Sonic Mania actually got Denuvo'd

>Sonic Mania actually got Denuvo'd

Other urls found in this thread:

>its being delayed to fix the bugs, not for Denuvo!!
>lol @ console cucks beta testing it for us!!

indeed, console is the true master race :^)

Why didn't they just make the game 50gb+ to prevent piracy

I don't get the problem with Denuvo unless you're a piratefag.

literally everyone is complaining about it right now because they can't play unless they have a good internet connection. Check the twitter

Because it's an always online version specifically, and like all versions of denuvo, does rechecks every time you change your hardware, and hardware changes happen all the time.

Not to mention it is totally ineffective, even in the "it's supposed to delay piracy" shill nonsense, and has been for months, to the point where there are license generators for it.
It only fucks over legitimate consumers, even if it's slightly.
And of course it's reputation is dogshite, probably because it's primarily funded by EA.

So does no one at Valve check for this shit? It wasn't until after release that they added the third-party DRM message to the game's page.


This is all your fault you know

You did nothing but avatar fag every thread about how much you were going to pirate it, and look at what you've got us.

in a literal manner or sense; exactly.
"the driver took it literally when asked to go straight across the traffic circle"
synonyms: exactly, precisely, actually, really, truly; More
used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
"I have received literally thousands of letters"

refer to the above, particularly the informal section

>2 days later
>Sonic.Mania - CPY
I'll wait. Could've had my money today, Sega. Reflect on that.

What? Are you telling me it didn't need """"optimizations""""??? Lmfao

>was going to buy it
>online-only DRM
waiting for the crack

or he could just overcome his autism for a moment and understand the concept of hyperbole in informal communication

Optimized to rape your ssd and consumer good will as hard as possible

Even aside from that, the people that make Denuvo are still the same people that made Securom, THE most intrusive piece of shit DRM to ever exist. Why the fuck would you ever trust those people to do anything to your computer? No, DRM is only ever harmful and everyone pirates. EVERYONE, the entire computer industry is BASED on piracy. No one pays for software if they can manage it.

Only the ignorant masses let people they don't know dictate what they can and can't do and that's why they laugh at you behind your back.

I'm not here to shill for denuvo or whatever but how much of this is actually an issue? The only people who should be downloading it are people who game on pc through steam anyway, if you don't have a regular connection then you shouldn't even be gaming on pc anyway, just pick up a physical edition.

>they can't play unless they have a good internet connection.
if your internet is good enough to shitpost on Sup Forums, it's good enough to play sonic

>just pick up a physical edition

There is none, this is a digital game only. Not everyone in the world has stable internet, but they have just enough internet to be able to download the game, especially since it's not even that large.

But for some inane reason, the PC version needed DRM, when the game was always going to sell more on console, since that's where the major market share of Sonic is. They wasted money on a Denuvo license for a whole lot of nothing sales even before this.

Denuvo has a bigger filesize than the game itself.

literally is used to clarify something normally expressed figuratively
I have a shit job is not a good description that somebody works in a sewerage plant without using literally
Now you too can know the cancer of people using it incorrectly



It's funny how hard people were in denial about the delay being about piracy prevention.
I guess a lot of people didn't think sega would do something that retarded. Why they would doubt that is beyond me.

Oh my bad, thought console's got physical.

The PC fuckers deserve it. You don't need to denuvo everything on consoles since people with Consoles are communists Who go through a series of mental gymnatisic to justify pirating the shit out of everything because I NEED MORE GAMES THAT ILL NEVER EVEN PLAY OR REMEBER. FUCK THE ANTI CONSUMERISTS PIGSOE.

What's funnier is the morons on Sonic Retro kept denying that Taxman's tweet had anything to do with the delay

And they're still denying it.

>PCpiratefag making this thread yet again


so uh...they'll remove the denuvo right?
that steam page post wasn't just damage control, right?
right guys?

Fucking what?
Size of a game does not matter on if it will be pirated or not, unless you're assuming that because the majority of pirates are third world shitholes that there would be data caps. But even then that wouldn't stop them.

>basic google search image for OP
how to tell the thread is low effort bait

>hardware changes happen all the time
Are you one of those poorfags who doesn't know how to properly save so you end up buying a piece of shit gpu, but end up replacing it every 3 months with one that cost $20 more, because ya know user that's fucking retarded as fuck.

