
Kids are asleep. Spooky Darkwood vidya time. Anyone beaten this game at least once yet, so we can discuss some of the Lore? There is so much going on in this game that I'm trying to piece together.

There's one bit of lore I have pieced together.

In the swamp village with the tree, you can find a photo of three boys in the thief's house. You can show it to an NPC who tells you that there were seven, but three of them were too ill and left to die, Those boys grow up to become the three.

Why second safehouse is so difficult? I haven't any troubles making it to day 7 at first house, but as soon as move there i can't survive until morning. Even if i move there early on day 2.

Is this one of those need to have the wiki open kind of game

i like how the devs put their game up on piratebay

A pistol or a shovel makes the second house way easier.
Also barricade all entrances, even the door you came in through, since at least one entrance will be broken open each night.
Try to trap most entrances with Bear traps and cover any empty floor space with broken glass. you can walk over it fine but it will damage enemies.
It becomes way easier to stock up on nails and wood since each night survived in the 2nd hideout grants you 150 rep.

I am running from every enemy I see in the Swamp. These shitty controls are going to make me drop this

No, just play at your own pace

No, not really. everything you can craft is listed along with the materials needed, none of that "lol just google all the combinations" Minecraft shit.
I'm about 75% of the way through the story and I haven't really looked up anything yet besides the location of a single NPC for a quest.

What about fungus that appears for a brief moment at nights, are they worth the risk?

I guess I should mention I'm using a controller. Maybe the MKB is better but I'm not switching this far into the game.

Its worth more essence than regular mushrooms. It's the same kind as the trader sells you.

How does shiny stone materialize outside of ream world

So here's a lore question.
Remember that chicken lady's comment on Hanna? Is the woman sitting on what's left a burned house with a doll Hanna? When it was said that she gave birth to something ugly I for some reason thought that she's the mother of the Swine. Then I read that she probably gave birth to the chomper in the well. Is she saying kill the swine out of revenge for her family? It would be pretty fucked up if the swine was her child though, what with it being forced to feed the village stuck in a barn
Sorry for my ramblings, I confused.

Barricade yourself inside the generator room of the second safehouse. If you're insane like I am, you can drag furniture from other houses all the way there and barricade it with several, full sized, wadrobes.

I can't remember what she says about the Sow but yeah, I think the well chomper is her kid.
I mean there's only one burned house in the village, she's sitting there, she has a doll in the chest next to her, the well chomper has an identical doll and is called the "small chomper" like its a kid.
not sure what the Sow has to do with her, maybe she thinks that the meat that everyone's eating caused her kid to be so fucked up? Perhaps That's why she wants you to kill it

>the meat that everyone's eating caused her kid to be so fucked up

Aw shit that's it. I just thought she wanted them to starve, but you're probably right.

>mfw the villager with all the corpses in his back room and jars of suspicious meat in his cupboard had the right idea

I always assumed that those three boys were the thieves- and that they had stolen all of the goods that they have to trade from the village, which ruined their chances of survival. Aren't the Three also mentioned by at least 1 NPC, I believe the Elephant Lady (the Mushroom Grandma's daughter) to be the ones who planted the tree seeds that blocked the road?

Is this game finally getting the recognition it deserves? I thought it died back in like 2015.

I never assumed the infection was coming from the Swine. After all, You, the Stranger, are already infected I'm almost certain that she wants the Swine dead to starve out the village and make their lives even more miserable. The villagers were the ones that burned down the house, threw out her husband, threw the baby down the well, and boarded it up.

That's why almost all of the dirt-floor of the well caves are covered with children's drawings. He's been living down there for years. In fact, he's been down there so god damned long he actually dug into his relative's house in a bid to escape. That's why when you get the Chicken Lady's key you see that every single door is barricaded to prevent you from entering. It's to keep the Child Chomper out.
Also, it's assumed that the Trader is part of the same group as The Stranger- he's wearing a gas-mask, he can't speak, and he's equally as pale. He regards the Stranger as a friend, and suggests they just stay in the woods and stick together. So who ends up killing him and exposing him as a member of the group at last? He had a key to the door the entire time and never told you.


