Menat or Black Manta?

Without memeing, which upcoming AAA fighting game DLC character is Sup Forums more hype for, Injustice 2's Black Manta or Street Fighter V's Menat?

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One is Capcom showing off how creatively bankrupt they are.
The other is a guy Batman murdered that one time.

black manta for the outro alone

I pick the Seabed Shitposter


Manta of course. Menat is just a purple moe blob. Black Manta has actual character and looks cool.

Menat's pretty cool, but it's hard to compare to this guy.

Injustice 2 is baby-shit for casuals that want to see their favorite comic book characters duke it out, much like the Dragon Ball Z fighting games. I'll take the actual fighting game character, thank you

Batdad =/= Batman

>suffocates by breathing air

Okay I get he lives underwater but then how can Aquaman breathe air just fine but his son can't?

>Without memeing

I already know Manta's character, which pretty much revolves around making Aquaman's life worse by any means necessary, so I hold him in higher regard than a new character that's from a different fighting game I also don't play

>cute girl that isn't a generic conventionally sexy whore like the last few occurrences of an egyptian themed character
>first sfv girl that isn't a gorilla
>ayyyyyy lmao
Well that was easy
Also Eliza is fucking garbage and Viola was a brainlet low iq character, stop shilling them any time.

Because he's a kid

Black Manta has a really aesthetic but I have a hard time beleiving that his fans are anybody but people who read his wiki page and thought it was hilarious that he had autism since I have never seen an aquaman fan. His move set looks kind of boring, especially since after the gunfu character came out.
Menat is appealing since she is practically built for sex and she looks like she has a fairly decent moveset.

Black manta is definitely the better character but noone can tell how either plays.
With that said, Hellboy.
Waifufags need not apply.

I will never get tired of this page

Black Manta is casual garbage capeshit you fuckers!!! Even the worst mainline or alpha Street Fighter is better than the best Injustice you dirty pigs, have fun experimenting with your shitty characters until you realize only Superman and Batman are worth playing

look at this retard

Black manta is cool, but i will never forgive wb for dropping PC because of their fuckups


>draw Cleopatra
>call it an """original""" design
What's next? Hitler?

Black Manta, no contest


Menat is just Rose except shit.

No contest? Really, nigga? Where are the various threads about Black Manta that amount to more than 500 replies? They don't exist! A quick search will show you that Menat's trailer has more views than Black Manta's, too. Stop being contrarians for the sake of being contrarians.

Menat has the better model for SFM porn

That's all that matters since nobody cares about fighting games otherwise

Menat technically isn't upcoming as she is out now.

So Manta.

aquaman is half human i believe


There are Call of Duty games with trailers that have more views than Menat's. I guess Sup Forums loves Call of Duty.

sounds like a fair question, I don't get it

>Menat's trailer has more views than Black Manta's
nope manta more views and likes

Manta murdered Aquaman's kid and ruined his marriage


wow what a dick

Jubei > Geese > Menat > capeshit

Black Manta for the slim chance they might reference his autism

Now you're just fucking with me

>yes ono, please cram more shit down my throat

even Starfire has way more views than her

Anyone have the Manta scene where he guts the people in the store?

forgot link

>Jubei > Geese

I'm glad that fucking cat is finally playable but come on user.

I wish Cleopatra looked that good.


Bro idgaf I bet that shitty-ass Avengers movie is more successful or almost as successful as your favorite movie and that movie was complete garbage fan-service for nerdy 10-year-old kids, I guess you're BTFO huh????

