Destiny 2 open beta - your thoughts

>graphics (perhaps slightly better than titanfall 2. Not quite doom 2016).
>optimization seems good

>script and character lines
>lack of enemy variety (fat, fat with flamethrower, fat mini boss, jackal sniper reskin)
>boring gameplay. regenerating health, non aggressive enemy AI
>linear level design
>multi-player map is an actual circle with 3 control points
>multi-player announcer speaks constantly while adding little of value
>revolver Handgun is more powerful than rifles
>no death counter on the scoreboard

Honestly pretty shocked it was this bad. Granted I am not a destiny fan, but since I loved the Halo games growing up, I thought I'd give it a whirl. I wasn't ready for Bungie to take their core design tenets and toss them out the window. It's weird to see how far they have deviated from their core principles. Bungie is just a name now, Jason Jones is not a reclusive mastermind. He is a sad man, and probably a hack as well.

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Looks about right. Glad I didn't preorder.

I thought it sucked but it's okay I'll play it so you don't have to

>no death counter on scoreboard

But it shows your KD ratio at the end of each match.

It's destiny 1.5. I will literally be addicted to getting new shit. I put in over 1000 hours into the first. Fuck I cannot wait. Path of Exile and Diablo 3 don't feel the same.

That's your opinion man, I started playing yesterday and haven't stopped, the competitive PVP map is 10/10. They're really going for good design with this one, as long as they listen to the community the game will sell.

I think the overall concensus is that people are hyped. It's just Sup Forums that likes to pick gripes over minor shit. There's going to be tons of content released over the next couple years.

My feeling is that I may enjoy it for a significantly reduced price point later down the line. Perhaps the co op and real online play will make it slightly better than irredeemable

>the possibility of fighting inside a leviathan in the raid
>no shitters shitting it up with special weapons constantly
>actual balance and weapons that are supposedly can be fine tuned individually so no more fucking over complete archetypes
>all that patrol shit, /all/ of it

>30fps on console (I am getting PC as well but mainly will be playing PS4)
>Still unsure about PvE power ammo economy
>unsure ability recharge rates in general

>perhaps slightly better than titanfall 2
That's what I've found as well.
Unfortunately, it doesn't run as well as Titanfall 2, and I don't find the graphics all that standout.
But yea, it's pretty mediocre.
Worst part about the multiplayer is the fucking radar, that literally tells you where everyone is whenever they're moving, which encourages a fuckton of camping and is a REAL drain on the experience in a game that's only fucking 4v4.

You do realize the biggest "getting new shit" and gambling mechanics were removed from this game right?
Its exactly like PoE and D3. Items you get wont have RNG rolls on them. Same stats for everyone.

>>graphics (perhaps slightly better than titanfall 2. Not quite doom 2016).
It's a beta that's half the size of the full game my man, of course they aren't going to let you download all the textures

>everyone uses the handgun in multuplayer
>every other gun feels like shooting fucking piss


>separating art builds by texture quality

name one game that does this

I didn't say they were bad. Just that doom overall looks more cutting edge. Doom probably didn't have as many setpieces with ships flying around and such though.

What is this "patrol" that everyone is hyped about? Some game mode?

Is the beta actually open? As in do I have to buy the game to play the beta?

Feels and plays like the original, played a good amount of the vanilla Destiny and picked up the expansions later on but I was dissapointed. Saddens me this game will be the next big thing for a few years judging by its following and now with the pc playerbase.

It's as soulless and barren as the first game

Glad you can accept playing in a whole load of nothing. Reminds me of FFXV and MSGV defenders.

No, it's an open beta until the 31st. No need to buy it yet.

Better than Destiny 1 (which was total shit) but still not worth $60. Titanfall 2, CoD, CSGO and Halo are all better and cheaper. This game should have been $15 at launch with free DLC.

Crouching and sliding takes you out of the radar, doesn't it?

Crouching does, don't think sliding does.