No physical copy, no buy

>literally everyone
>it's less than a hundred people

It was a thing companies were doing for a while where they wouldn't compress anything so the game was too big to be worth pirating.
Jokes on them though since pirates just compressed everything and got access to a game with half the size.
I believe one of the newer wolfensteins was an example of this, but don't quote me on that.

>I don't get the problem with Denuvo unless you're a piratefag.



Not exactly, because denuvo now gets cracked in 1-3 days.
It doesn't cause piratefags problems.

Explain how it causes paying customers problems?

>because a dev makes a shitty port consoles are better

kys desu senpai

I just wanted modding support.

This particular version is specifically always online, meaning if a connection interruption, or slight break happens, it stops you from playing.
This is apparently unintentional.
There is performance overhead, especially around saving/loading, when denuvo does shit mostly, even if it is slight it is noticeable.
Of course since denuvo is a VM, it also has overall performance overhead, as is the nature of any VM.

It bloats filesize and wastes system resources.
Furthermore it prevents paying customers from having control over the game they payed for and does not allow for third party modifications.
You are at the whims of Denuvo's servers as to whether or not the game will even boot up. Even if your internet is perfect their's won't always be.

If their internet connection has a problem, they can't play their game?
They can't freely move their game around to different computers?

when is the 2d shadow game gonna come out

At least they're supposedly trying to fix the online-only thing.

All we can do is hope since Taxman, Stealth & Aaron are telling people where to go lodge their complaint about it on Sega's site.

Why is that funny? What the fuck is wrong with you?

This is reasonable to be pissed about, but it's unintentional so either it's going to be fixed or removed or dropped a version.
Denuvo does not prevent mods it is a check system not an anti tamper to the exe. You can freely move your game, what are you retarded? It checks for changes in hardware do you change your hardware more than 5 times a day, if you do consider buying something that last longer than 4 hours.

Out of all three of you though only didn't sound like a total retard.

PS4 Bros. Can I hear back from you guys? I keep getting notifcations that the game will shit off in 15 mins because of the relicesnig thing. What's up with that?

Denuvo is a cancer on video games and if you don't hate it on principle you should consider turning in your human being card.

>unironically defending denuvo malware
Keep sucking the corperate cock kiddo. Maybe they'll start paying you if you do a good enough job.

So where is the crack?

>It's a Sup Forums pretends to care about consumer rights episode.

The only reason you wouldn't care about being treated well as a consumer is if you weren't one.
So you're either a pirate or someone who works for SEGA/Denuvo.
Which is it?

Give it a day, chances are the faggots haven't even touched it.

I'm not defending denuvo, but I am calling retards out on their bullshit. Dindu nuffin piracy fags are mostly from the third world, they are hyping up scare tactics in order to bring people to their side. That kind of bullshit deserves to be called out as denuvo doesn't do every bit of bullshit people claim it to. It's all scare tactics smoke and mirrors, you retards deserve as much hate as denuvo does.

Considering denuvo is by securom, and funded primarily by EA, I'd say they have every right to fearmonger.

Give me the basic gestalt, Sup Forums.

Will we still be able to data mine this, or does getting Denuvo'D completely prevent this from happening now?

Scare tactics don't deserve praise, facts do. And the facts are denuvo doesn't actually stop modding or piracy for that matter. It doesn't destroy your ssd. It doesn't cause cancer. Pirate fags are just mad they have to wait two extra weeks. Stop being salty cunts that spread misinformation in order to scare people into hating anti piracy measures. If you want to actually make people side with you state facts that have grounds to stand on. Not ooga booga scary boogeyman delete your system 32 faggotry.

The last game to have denuvo got cracked in a week.
It will probably take even less time for mania since it is so small.

>Pirate fags are just mad they have to wait two extra weeks.
*a day or two
You say you want facts, the facts are that denuvo is being raped from all directions by multiple groups, one of which may be VMprotect performing corporate sabotage.


Holy shit he finally achieved his dream.

Do NOT buy Mania, you fucking retards. Pirate it if you have any sort of respect for yourself. It's a 3 hour long game at most with 85% of shit we've already seen before. You're braindead if you buy it.

It doesn't stop piracy, but it does burn out SSDs and hog resources like a motherfucker.
I don't want this malware on my computer.

Not with misinformation and muh day one piracy. Who gives a shit if you were to stupid to follow the rules of capitalism dictating what you do with currency. Don't bitch about it. Buy the game or wait. You got choices. Don't try to scare people into not buying a game because muh piracy.

They lied about the game having denuvo until 4 hours after it was released.
Nobody fucking knew it had denuvo until they already bought it and you can't refund the game if you bought it third party.

