out others

one of the reasons I don't really understand Metacritic in general is that if you actually took the time to read all of the reviews its aggregating you would probably disagree with many of them
so why trust a generated number that potentially contains low quality reviews when you could just find a single high quality review that you discern is actually trustworthy and knows what its talking about?
I just don't understand

>when you could just find a single high quality review that you discern is actually trustworthy and knows what its talking about
Those are harder to shitpost with.

The only musou game I ever liked

>Musou game gets a 70
Whats the problem here exactly? You know Musou games are mediocre, right?

>sonybros are this inferior

>you have 2 (TWO) attack buttons and a "super" button
Two attack buttons, but ~50 button combinations/different attacks per character

That's 20 too many already, how dare you complain?

but what do they actually do differently? its not like a fighting game where the combos are difficult or complex / rewarding. And the defensive options are practically non existent with how shitty they are.

Supposedly, it runs like shit on PS4 and it's a musou port that actually runs well on PC for once.

musou games never had good reviews
also it got furries, so it's automatically worse

So why can't pc players use the costumes they were promised for purchasing the game day one?

>a service that literally averages all other review sites
I lol everytime I read stuff like this, keep crying over your shitty game OP

70 is way too high for that garbage

Come on, dude, that's like the most desperate crossover ever.

try playing those games.
on higher difficulty you need to remember which combo is more effective for particular situation. Every combo has different reach, and has it's own uses. Of course on normal or hard difficulty it's hardly matters much.
but again, if you are not interested and just here to shitpost, why bother?

Warriors games have also recieved lower reviews in the West than Japan, even before all this SJW crap started.

>nu-Sup Forums shits on Musou constantly

Why am I not surprised? GG/phoneposters/reddit was a mistake

Stop fucking posting already, nobody fucking cares

Imagine being this much of a little fucking bitch. Are you gonna cry? Jesus fucking christ

This. Fuck off shit taste plebs musou is one of the few games left that let you just have mindless fucking fun and a shiton of end game to play. Its literally on tier with diablo by just having fun killing hundreds on enemies on screen

Fuck Mosous.

Those Kou Shibusawa strategy games, Team Ninja and the Fatal Frame/Deception team are the only good things KT have going for them.

I tried playing DW8 on the difficulty after hard and everybody was just a damage sponge. your games are shit.

More like why the fuck are anti-musou fags so autistic? It's impossible to talk about any of these games without someone going >REEEE IT'S SHIT every other goddamn post.

That's because they are actualy games and not cinematic experiences

I don't understand why people always get so triggered with musous. Did people forget that games are supposed to be fun? Musous are literally piss-easy because it was designed to be mindless fun

>spend weeks playing some stressful game
>relax for the weekend with a Musou

they are just idiots who pretends that complexity != good game

>Best Girl left out

not a great roster imo.


Did this one had one mirrion troops? One just the sequel?

Shittiest type of melee action game gets shit reviews, what a surprise.

Just picked up Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate on Xbone and have been finding it pretty fun. Which Musou game should I grab next when I'm finished with this one? The only thing bugging me is the shit camera and pop-in, but the soundtrack, variety of content and characters more than make up for it. Current gen platforms preferred but I have a PS2/360/PS3 so can always pick up an older game.

>game is trash

Maybe, just maybe, they rated the game so low because it's actually a shitty game. Damn dude. Mind blowing stuff, right?

Don't try talking logic with musoufags.

Surely you aren't talking shit on Samurai Warriors 4, the best Warriors game next to Samurai Warriors Empire and Spirit of Sanada.

Get Samurai warriors 4 or 4 Empires if you want a tiny dose of strategy

Is Opoona based in it

Why does she only have one shoe on?

>wtf dude? musous aren't bad, just turn your brain off!

Is SW4 Empires better than that Sanada Clan one

A critic score of 70 is actually quite good for a Musou game.

Hyrule Warriors is the best/most fun moosoo game