>ignored knocking on the door, because intensive barricade everywhere
>hear about some wedding
Is there anything worth getting there? I haven't had a single knock in the 2nd hideout, should I go back and spend the night at the first place and trigger it?

Is this game cozy?

I'm not sure if the invitation can be gotten from anywhere except the first hideout.
yeah there is some good stuff. Last time i went there I got an AK-47 magazine and some other goodies. Just come prepared for a fight.

Started this game on Nightmare but don't know how smart that was since I don't know how to make anything and running out of mats.

You will probably die before getting to chapter two, I'd recommend normal for your first playthrough. Its still quite challenging.
>I don't know how to make anything
anything you are able to make is listed in the workbench menu. things in paler red wont be available until you upgrade your bench another level.

Quite the opposite really. daytime is dodging monsters and worrying if you'll make it back to your cabin by nightfall while nighttime is mostly spent tensely waiting for sounds of intruders while trying to avoid making noise and praying that a banshee doesn't barge in and fuck your shit up


Just started playing, got past the prologue just now.

I don't know what the word for it is, but the sounds and the way they're implemented are really great. I've been getting genuinely spooked by simple shit like hearing a floorboard creak.
Does the rest of this game have a big emphasis on sound like that?

Also, are there any/many jump scares throughout the game? I'll be playing it regardless, but would be pretty bummed if it threw random jumpscares out often.

no jumpscares also if someone knocks on your door, answer it

That's pretty great to hear. And that sounds like it's a trap but I'll do it anyways.

no seriously I missed it and then I had to restart the game because I wasn't sure if it would repeat later and I needed the invitation

I did that, they break my furniture and rape my ass.

don't make noise and they won't invade (I guess)
try to create a killzone if that doesn't work

You can actually just, you know, run away, after you loot it. Just run around the table and exit stage left, the same way the chompy comes in.

>wolfman path
>receive a gun
>not wolfman path
>you're getting shit for Christmas

>acquire this loadout
>come at me you fucking forest i'm fucking ready
>go past the point of no return on Nightmare difficulty which doesn't end with a fight (at least not with the ending I got)
>Never get to use ANY of that loadout to fight anything


Don't do what the Musician tells you to do with his card if you don't want him to die.

just how many times do you have to play it to see everything?

Isn't the 'gave birth to something ugly' in reference to the Pretty Lady?

So like the pretty lady is the ugly child or the pretty lady gave birth? If she is the ugly child it seems that her and chicken woman's mom would be Hannah, I think that's way to overcomplicated.

If she gave birth then, well, what about the burnt down house, the husband and such? The chicken hag took her in after the whole ordeal? Could be, but I'd think the woman crying and asking to kill the swine is the more likely candidate. Otherwise I don't even understand who she is and why she has the doll.

I kinda see your point though. The wedding ring in her room, the other ring, and wolf's ring

maybe the "something ugly" is wolfman himself? I dunno I haven't progressed past the dry meadow yet. I keep trying to play on nightmare, kek.
Also saw on the wiki that wolfman may not even be really beastly, what does that mean?

Does controller force you to slowly rotate and play tank style? Because mouse and keyboard offers a proper movement system where the mouse is used to look freely and WASD moves you where you'd expect it to

Will this have any DLC or any kind of continuation? There's so much stuff left unrevealed.

Also just realized that it seems to take a lot of influence from the first chapter of Sanitarium.


>maybe the "something ugly" is wolfman himself?
Considering his questline I really doubt that. Try it out.

About the beastly part - further in the game you can actually come across some things that make you think that either A. He's wearing a mask. or B.he's a mutated dog.

you're talking about the drawings an the trophy, right? I shouldn't be reading the wiki
I feel like this game will leave me with blue balls with all the unresolved shit

Yes, but go play the game, goddamnit!