Scaring people into not buying a game because of association with the literal devils of gaming is fine though.

>there are people unironically defending denuvo in this very thread
Sup Forums is dead. Just nuke it from orbit at this point.

You were never going to buy it to begin with.

You know what else burns out SSDs, video games. Constant updates, constant read and write cycles that's why they are primarily used for OS files and not fucking steam you fucking mongoloids.

Ya know when your parents told you we're not getting you a new one if you can't take care of this one. That's your fucking SSD you can't take care of it nor how to use it properly and therefore blame when your dumbshit ass decides to constantly put it under pressure when it's not the same as an HDD. So you pay for it.

Oh great totem should we pirate Sonic Mania?

>people on steamforums defending denuvo always have weeb names and avatars

what did they mean by this?

>It's a Sup Forums argues against consumer rights and defends the most backwards ass bullshit nonsense for the sake of shitposting episode.

The burning out ssds thing was apparently fixed at some point.
I say apparently because people who say "denuvo is supposed to delay piracy" exist, and they're obvious shills - it's supposed to stop it, why else would any money go to it?
Unfortunately they're idiots, and don't realize the folly in trying to make unbeatable or unbreakable anythings.
If something claims to be insurmountable, someone, somewhere, will try to take it on and win.
But, denuvo doesn't make money off of reality but promises and legalspeak.

The hogging resources thing is definitely true, of course, as it's a VM.

>I'll see you soon

So why exactly does denuvo still exist?
It doesn't stop piracy, has an absolutely abhorrent reputation, pisses off paying customers, makes games run like shit, and has a price tag of $100,000.
Why would you ever put it in your game?

Movie industry is involved, and EA.
Their only goal is stopping pirates, no matter how much money they waste nonsensically.

Source? No really I'd love to see something showing it won't break SSDs anymore. I'd feel a lot safer seeing that.

>Stop being salty cunts that spread misinformation in order to scare people into hating anti piracy measures
This is highly ironic considering you faggots constantly spread disinfo and FUD about cracked releases like claiming they have bitcoin miners and complaints against always online DRM aren't legitimate.

Antipirate fags are the saltiest, most petty petulant cunts on this entire board. They don't give a flying FUCK about facts, not that they have any to stand on. Just ooga booga scary lost sales boogeyman conjecture and piracy=stealing faggotry.

>Don't try to scare people into not buying a game because muh piracy.

It's an always online single player game you fucking chode.

I don't have one, sorry, it was just another user.
Hence the apparently.
According to him, it was an issue in some of their earlier builds but they toned down or optimized what was causing the problem, which was actually a very serious and valid concern, now being spread as misinfo to make people who dislike denuvo look stupid.


I already own the console version. Eat shit.

I'll keep it in mind then. Thank you for the heads up.

It doesn't actually stop pirates though.
That's the problem, if it worked I'd understand but at this point it lasts like a week.

Not just Denuvo, Sup Forums unironically defends always online DRM, mobile gatcha-style p2w microransactions, paid mods, day 1 on disc "DLC", and basically game publishers should have all the rights and you the consumer should have none.

Sup Forums is a fucking tumor. Glad these shitheads are getting dunked on by Sup Forums and eceleb fags.

>get btfo
>resort to u mad image memes

Sasuga. Thanks for conceding.

Nothing that has ever been done has stopped pirates, they've hurt them occasionally, but never stopped them.
Besides windows10 DRM, which to this day I'm fairly certain has not been cracked.
Or maybe no one cares enough to try.
How many times has the pirate bay been shut down only to pop up again?
They don't care that it's futile, it's probably a matter of pride at this point, they've been humiliated for years.

Yes, no physical, no buy.


>super assmad
>"Haha... btfo!"

My isp has been throttling me for months because we don't got their cable package, I haven't had a issue with any Denuvo game about my internet connection not being good enough and at times my internet is moving at dial up speeds.

I was unaware of this and bought the game. As a legit customer I hope they pirate this shit onto the ground. I always do whenever I buy a game and this happens, I don't give a shit if I bought the game.

Get to it pirate scum.

Damn, I am loving this. Anyone else get off to blueballed poorfag PCbros whining over having to pay for good games?
>playing games on pc

So since pirates get to play the game without DRM and without paying for it why would anyone ever buy the game on PC?

I feel you. Im sick of these shitty OP bait thread that always start the same way.

>PCkeks filters to PCbros
Is this new?

imagine being this guy and making this video.

okay I'm imagining it
now what