How big is the download?

I like it but it's rather slow and the pvp is just garbage.


how the fuckd o you evne play MP, do you have to finish the campaign?

>billion dollar franchise should be priced the same as an indie
Don't ever post again

>implying games shouldn't be priced according to their quality as games

t. angry Bungie employee

>"billion" dollar fake franchise that hid sales number due to low sales
>less content than $10 indie games
The industry has failed.

Not fond of how it uses my real name in chat, but supposedly that's something only you can see. Big issue for streamers though. They better fix that shit.

Crouching will pulse your location. Its pretty much worthless.

I played Destiny for probably 50hrs or so.

I watched gameplay of 2, and literally could not tell a difference.

You can turn it off in the options and it only applies to your true friends thing

You can disable that in the settings. It's just on by default.

It's the same game but with more cutscenes and more story.

>>multi-player announcer speaks constantly while adding little of value
This saddens me.
The announcer started out normal, then in the Taken King DLC that everyone liked (resulting in the guy who designed it getting put in charge of D2) he got made shouty and spazzed out when you did something cool. People actually liked it, he gained a personality.
Now they appear to have pushed too far and ruined it by making him yell at the littlest thing.

You're not supposed to right? Its should look the the same game but updated with content and QoL changes.

This is more of a map pack than a sequel.

First time playing Destiny. I thought it was really boring. The abilities don't add enough variance to the usual run n gun gameplay and the enemies are not interesting in any way. I'd rather replay Borderlands 2

Bigger maps, more enemies and better particle effects also.

I've played crucible several times and each game has been a horrible lagfest. I wish I recorded it, it was hilarious punching an enemy player who stood there keeping my team from capping for several seconds before dying out of nowhere.

Sliding does, crouching pulses instead of being solid.
Radar vanishes for a second after you come out of ADS, an 'improvement' made because radar use was a very large part of D1 play...not helped by perks and gear you could equip that made it highly accurate and/or on all the time. I imagine they'll add similar things to this that make it stop vanishing or on all the time.

I wonder how it will run on my potato

Currently downloading it just to see performance. Don't care one bit for the game itself, I already know it's shit

That too. Pretty much if you hated the first one, don't even try the second one. Nothing major is changing.

>revolver Handgun is more powerful than rifles

As it should be in medium to short ranges. Scout Rifles are meant to be played from extreme distance and campy.

Honestly, I'm fine with Scout being semi-bad. They're boring and have far less character than hand cannons, which encourage mobility to close gaps and fast/personal gunfights. They were the coolest "regular" weapon in Destiny.

It will sell because it caters to the poor taste of children, same as halo and call of duty. I hope some day you'll realize what a good game is.

>the one thing everyone agreed on that was okay about Destiny was the feel of player movement, weapon handling, gunplay and the acrobatic speed of encounters combined with sweet-spot time-to-kill
>in the sequel they make everyone move slower, slow down weapon handling, reduce momentum, make everyone heavier and increase time-to-kill by something that feels like x 1.5

what the fuck r they doing

>Destiny 1 was trash
>it's only saving grace was PvE, but they kept adding shittier and shittier strikes and raids plus making the story more and more retarded
>PvP was always garbage and annoying
>Destiny 2
>focus more on PvP to the point that they want that shitty game to be an esport
>completely nerf anything that's viable for PvE just because they want PvP to succeed
>PvP is still hated and only autistic people actually like it
>PvE is literal trash, the intro mission is already filled with inconsistencies and retarded choices
>the first strike is the worst strike to ever grace the game and singlehandedly shows that they've improved 0 things from Destiny 1 but add yet another annoying robot
>release the hubworld for everyone to get them hyped
>it is literally some shitty abandoned barn with nothing but 3 lanterns that you can turn on/off and the shitty soccer game with garbage physics
>losing customers by the minute, gamestop employees saying they've lost countless pre-orders on Destiny 2
>they're going to do it again at 4k 60fps

>tfw i wish you were right

They've changed so many things I loved about the first game. Longer TTKs, smaller PVP maps, 4v4 PVP only as opposed to a choice between 6v6 and 3v3, no free for all, slowing down mobility options.

