I hope TES6 focuses on quest design and character development. Exploration is nice, but it's not enough to bring me back for multiple breakthroughs.
I hope TES6 focuses on quest design and character development. Exploration is nice...
I hope tes6 makes me go in more draugr dungeons
bethesda will never evolve
sorry bud
I mean, look at the process of how the games have grown.
Are you retarded?
I hope TES6 make us build villages because I like construction as opposed to destruction in Vidya Games.
are... you?
Bethesda is making a GoT WRPG apparently, we won't be getting a new TES until the mid 2020s
>how the games have grown
you mean Regressed right
only thing changing for better is graphics
they keep removing systems that were liked and made the games interesting, now its just a hollow game
b-b-but my attacks have more impacts now even though they're just minor sounds!!!!!!!!!!
Picture made by Arthmoor to justify pic related.
As for the thread topic, I don't have much hope that Bethesda will give us good quests, characters, and stories for TES6. For one thing, now that they've done a voiced protagonist for FO4, they might have to do it for all their future games as well, lest they lose the Call of Duty audience. For another thing, they'd have to hire a bunch of new writers, which I don't think they'll do. I also suspect that modding will be much more restrictive in future Bethesda games in an attempt to force everyone to buy paid mods, so not even modding could potentially save it.
>"I don't like destruction"
Then you'll love vanilla Skyrim's magic system.
What's gonna be the trade off, though?
>Oblivion streamlined a lot of the skills
>Skyrim removed classes and stats
>Fallout 4 removed skills entirely
If i had to guess, they're removing character levels to make you grind for perks, instead.
>Then you'll love vanilla Skyrim's magic system.
I forgot you can't detect sarcasm online. Fallout 4 building shit kinda makes sense because it fits with the theme - if they incorporate that in the next Elder Scrolls they are literally retarded and don't buy the game.
>tes6 will have no cities or villages
>you have to build them
I hope TES6 presents me with the illusion of choice via a heap of endless options that have absolutely no long term consequences to them, and the ability to eat a hundred pounds of cheese while fighting a dragon without any kind of strategy.
Shut up Todd
"We've streamlined modding to only include Bethesda-approved mods, available for purchase on the Creation Club. No more looking through thousands of free mods! Who has time for that? Let us decide what mods you want."
TES6 is never getting made. It's going into the same hole as HL3, thanks to greedy producers
Don't jinx it toddposter, lest the real Todd Howard starts taking notes.
If you think they don't want to cash-in with the new audience they got with the gigantic success that Skyrim was you're retarded.
I hope it takes zero cues from Witcher. And it flat out needs to be twice as big as Skyrim. More quests, more NPCs, more options, more craftables, fucking more.
You are all wrong and should just kys.
Just make your own if you don't like it.
Yes, but why put in the effort to make an entirely new game when you can cash in just as easily by selling mods for games you made years ago?
>Bethesda releases Skyrim
>it's alright, it doesn't break any bethesda tropes by being a hyper polished super rpg but it's alright
>despite whatever your personal opinion is of how much mods improve the game, they almost unanimously improve the game
>Bethesda claims they won't work on a new Elder Scrolls because they don't have the tech to implement mechanics and such they want for it
>instead paid mods
>paid mods are kill because PC isn't having it
>Bethesda goes back to the drawing board for that sweet sweet captialism money
>suddenly Skyrim HD Remix feat a bad ENB and mods for plebian masses (aka casual console players who don't know any better)
>PC players get more bits nigga the options just exploded into infinity
>wait no they didn't Bethesda broke SKSE
>Bethesda won't help fix it
>no one will cause a big enough fit to incite change because back on that drawing board they realized "Hey, if we sell PC gamers a game that doesn't work, they'll go nuts and pin us to the wall because a product you pay for needs to work. But if we just GIVE Skyrim HD Remix to all the PC players who already own the game, they won't care because they'll just go back to their old 32-bit Skyrim installs and make fun of the HD Remix instead
>meanwhile as casuals eat up HD Remix because they've never known any better, we can slowly prepare to reinsert the paid mods cock
>they do this
>and oh baby did it go in easy this time
How does it feel to get played by the Todd?
woah this bait
It's truly not bait, feel free to let me know why you think it's bait nubcake.