I can use Geese in KOF14 already, don't get me wrong his Tekken 7 add is RAD as hell but Jubei has been people waiting for about 9 years.


you sound fucking retarded

>cool retro design
>extremely boring moveset with the most generic punching, shooting animations, absolutely nothing unique about him
>have to pay for him, no option to unlock him through playing the game

>not that interesting looking design
>skuper good looking animations, unique moveset
>can be unlocked by playing the game

I will go with Menat

are you retards even trying

Black Manta is probably the most popular cape on Sup Forums, the Sup Forums holdovers ITT are all picking him

Menat is hot as fuck, but Manta may have the most interesting moveset NRS has ever created, being that he has a fuckload of ranged tools that aren't meant to be used for zoning


Who the fuck touched you?

even though sfv is shit, putting it next to a nrs game is still an insult.

what do you think is wrong with it?

whats with you kids and hateing the games

are you having a stroke

Black Manta, duh


No I'm speaking Albanian

Injustice 2 also has Hellboy coming, doesn't it?

>in a weeb game
>that's a worse version of another weeb game by the same developers

you didn't post the answer approved by the hivemind dude
shame on you



Even a fucking catgirl would be less bad
This little furshit's reception just makes me want nothing to do with the BB fanbase

Why hasn't Aquaman decapitated Manta yet?
I mean i know the all "no kill" deal but you can only but pushed so far.
Besides, doesn't Aquaman actually kill once in a while? I know he killed his brother in the Justice League cartoon, and he only ATTEMPTED to kill him and his son.

Can you post the rest? I lost them in my old Sup Forums folder.

other m was better than the shitty prime games haloidfag

They're excited about him because he's been an NPC for 9 years, user.

Manta is a Sup Forums meme and Menat is legit waifu tier.

Both are good desu. I'd probably lean towards Menat though cause even though SFV execution has been a mess, it's still got better gameplay than Injustice.

>qt waifu character reveal for a de-facto standard fighting game
>some generic capeshit character reveal for a game universally despised by "fg" community
Really makes you think

>a de-facto standard fighting game
not anymore nigga


Mortal Kombat reskinned with capeshit isn't a good fighting game and much like MK itself it sells based on a retarded fanbase of casuals.

>game universally despised by "fg" community
you retards keeps saying this who hates the games street fighter fanboys crying about the games

injustice everything looks like some dumb janky shit. actually, nrs games are stiff as a board and has no fluid gameplay.

mk9 was probably the better stiff game out of anything that has come out since. but thats not saying much because mk games after umk3 played like absolute shit.

fucking black mantra grab combos/supers/ whatever you want to call those animated scenes that involve those few seconds where you have no control, resort to mk esque animations that have no weight to a fight. rabid stabbings to a leg and a laser beam at the end? what the hell is that? why include such a character like him if all he has to offer is generic stabbing and eye lasers

I don't have Injustice but I like Black Manta

I'm thinking of getting Tekken and getting Eliza or getting Menat

The latter is more popular among normies and amerilards.

>Black Manta

Name one character in any media that's similar to Black Manta. The 1,000 parody characters of him don't count

I haven't been this impressed by a victory animation in a long time.

Black Manta because as a character he is more entertaining and he looks cooler in general. I'm not super crazy about Menat's visuals or her moveset. Actually I'm mildly interested in fucking around in Injustice because of Captain Cold basically being Rimururu.

Holy fuck you are dumb.

>dumb janky shit
have you even played the games or just going off what other idiots say its the same shit over and over


whats really unique about him gameplay wise

>Injustass garbage


not an argument

nether realm doesn't know how to make good fighting games sorry buddy. they are stiff as fuck.
lets not forget a character like scorpion making it into a game with no dedicated block button

Everyone is fooled by Black Manta's design looking unique into thinking he is an interesting character in the game.

The guy has the most generic, uninspired kicking-punching moveset from the whole IJ2 cast.

Yiff somewhere else.

so you have nothing ok

fucking this. he has knives and lasers. sure he has potential mix up potential but literally anyone could fill his role with gunshots and other sharp weapons. not even being ironic.

a menacing looking character that can play just as well as a goon living in the streets

We haven't seen enough footage of him to say desu

didnt know you guys played him already

they showcased mix ups, wake up attack via swamp thing knocking him down, and his retarded slashing/stabbing retarded super/ex moves. but other than that he looks really fucking boring and uninteresting. presentation wise he looks like a typical dc character thats just fluff to fill up a roster of dlc you have to buy