Doom looks really bland compared to this game. the weapons in doom were ace though. I played doom recently and it really can't stand up to destiny 2, either in artistic design or tech art. Destiny 2 needs better aliasing though.

>looks great
>shooting feels tight
>it's fun
>fov slider and options are generally good

>fucking shit mouse sensitivity options. I can't believe it's going to ship with this, how hard is it to just add two decimal points after the sensitivity number? People won't be able to match their accuracy from other games with this shit, they should just tune it the same as overwatch's since there will be lots of crossover.
>auto rifles could use a slight boost
>radar OUT please

Overall: 7/10 Very promising start

>To anyone that actually falls for this fucking scam.

The only thing sad about this that makes me feel something other than anger is the fact that Nathan Filion's talent is wasted on this sham of a game and they know he's the only thing that makes people think that destiny might have more depth to it and also this magical thing that was lacking since the launch of the first game.

You know, that thing called "BEING AN ACTUAL FUCKING CHARACTER ".

Feel sorry for new players who are having "fun". Almost any new game is fun at first. New players will find out that this game gets old and boring very fucking fast. Especially if they don't have friends to socialize and crack jokes with(only reason Destiny 1 was bearable).

had to turn it off after that horde defense mission because it was just so fucking boring

how do consolefags enjoy this shit?

Boring open world part of the game

Fuck you, user. They're overpowered as shit.

They occupy the same role Scout Rifles did, you only like them because you have a bias towards revolvers.


I'm talking double blink bladedancer speed from the first. I gotta go fast.

>FOV slider is good
>literally doesn't do what an FOV slider is supposed to do


Runs great on my computor
still don't know if i'll be picking it up, they seem to be pushing pvp and i don't give a fuck about that

looking at skills, they lost blink. is lock really that much slower?

Oh, what does it do instead?

not really but hunter specific armor might make them faster endgame

i stuck through with it and the pvp managed to be even worse somehow

There was no joy or fun to be had. I'd imagine they would want to showcase the best bits for the "beta" and if this is it, they got nothing

They don't at all though. At more than 30 meters, a hand cannon is going to get fucking smoked by a pulse or a scout. The difference between them is that the hand cannons lower zoom value and higher burst damage allows you to play aggressively as opposed to passively with a scout. It's more far more interesting gameplay.

Scouts even have better time to kills, so quit bitching.

I'm the opposite. /nofriends/ so pvp all the way.

nobody is fast anymore. hunter is the least slow, class doesn't matter.

>nobody is fast anymore
killed my interest faster than anything

>Play prologue
>Get in the command ship
>The inside is an almost-exact reskin of Halo CE's Truth and Reconciliation, but in red.

I genuinely don't know if I should be mad or impressed.

Gunplay is floaty, how the fuck are devs still failing this hurdle in ?

Guns feel like weightless plastic toys that cast magic spells.

Story is shit.

Animation is shit.

Abilities are weak, awkward and on long timers.

The jump-float mechanic is irritating at best.

I am very disappointed, I thought this might be fun.

Guess I'm waiting for Anthem for muh MMO-lite FPS.

>tfw haven't won a single crucible game

It's a far less mobility focused game now. Hunters have kept the jukes with triple jump, but everything else has been toned down or removed entirely.

It's...OK. But as someone who liked the speed of Destiny, it's not what I wanted at all.

>had to go to bed an hour before the open beta began
>at work now
>8 hours until I get to play
Why did the beta have to be on a tuesday of all days in the week? Why not a friday?

>Relying on Bioware

Is this what we've come to?

I did not play Destiny 1, but based on what I played of Destiny 2 and its beta, it seems pretty awful.

Captain America shield was cool, though.