>not bait
>talking like a fag and all retarded n shit
how about:
-Really bad guild quests that make no sense
-really fucking bad main quest pretty much as bad as oblivion
-lack of magic spells
-the only diverse biome being the thermal vents area and the underground cave that was empty as fuck
-magic being useless late game
-perk tree being fucking awful
-removal of magic crafting
-stat system removal entirely
-armor simplification yet again
game was garbage
Good bait.
I can't imagine a worse game than a "character focused Elder Scrolls".
How is that refuting what I said? You are so fucking dumb it hurts me.
Evolving isn't making things better, it's adapting to the environment. Fucking retards. Not only that you are wrong on so many of your 'points' and don't even argue why your points mean anything. Fuck you, you dumb piece of gaia shit.
It could be done well. It's just that Bethesda don't seem capable of doing it.
main quest worse than oblivion*
The soundtrack is the best in the series though.
I mean kinda
and I disagree Oblivion had a better OST
so yeah pretty bad troll, and if just autistic you should probably give your counter points
>-Really bad guild quests that make no sense
They were great and you obviously know that.
>-really fucking bad main quest pretty much as bad as oblivion
It wasn't the best, but Oblivions was awesome and Skyrims was slightly below Oblivions.
>-lack of magic spells
The magic spell count was fine.
>-the only diverse biome being the thermal vents area and the underground cave that was empty as fuck
>judging a game based on """biomes""" while also ignoring all """biomes"""
>-magic being useless late game
In what way? I can perma stagger enemies with just fire. Add on two dremora lords and it's pretty good.
>-perk tree being fucking awful
It was fine.
>-removal of magic crafting
Only legit complaint.
>-stat system removal entirely
Again, it's fine.
>-armor simplification yet again
Fine also.
Let me know when you are ready to apologise for not understanding what evolve means dumbass.
they need to do away with the template dungeons. once you explored your first cave / dwarven ruin / castle / crypt, you explored them all because they all feel exactly the same. omg what a borefest.
and i want a bigger emptier map, not a smaller clustered one like fallout 4, that was so boring.
that was confirmed to be a rumor
They almost certainly won't. Quests keep getting easier, shallower, and more "lead by the hand"er.
I predicted to my wife that it will feature battles with more characters present than any previous game, and you will likely have an entire party of followers like a D&D group.
Don't forget they also make HILLAARIOUS funny quips about the world around them
I hope Tes6 don't focus on paid mods
>responds to half of anons criticisms with "that's fine"
lol, Oblivion had shit armor variety(and weapon varierty, for that matter), stats/perks, a terrible magic system (which is what user was trying to say, it's fucking bland compared to even Skyrim's) and your biome retort makes absolutely no sense, it's literally just all grasslands with a hint of snow.
Not to mention level scaling which ruined everything, it had literally 7 voice actors with child like dialogue, and an engine that's aged horribly with some of the worst character models and textures in any game, ever. The combat system is also a joke. I could go on.
>How does it feel to get played by the Todd?
Feels like I haven't bought any of his horseshit and I won't.
Evolve means learning from previous mistakes, being better than its predecessor and surviving. Don't fucking link evolution as defined by biology, this is video games.
Skyrim survived but offered nothing better. It was all the player-made mods that kept Skyrim afloat.
Your definition of evolution is bowing down to the least common denominator when the least common denominator is contented with flashy animations and epic scripted scenes.
>how about:
>-really fucking bad main quest pretty much as bad as oblivion
No, main quest was actually interesting in this one. Oblivion was kinda lame and morrowinds was awful.
>-the only diverse biome being the thermal vents area and the underground cave that was empty as fuck
Serious? It was TOO diverse, barely had any "skyrim" areas imo. In oblivion, if you went to the skyrim border and looked in, it was snow-covered pine-tree mountains. In the actual game, only the very central north had that.
Reach was like mediterranean grand canyon, rift was autumnal plateau birch forest (seems like the names should be switched), tundra, taiga, yellowstone, arctic beaches/icebergs, snowy mountains, swamp, snowy plains, caves.
Otherwise mostly agree with what you said.
>I hope TES6 focuses on quest design and character development.
it will focus on memes on monetization
I got you senpai.
TES is Bethesda's thing, Fallout was just to make a quick buck. TES VI will definitely be better than Fallout.
the fact they made equipment a linear scale was one of the worst things they did with oblivion
Did you even play FO4? That's the kind of shit we can expect for TES6.