The worst part about this shit is that I'm going to get addicted to it like I did the first game. I must have over 800 fucking hours just from playing the same strikes and raids over and over again to get the good shit. Fuck me I hope they speed up the recharge rate of abilities

So what coop game am I supposed to look forward to now?


I fucking love the beta, I can't put it down. Didn't play past taken king in the first but damn this is sick.

it's highly unlikely bioware's combat gameplay will be as tight as destiny's unless they really step it up in a big way. bioware is full casual these days so that's not going to happen.

Monster hunter!
I never played MH before

>playing divinity with friends
It's like you don't want to have any friends

$0.5 dollars sent to your account.

Holy shit the pvp in this is garbage

The guy I played the first one with kept setting me on fire. He's still my friend.

I actually like the same weapon system for both primary and secondary slots except secondary is elemental. However I'm also mainly a PvE player so it's kind of a kick in the balls not being able to use a rocket launcher with a sniper anymore.

>Gunplay still good I guess
>Apparently has more content
>Comically back voice acting
>The obnoxious gearbox tier quips the ghosts make
>All the cringy anime shit in the first mission
>Seriously I cannot stress how much I hate the new ghost and characters, at least in D1 dinklebot was pleasantly mediocre, the new ghost and his lines make me want to puke
>Simplified ability tree
>Removal of special weapons

I'm probably going to pass on it, I was hoping to like it but I'm disgusted with the game after only half an hour of play.

I'm using a Sidearm mainhand, though I loved Scout Rifles back in D1. Range on the handguns definitely could be raised a bit.

I just think Scouts could do slightly more damage per shot if their firerate is severely nerfed (as it should've been.) They're marksman weapons. They should reward that.

Doesn't change the fact that Handcannons are definitely overpowered and outdamage a lot of other weapons, even in ranges they excel in. Too much fire rate and too much damage per shot for magazine sizes as courteous as I've seen them with. Not when it'll take me the majority of a mag for a Sidearm at optimal range to down someone ignoring melee (though it's clearly designed as a facilitator for melee kills to make up for weaker melee) compared to a good 3-4 hits with Handcannons, maybe less with headshots, all with far superior range.

Though to be honest I'm not sure I like the two Primaries system at all. Shotguns are nigh useless as Power Weapons when Fusion Rifles offer better potential per shot, and Rocket Launchers and Grenade Launchers are guaranteed kills used properly.

Why does a game have to be the best thing ever in order to justify a purchase? If I have fun for 50 hours it will be well worth it. Just based on leveling and some pvp, I'll hit that easily.

When you're looking for a shit genre, it's only natural that you'll get it from shit companies

The game doesn't fucking run in 1080p for me. I don't know how you could fuck up something as simple as fullscreen modes.

>exactly like PoE and D3
>Items you get wont have RNG rolls on them. Same stats for everyone.
Both of those games have variable stats on items.

You have to go through that shitty starting PVE mission to get access to PVP matchmaking, theres no server browser, no nothing btw.

>game is popular
>Sup Forumstard makes a blog post saying it is utter dogshit
Either you never played 1 and expected an unrealistic experience or you are just a whiny retard. Game is solid, will sell millions, and Sup Forums will give it the good old "if I sage and ignore every *put popular game name here* thread, then I won't have to remind everyone I'm an unfunny retard" treatment.

what are your specs?

When you grow up you might realize how shit your taste was

grow up?
>Sup Forums has younger userbase than other major gaming forums/sites
>shits on everything popular way more than other sites
>larger percentage of manchildren
really makes you think

>lack of enemy variety (fat, fat with flamethrower, fat mini boss, jackal sniper reskin)

I agree with everything else, but come the fuck on. You're being invading specifically by a species of space Rhinos, of course they're all going to be pretty much the same in terms of appearance with enemies.

That's the equivalent of saying that all the enemies in GTA are the same because they are all humans.

The story seems piss poor Marvel in space. Hire some actual writers.