>I want fallout 4 with swords
>Morrowind's main quest was awful
Nigga wat?
completely agree
I pirated Oblivion up to Dragonborn and finished none of the main quests offered by the main games and their respective expansions/DLC's.
TES6 will be the funnest game of all time and also online only
>guild quests in skyrim were fine
yea hearing that really makes it clear theres no helping your shit opinion
To be honest, considering FO4 and Skyrim focused heavily on having sidekicks or companions, I don't see why they wouldn't have co-op.
I mean open morrowind's multiplayer is fucking silly good fun.
>>paid mods are kill because PC isn't having it
Paid mods were kill because of a hamfisted attempt to implement it.
>"Hey, if we sell PC gamers a game that doesn't work, they'll go nuts and pin us to the wall because a product you pay for needs to work.
Fallout 4 still has a lot of pretty bad bugs it had on release.
If you've got a half hour, somebody's already explained why you're retarded.
wow this is cringe
>open morrowind's multiplayer
I forgot about that shit a long time ago and you telling me they have come that far already? Holy shit, how is it?
Glad someone had the energy to post this. Still likely a waste of your time though
Also open world sandbox and crafting. And loot crates
>In what way? I can perma stagger enemies with just fire. Add on two dremora lords and it's pretty good.
The fact that you *need* to perma-stagger things and have two dremora lords in order to be effective is the problem.
It's going to be Skyrim 2
Fucking hilarious
>they need to do away with the template dungeons. once you explored your first cave / dwarven ruin / castle / crypt, you explored them all because they all feel exactly the same. omg what a borefest.
You can't seriously expect them to create new art assets for every single dungeon.
Lots of disconnecting, flailing limbs or what?
>I hope TES6 focuses on quest design and character development
What about combat that doesn't suck donkey dick? Shouldn't that take priority?
it generally works but the worst thing is not being able to see other players on occasion in interior cells
until they get that fixed it's annoying to play
Nah, just morrowind things, you're running along and your friend wearing heavy armor jumps off a small hill and faceplants. or you're playing with the hardest difficulty and everyone is getting wrecked by rats.
Ruins the fun if you just cheat with potions and stuff.
is todd howard the george lucas of TES/Fallout?
>Skyrim survived but offered nothing better.
Skyrim has its flaws, and some areas in which it was a step back from Oblivion, but it *did* have some improvements. Combat was better, even if it still wasn't great. The spellcasting mechanics were also a significant improvement. Yes, they fucked up the scaling and didn't include nearly enough spells, but the mechanics for actually casting spells are quite good. I prefer holding spells in my hands in Skyrim instead of having magic be kind of a sidearm like it was in Oblivion. Dual wielding was a good addition, even if they should have found some way to let you block while doing it. The killmoves are fun, and I ended up liking them a lot more than I thought I would. They make combat a little more interesting.
That really only addresses the voiced protagonist problem. There's still the fact that they apparently have no one who can write good characters or a good story and that they're going all in on paid mods.
Why isn't there a Sup Forums mass server yet?
Alright, thanks for the heads up, was reading it on the main site and it did sound too good, but it still sounds fucking awesome. Thanks again!
>dumbed down a bit from Morrowind but had an actual complex engine that could handle a lot more at the very least
>Fallout 3
>Oblivion with guns and even less complexity and a smaller map
>literally STILL using the same engine from Oblivion in spite of hyping up a "new" engine, even still has a 2GB RAM limit
>game is just Oblivion but even more dumbed down with a half-assed bandaid thrown on the level scaling issue that only slightly mitigates the issue
>Fallout 4
>Mass Effect with guns
No, its because they can't write good RPGs anymore.
RPGs aren't mainstream, which is why Bethesda Fallout and Elderscrolls games have been moving away from RPG game design and story telling and instead focus on linear "YOU ARE THE HERO" story telling, and no matter if you want to be an asshole or a good guy, the game will be the same regardless.
This is mainly because the mainstream audience doesn't want to play a 'role playing game' they want to be told a story and hit things with an axe, which is all Toddler knows how to make.
I wish they'd take some design direction from fallout 1 and 2, where you have 1-3 different objectives and a billion routes to that objective, including just bumbling your way to it, or cheesing your way to it, the closest they ever got to this was in Morrowind, but they cut out all the alternative routes to beating dagoth ur, such as the ash vampire lord mechanics, where each lord you slew reduced dagoth ur's power.
the witcher 3 did away with copy/paste dungeons and it was an absolute success.
they should just have one of each type of dungeon and make it a mega dungeon and just have all other locations be open areas like witcher 3.
i refuse to pay another $60 to crawl through copy pasted dungeons.
there are like 24 draugr dungeons in a game with 120+ dungeons, there are way more forsworn infested shitholes. play the games before you meme.
Why not both
TES6 will only have the human races being playable, and you can bet your ass they bring back the voiced protagonist and settlement building bullshit.
im not buying bethesda scrolls 6, I used up all my fucks and benefits of the doubt with fallout 4 and skyrim.
Doubt it, bethesda never knew what the fuck they were doing with fallout, FO4 was them trying to get away from the 'oblivion with guns' meme, despite the fact they also changed the entire fucking genre of the game to boot.
TES6 will still be an oblivion style elderscrolls game, with houses and shit to boot.
Are you actually trying to fucking tell me that you used the "if you don't like it then make your own" argument unironically?
Hit/miss combat is honestly preferable to scaling enemies though.
>I hope TES6 focuses on quest design and character development. Exploration is nice, but it's not enough to bring me back for multiple breakthroughs.
Skyrim players are voicing the opposite concerns.
Fallout 4 players are also complaining of the small world and everything being on top of each other, with no empty space to traverse.
I still think Morrowind combat dice rolls was better then Oblivions scaled leveling.
I'm shit and can't hit shit lets get agi and some weapon skills 3 hours in to the game and I never miss.
Every thing is the same then I'm level 20 with 100 sword now for me to get weaker and weaker.
I'm calling it right now guys
>voiced protagonist
>build your own village system with resource gathering where you can have settlers chop down trees for wood and where you can "dig" a mine for ore
>illusion magic skill removed
>alteration and restoration simplified
>conjuration simplified
>destruction simplified
>game world is huge but consists of only a few cities with only one large city in the center of the map, all the other villages you have to build in certain locations
>there is going to be a Fallout related easter egg in the game, like an old rusted Red Rocket gas station in some cave somewhere in an attempt by Bethesda to link the two games together "the elder scrolls universe is just fallout in the far future" or some stupid shit
>leveling will be streamlined
>more radiant quests
>main story is garbage tier and tries to compel you to finish it through moral obligation rather than adventure or self interest
>there will be bandits fucking everywhere, this time scaling even more with your player's level essentially becoming walking meat shield "legendary" enemies into the late game that always drop some form of enchanted gear
>your health, magicka, and stamina all increase together when you level up
>they will only release the creation kit to players who sign up for their mod hosting service
>As you play more, your weapon skill gets better and your weapon hits more often, you can also level your agility
>enemies take less and less damage as you level up
>inb4 they add guns to skyrim "because guns kind of existed in medieval times guys!"
>join college of winterhold
>have to go in draugr tombs
>join join thieves guild
>have to go in draugr tombs
>join the companions
>have to go in draugr tombs
>join the bards college
>have to go in a draugr tomb
well they did but if bethesda actually did it it'd be gay steampunk dwemer shit
exactly what I mean
>"hey guys remember how the [not dwarves] are all steampuck and stuff? well they had cool guns but only on this continent which is why you never saw them anywhere else or in any dwemer ruins before even the really important scientific research facilities. Nope. This is only in these dwemer ruins. Also it's a few hundred years from skyrim so the other nations have invented guns now too haha it makes sense guys hahaha it just works"
They had gunpowder in Redguard, you know, cannons and shit.
Yeah maybe they'll move forward a few hundred years and add muskets
is redguard even canon? I thought Bethesda just wanted everyone to forget about that game...
>TES6 Hammerfel
>black guys holding single shot pistols sideways
Nothing, and everything in TES lore is canon, because all canon is fanfics and open source so everyone can live their own fantasy, the only real canon is any absolute, non-choice events that happen during the main quest of any elderscrolls game.
I just hope they fix the issue where the game crashes and freezes and you can't exit because the black game screen covers the entire computer screen and is always on top and won't go away.
What about in Daggerfall where you could choose like 4 different paths?
Didn't they try to explain that away with some bullshit reality warp or something?